In all seriousness, who was in the wrong here...

In all seriousness, who was in the wrong here? Interested to hear the perspective of anyone who's worked at a fast food restaurant or managed employees. Go to 5:30 and 6:25 for the moments in question

Was Jimmy right to memorize the prices, or did he have a responsibility to press the buttons? Should he have to say the slogan? And how would you react if one of your employees insisted on calling salt "sodium chloride"? Who was right and who was being petty?

Other urls found in this thread:

Its 'salt'

You need to enter in the purchase at the till so there is a record of it for inventory and financial records. Jimmy was clearly in the wrong. Nerdtron

The main way the stores can track what is being bought and what isn't is by entering it into the machine, so Jimmy was in the wrong

>Hire a minor
>Pay him less than minimum wage
>He isn't even a waiter so it isn't legal

since people wanna be realistic with the register, I'll be realistic and say it isn't legal to hire a 10 year old

>store is making a lot of money even though there is no transaction record
Great way to get the IRS on your ass

Jimmy is very wrong here. As it has been mentioned the restaurant needs to keep track of transactions electronically. He is also being a fucking smartass with his 'sodium chloride' bullshit. Everyone knows that means salt, but he's got to constantly prove he's smarter than everyone around him by using overly precise scientific nomenclature in a fucking food service setting. In short Jimmy is being a cocky little prick with no respect for his boss.

Wow, Jimmy Neutron is an asshole.

wtf I hate Jimmy Neutron now

Daily reminder Jimmy turned the restaurant into a murderous death machine

You actually can hire minors for certain jobs, and they have limited hours

The legal list is very limited for a 10 year old

jimmy is wrong, hes supposed to use company policy and use the machine because if its not on paper the transaction didnt happen, because niggers love to steal money. he needs to say the slogan again because company policy, also calling fucking salt sodium chloride is autistic.

Jimmy not using the register created a twofold problem. First off, the point of entering transactions into the till is so that each individual transaction's data can be recorded, allowing the company accountants to balance the company books thanks to this data being automatically sent to a database. Secondly, inputting customer orders allows the customer to get a printed receipt, not doing this means there is no recourse for customers who have an issue with their order, which is REALLY fucking bad business practice and just asking for lawsuits. Plus, with no proof of transactions, Jimmy has created an ideal environment to perform financial fraud. If it weren't for Chip's intervention, McSpanky's could have been Enron 2.0!

As for the salt part - unless Jimmy is a chemist doing technical work in a research facility (hint: he's fucking not) there is absolutely zero reason to be using formal scientific names for common household substances. This is worsened by the fact that he's in a fucking customer service job and needs to be making communication EASIER with people, but instead he pretentiously uses overly formal and obscure language to boost his own ego at the expense of others.

I always hated this little faggot. Wannabe Dexter little weird-headed nigger. Brainblast? I'll fucking blast your brains all over the wall, you obnoxious twonk.


The cash register also serves to create an electronic ledger of used and sold items in order to help track and restock food.

He was only exchange the correct amounts of money.

That said, he's just a little kid, so an honest mistake.

>ywn lay pipe in jimmy's mom

>company hiring a 10 year old and paying him under the table for untaxable child labor
I don't get why it's so bad that he isn't entering the prices when they're already fucking the government anyway.

>but instead he pretentiously uses overly formal and obscure language to boost his own ego at the expense of others.
Fucking this
I do it myself and I hate it

you do not sound smart

you sound dumber than the guy who uses the term stupider seriously

Jimmy Neutron hate thread? Seriously, fuck that guy. He probsbly still lives in his mom's basement.