
>you break a glass
>you pay for it
>customer breaks a glass
>you pay for it

I always hated waitstaff and their damn tips. It's BS to take someone else's money though, just have an aggressive firing practice until the place is right.

Wow they are already paying them way below a living wage, that owner is a douche

How about
>pay a normal wage like literally every other job
>end up with staff that actually care about holding onto their absurdly well-paid waiting gig and don't break shit every 2 seconds
How's that sound?

I am sooooo fucking happy I'm out of "the biz". Good fucking riddance.

Stay in school, kids.

Waiting isn't really something that strictly needs a "living" wage but it's also not meant to be a job where the owner can offload the responsibility of paying onto the customer.

>>you break a glass
>>you pay for it
Perfectly fine
>>customer breaks a glass
>>you pay for it

>muh tip money
Waiters are scum tho.

Most other businesses budget for broken equipment and lost/stolen goods. They call it "shrink", and consider it a cost of doing business while working to minimize it. The owner is a cock in this situation

Really good but we Americans just aren't grown up enough. Unfortunately the older generations are still around. Everyone I know from early 30s and down is far more progressive than their parents. We're joining the party a little late, world.

>you don't suck my cock
>you pay for it

all your staff immediately low key start looking for a new job that isn't run that way, find it, don't give you two weeks and just ghost you one by one

now if you had every restaurant form this policy sure but they won't

bull shit, in many countries tipping is not a big thing, or something that waitstaff depend on for money....and i mean many first world nations

tipping in america wasnt even a huge thing till prohibition i think

ah yes, the rest of the world is thriving, just look at europe flourish with its mass economic collapses and daily terror attacks. Truly we should aspire to follow in their footsteps!
or perhaps the crippling poverty we see in south america, africa, and asia, maybe that is a better route for our great nation

>>muh tip money
>Waiters are scum tho.
I think if it were up to them they would get at last minimum wage and do away with "mandatory" tipping. It's a stupid way of doing things.

they get paid way more than minimum wage with their tips. That's why people become waiters and bartenders. on a busy night you are making easily $100 an hour, cash, which you aren't paying taxes on.

I hate tipping because I don't feel like they really did anything for me of value

>>customer breaks a glass
>>you pay for it
Why punish employees for something entirely out of their control? On top of paying them less than minimum wage, you simply won't have a staff for very long and you'll go under.

More for fear of having your food spit on if you dont tip

Do slant eyes really not have souls?

>be cook
>work 15 hour shift, doing actually skilled work
>make like 180
>overhear wait staff complaining that they 'only' made 350 in their 8 hour shift

All this is related to tipping?? Thank god! Let me call the IMF to let them know, this is HUGE

>you break a glass
>you pay for it

>customer breaks a glass
>you pay for it

Haha, sure. Waiters love the system. They make more than minumum wage after tips. In some state recently they reversed raising mininum wage for servers after a bunch of deadbeat waiters complained and said they wouldn't get tips anymore. And owners love it because they get to pass the buck of paying their employees onto someone else.

how are they paid below a living wage?

I think it's pretty nice to live in a state where it's illegal to do this

bullshit, waiters make bank with the tip scam, even better if it's cash and doesn't get taxed

a surefire way to determine if someone is a low class nigger scumbag is if they've ever worked as a waiter

Most other businesses pay their employees too.

They are paid below the minimum.
>American understanding of the word "minimum"

>fancy faggot restaurant
Those waitresses were making as much as your average lawyer.

The law requires minimum wage to be paid if the waiter doesn't make minimum wage after tips are counted, waiters who use that excuse are either not aware of their rights or hoping you aren't

t. worked at a place where the wait staff filed a labor complaint with the state LRB

>why so surly tho?

That's because most servers are fucking retarded and don't bother to actually count the cash they get.
If they actually took a second to count their money and track it like they would their bank account they'd realize they're already averaging $15/hr

Yeah I remember that. Shitty thing is if you can't make above minimum wage on your tips as a waitress they'll just fire you after a bit.

But I remember my first boss in a restaurant I was very honest in marking how much I was making from tips and he got mad. I was claiming too much. He wanted me to calculate how many tips I needed to just make minimum for however many hours I worked and claim that. But since I'd fucked up by being honest my first few weeks I had to claim 0 tips for a month to make it even. It had to do with however he was doing taxes on payroll or some shit.

>Those waitresses were making as much as your average lawyer.

High-end waiters get paid metric fucktons; they're basically highly skilled entertainers that have to have plenty of technical and social skills. I knew a guy that worked at one of those lounges at the top of a prestigious hotel and he easily made well over $100k/year.

