*drops mic*
*drops mic*
I love how KFC is down to put the weirdest items on their menu. They're pioneers of fast food, the colonel would be proud.
Good point, a self made cordon bleu tastes 100 times better than kfc tho. If one of you faggots ever wants to make cordon bleu, the best tip is to put half a pickle in side it too. Really nice acidity to all the fat.
I'll slide my half a pickle in side you too. If you know what I mean.
Um sweetie... it's a cordon bleu not a cordon green...
Be my guest havent had a good dick in weeks.
Cordon bleu vert, fine. ( dont mess with me i worked in france for 4 years.)
always thought cordon bleu was pretty disgusting junk food that was good to eat once per year. is it considered haute cuisine somewhere
Yes. Cordon Blue is disgusting too.
Place near me does their own double-down, bottom right of pic. Personally I want to know the secrets of creating an anti-leak chicken blue ribbon or capital city of Ukraine.
taco bell would like to have a word with you.
just rename it to bunless double chicken burger with 300 less calories (the buns)
What the fuck
The colonel would say the gravy is a shit, boy.
some day, one of my reports will go through
rents are hueg here, waiters and cooks get $20/hr minimum, and the schnitzel market is cut-throat, not even memeing. If you're pub can't cobble together a decent schnit, you're business is done.
It's Australia
OP is unironically right tbqhwy
>dont mess with me i worked in france for 4 years
>he hasn't worked in france for 4 years
uh, didn't you get the memo? looks like someone here is new, this is a Veeky Forums tradition.
>Slice of American "cheese" product
pick one and only one
An even better comparison would be
"here's a fried chicken sandwich with bacon and cheese"
>sounds tasty
"oops we took off the buns"
The irony is that the double down is lower in calories than most typical fast food sandwiches.
a cordon bleu has more effort put into it
>eating a cordon bleu with your fingers is acceptable!
no, it's not
>american 'cheese' product
you mean cheese mixed with whey?
yeah. go back to poor europe. most american cheese is of higher quality than most shit most europeans eat. yes, it is cheese. and yes, it most certainly has its place in the culinary arts.
>1380 calories
>lower in calories than most typical fast food sandwiches
That sounds insanely expensive, even in Ozdollars, but the concept looks nice.
Amazing that beef steak would be almost the same price as chicken though.
Bait or just retarded?
>tfw make right with burger patties and lettuce n tuna for middle part
Who here /fatass/
why do Americans say calories when it's obviously kilo calories?
>Lightly breaded and BAKED chicken breast stuffed with HAM and a little cheese
see the difference
the only difference I see is your use of fully capitalized letters
Opinion discarded for thinking your personal life means anything on an anonymous imageboard.
no, are you? that's the grilled one, you wild faggot
>grilled vs fried
>460 vs 540
So the grilled is 460 and fried is 540 as above. Learn to read shitter
the double down was delicious. i havent been to kfc since they discontinued it
fucking this. everyone acts like KFC did something just so "wild and wacky" with their food when taco bell and pizza hut have done way more crazy shit.
Ahh nice tip, kind of like a rouladen
>chicken cordon bleu
jesus christ, cordon bleu is a classic but it's not fucking chicken
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is weeping bitterly and 10 is literally incontinent rage, how much does it upset you when people blaspheme against your favorite fast food "restaurant"?
>1380 g of sodium
10 :D
Please stop embarrassing yourself.
taco bell is fucking disgusting; it's the worst bastardization of mexican food
kfc is pretty close to southern food
You obviously either don't know how to read or you don't know how to gather information from what you read. That is saying the grilled one has 460 calories versus the fried one having 540. Dumbfuck idiot
its the same company though
>dont mess with me i worked in france for 4 years
Please also compare the level of batter and fat in those two products.
Also the kind of cheese and ham compared to american plastic and bacon...
in the example on the right, the ingredients are guaranteed to be shit
that's basically it
>huurr muuuh American obsession. Everything in America is shit. *jerks off into own mouth*
Yuros are the most brainwashed retards on the planet. Frau Merkel and the Islamic reich must have a fantastic propaganda campaign.
muslims are running wild raping all their women, no free speech, nogunz, yet they still feel superior bitching about America and how stupid tipping is like its the early 90s. I guess they wont care about being forced to convert to Islam in a few years, even Muslims can get on American image boards to bitch about America.
I have a mexican friend (straight out of mexico) who loves taco bell (specifically their quesadillas)
Every statistic has outliers
Your friend is one of them.
