He's not gonna salt his eggs before co--

>he's not gonna salt his eggs before co--

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Doesn't that break down the proteins

Ramsay is full of shit, salt your eggs beforehand

like a brit knows anything about cooking. now if a french or spanish chef said that than yeah.

Jacques knows what hes doing pls no bully

>be "master chef"
>add salt to eggs before cooking
>destroy proteins
>use metal fork in nonstick pan to scramble eggs
>plate up raw egg mush

french people are gluttons that use way too much salt and butter in everything, people talk about how fat american are but go to any beach in france and it's filled with old fat dudes in speedos, nobody looks healthy.

Jacques is literally senile now
It's sad
kinda how Julia Child went down the tubes in the public eye years ago.

But he was born in Scotland

provide evidence, I've only see him be capable and deliberate with his speech in recent media

>people talk about how fat american are but go to any beach in [Europe] and it's filled with old fat dudes in speedos...


He still seems capable to me, I watch his show on the Create channel sometimes. He just doesn't care about being super upscale and fancy anymore, he's more focused on simpler foods that he would make at home for others to make at home.

Ramsay fucks up and believes in a ton of old myths probably beaten into him by the likes of shitheads like MPW, but I still give him credit because he's successful and I've food at his restaurants and it's pretty good. I just know better than to listen to his reasoning, I'd rather watch him and imitate without hearing him try to explain the actual process and make up a bunch of bullshit that sounds good to plebs.

>american education

Ah you mean pic related.

I doubt Ramsay is wrong about the salting eggs at the end, all it takes to test is cook 2 eggs differently and taste em.


this is one of many articles that BTFOs Ramsay's assertion about salting the eggs, but seriouseats does it the most thoroughly. I didn't notice it when I first started cooking, but after doing it seriously for a long time, I see a lot of holes in what he teaches as gospel. Like watch the way how he beats the shit out his equipment in his videos.


>Basically, to return to my analogy, salt is sort of like a therapist who's been introduced to our socially-challenged, group, with the mission of getting them off the booze while teaching healthier ways to be friendly—but not too friendly—with each other. I'd say Gordon Ramsay could maybe do with a little bit of pre-salting in his life too, if you know what I mean.

Is this some jab at people using food analogies by making real life analogies about food?

>oagulating them?
>ming over and making me them for breakfast?
>splaying Julia Child?
>municating to me what herbs I'd like in my omelette?
I don't get it.

It's seriouseats writing style. Smarmy sometimes, but the science and testing is legit at the very least.

Jacques is like 500000 times more of a chef than Ramsay. Jacques can make top tier scrambled eggs without requiring a cow's weight in dairy products.

what do you mean? his latest/last series was easily some of his best. two months ago he did a program with Feast it Forward

really not helping your case lad

Yes, let's listen to the man that scrapes his teflon pan; everyone knows cancer is a myth!

shut up faggot

everyone knows 'shutting up' is a myth!

chefs talk a lot of shit that isn't accurate but it's generally not so harmful to the food that it overwhelms the good advice they give.

salt definitely does *something* to eggs but the idea that it happens so quickly is retarded and even if it did it might be a good thing.

Has MPW's psycho persona ever been caught on camera or did Marco kill anyone that filmed his evil side and hid the body in his fridge?

the fucking edge mast

>wanting watery eggs