>averaging $15/hr
So this slant's restaurants, he's got a couple of fancier ones at 60-100$ a head probably slap on an average drink order at about 10$
Cheaper places at 20-30 a head- still the 10$ worth of drinks.
Average tip's 10%, a meal lasts about two hours, and a decent waiter can handle about five tables worth of couples.
35-55/hr for the haute stuff, 12-17/hr for the cheap stuff.
You were lowballing that estimation.

>Average tip's 10%
Stopped reading here.

Do your math again.

Stupid. If someone consistently fucks up you can them, otherwise accept that accidents are inevitable regardless of who you hire.

that's wage theft

Sounds like a great way to make your employees loathe working there. But if I know Americans, it's not the quality of the work that makes you a good employee, it's how much bullshit you're willing to endure. A truly good employee is loyal and will eat literal shit to keep his job.

There's that word again.

Tips are not part of your wage.

they're taxed so why the fuck not

>$100 an hour, cash, which you aren't paying taxes on

You are unbelievably fucking stupid.

Someone make a restaurant that would let me go request and pick my fucking food from the kitchen for christ sake. Why the fuck should I have to give my money to a middleman that ask for a fucking PERCENTAGE of my food.

New to Veeky Forums
What's the consensus on calling faggots faggots?

Plenty of restaurants use or have adopted that style of service. 'fast casual' places come to mind or cafes, diners and delis too. Or you could do what I do and order pick up, pay cash and leave no tip.

>Gee, americans surely can't into normal wages huh

the South figured that out long ago

cafeterias, counter service, drive thrus, drive ins

fuck sitting at a table with some lady reaching over you pouring water. i am a big boy i can get my own sweet tea

thats awesome, so if a waiter really pisses me off I can not only tip 0 but also break some glasses so he actually LOSES money!

Fucking genius.

if you tip zero the water already loses money because they have to pay out a % of their sales for the shift. at the majority of restaurants anway


No, it's 'murrican capitalism at it's best where you pretend you get better service because "muh merit tipping" but everyone leaves a tip no matter how shitty the service so the owner doesn't have to pay his employees. Meanwhile, go to Korea or Japan where there is no tipping and service is excellent from the lowest street vendor on up. In fact, spend a year over there, come back and you'll puke at the level of service here.

Literally illegal. The owner has no right to the tips of the employees. If they break a glass, he can fire them. But he can't withhold their pay or take their tips.

my co-worker has a second job as a cook
he told me this exact same story that he overheard the waitresses talking about

i've never worked in a resturant
but i work with the public
and dealing with people sucks
i would say at least 80% of the public are retarded assholes
so I kinda can understand why waiters can make so much if they can deal with stupid people all day

>order pick up, pay cash and leave no tip
This, it's easily the most efficient form of getting good food, assuming you don't have a kitchen at the office.


They just repealed it, but from my personal experience working as a server I have fucked up royally and was lucky to keep my job.

My boss always stressed to me that a late plate is the lesser of two evils compared to a mistake made since they will come back, tell the boss we served the wrong item or not enough and that goes into the complaints and you get enough and there is a staff communication that gets your records on file which fucks up your chances of promotion if your job of choice is food service

That's on you, you break a glass yourself and you get jack shit and may even have to pay for the broken glass and get a ban from the place. But if you had ordered a shot of cheap whiskey and the cunt of waiter dials in an order for the top shelf stuff then he had to pay using his tips .

>He said most of his IOU's were for entering the wrong drink order into the computer system and spillage.

What is the problem with this?

>was charged an IOU of $101.70 for an order of four Jameson shots and three feature cocktails.

It should just be the cost of the fuckup though, not the menu price.

>deserving a high wage for a job a literal trained monkey could do
just put a tablet on the table to order from and ring a bell when my food is done, I'll run it myself. That would be more convenient than having to get everything through a server

On the contrary in a culture where tipping is a norm, if you did that, customers would actually see worse to mediocre service because the waiters are no longer dependent on them to get paid. Also note that for many good waiters and even plenty of shit ones, they can make above the min wage they would've gotten if they were paid normally. That's not even mentioning that waiters tend to not report their tips or not entirely so it's untaxed money.

>perform poorly
>get fired

What exactly is "mediocre" service anyway? They won't refill your water? They won't banter like desperate fuckers? All they should have to do is bus your table, it isn't rocket science, and you can be sure people will be a lot more genuine and pleasant to be around when they're getting paid decent money, rather than being stressed out about every single table they're handling.