Look princess, it's not a cordon Bleu if it's green you little brat. Put your paci back in and gi lay down for a nap.
They criticize us because they literally go to jail and get murderedfor criticizing each other
>most american cheese is of higher quality than most shit most europeans eat.
Dude, seriously?
Take it to /pol or /int, you slag.
*drops a bacon sandwich in front of you*
heh... what now kiddo...
>single /
You have to go back.
Food and politics are inseparably intertwined. It's like complaining about politics on /k/. Why do you think you see so much "Do Americans really do this?" shitposting on this board, to a greater deal than most others?
Food is home. Food is culture. Wars have been fought over it, and the restriction or famine of it has been the cause of some of the deadliest genocides on this planet, inevitably shaping the history and politics of today.
In the US alone, there are bans or restrictions on food that have existed for generations, purely for political reasons. The American diet had been shaped into its current form through generations of war and rationing. New, artificial conveniences brought about by the space race and nationwide drive towards the "future" became fashionable. Women being ushered into the workforce meant entire generations were raised on take-out and fast food, and the passing of the cooking baton from generation to generation got lost in the process.
Basically, ur a homo.
>Food and politics are inseparably intertwined
>muh far-fetched analysis
>muh semi-high wall of text
I wish you hadn't wasted your time.
But he's right...
To the same extent as other platitudes as
>war is football
>war is sex
It's third rate philosophy, and it sure isn't ck
Third rate why? Because you said so? He made a bunch of valid and clearly stated points and you're just bitching without refuting or presenting your own. At least he said something of interest, you're just acting butthurt because god forbid the idea of politics ever rears its head for a second outside of /pol/. Grow up.
Cordon bleu is fucking disgusting, while the double down was pretty delicious.
Wow I don't think I've ever seen a restaurant charge the same for chicken and steak.
It's Calories, not calories. The capital c is for kc.
Taco Bell and KFC are run by the same company, Pizza Hut and A&W too. I think its called "Yum Brands" or something like that.
I'm visualizing like 3 lbs of salt dumped on a sandwich lmao
Americans don't ever talk about little c calories, so we all just assume it's kilocalories.
Still taco bell goes farther and tries out way weirder shit than kfc.
Still not ck. You polfags here are as on topic as this here image
>most american cheese is of higher quality than most shit most europeans eat
>not working
I bet you left because of the cultural enrichment you racist pussy
Damn, you sure showed me. I wish I could hand wave arguments as well as you do. You must be the president of your debate class.
That image is literally food you fucking dope
I can't find any info on how he died. It's been over half a year and they never made a statement about it. Seems suspicious.
>president of your debate class.
You must be 18 to post here
And you are still not ck
I don't think deaths in prison are high on the priority list for most people. I'm sure so much fucked up stuff goes on in there that is just swept under the rug every day.
It literally isn't you fucking ignoramus
This is a food board. Go join your circlejerk racebaiting party over at /pol/.
A dodo is a bird. A bird is an animal. An animal is food. I literally can not break it down any more than that.
Serious question: are you autistic?
>third rate philosophy
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? It doesn't take a philosopher to see the clear connection between food, history, and politics, you fucking mongoloid. All I am suggesting is that it is ridiculous to expect politics to never seep into discussions about food and cooking. Food is inherently political.
You give me second hand embarrassment every time you post.
>A dodo is a bird. A bird is an animal. An animal is food.
And a cartoon image of an extinct bird is literally not food, you autistic child. Go get your dictionary.
>He called my ramblings third rate. I am very hurt now
Would you prefer if I called them third grade?
>I embarrass myself every time I post.
You could have used LITERALLY hundreds of thousands of other images to make your point about it being off topic. The fact that you used an image of an animal shows how poor your thinking can be. Stop digging your hole deeper.
>damage control overdrive
>I still don't know what literal mean
Wanna talk about food now, bumpkin?
So is yours, which in turn makes this post a Tu Quoque (go Google it, kid)
that's the bottom left you fucking retard
You might want to have googled it a bit more yourself, because you have no idea what you're talking about. Get back to me when you want to have an actual conversation instead of shitting out incredibly low quality bait.
Yeah and our beer, wine, and cars are all better too.
Idk where this crock of shit that eurpe was good at that came from, it's not true in 21st Century
>an actual conversation
>can not spell Tu Quoque
Can it be about food, you slag?
>dont mess with me i worked in france for 4 years
>Worked in France
>takes dick
Sometimes the jokes write themselves.
Op doesn't understand the importance of quality