

Tomatoes aren't native to Italy. How did you fall for this?

why is that a scam?

I accidentally bought this thinking it was San Marzano.

Why is it bad?

four times the cost of store brand canned tomatoes with no discernible difference in taste.

Wait, it is San Marzano? I have two of these sitting in my cabinet but they don't say San Marzano like in OP? Same can otherwise. Confusing.

I mean, it seems like there's consensus, which is rare in the cooking world. I have literally never not seen a cook recommend San Marzano.

It's a meme.

Some memes are true. Like stereotypes.

Some memes are false. Like car analogies.

Biggest difference between canned varieties is whether they're packed in puree or juice, and how much salt. More expensive are generally puree.