Do you want some carbs you fucking fatty?
Do you want some carbs you fucking fatty?
Other urls found in this thread:
How about some fructose you shit
Lactose, pimplenigger?
The average western fatty probably consumes less starch than a Thai school girl. Let alone boiled starch, which is how starch should be consumed.
Why are Veeky Forums posters so obnoxious and retarded?
I'll take carbs and lactose, please.
But strawberries are low in sugar.
Eating some bread right now, how mad are you OP?
I bought a baguette with figs the other day, got some olive oil for dipping and before I knew it I ate the entire thing. I felt bad after too, I lifted extra as punishment.
>eggs have lactose
thanks, user, I learn something new ever day. today, I learned you are fucking retarded and that humanity isn't worth it
t. sugar fiend
Bread is literally the foundation of western civilization and rice of the eastern civilizations. Get fucked paleo lizard.
>low in sugar
>1 NLEA serving contains 7g of sugar
Eggs are commonly confused for dairy, but they do not contain any of the proteins or sugar found in dairy products. Eggs might, however, be prepared with cream, cheese and other condiments that contain lactose. If you eat eggs with added milk, you might develop lactose-intolerance symptoms.
So were religious fairy tales and slavery you dumb glycolet
Japanese have a diet based around rice and wheat noodles, one of the lowest obesity rates and longest life expectancy. Carbs make you fat and are unhealthy? Sure if you ignore clear evidence to the contrary, faggot. Go suck some pig blubber, ketoboi.
Nice false equivalency.
They're also super weak and their life expectancy is based on welfare scams.
Yes. I think you're all super fags and it can and should be enjoyed time to time.
>using words you don't understand
classic carbage-marinaded brain at work
>tfw you realise religious fairy tales and slavery were the foundations of every civilisation ever on earth
You redditors never stop amazing me with how little you think about your posts.
>japs super weak
>historically one of the strongest warriors
>required every other country combined AND nuclear weapons to defeat them in WWII
>welfare scams are why their life expectancy is 8 years greater than the US
Now you're just dumb.
the welfare scam thing is real. Also historically terrible records (needing proof of death or something).
Too lazy.
Elevens are dyels and the welfare scams are real. Why are you even on this site?
depends on the carbs
Carbs are essential to the human diet. Especially if youre an active person, as in, you exercise atleast 3 times a week and have a job that is physical (and not just sitting at a desk, ex: construction worker).
Any retard that thinks you need to cut carbs out of your diet is just that, a fucking retard.
This must be why ketofags keep winning ultramarathons.
user, I want you to stop. You're ruining your life for momentary satisfaction based on biological urges. Let me help you.
Yes I would. I've been hiking all day and I'm famished. The spaghetti meal comes with garlic bread, right?
>no actually you're wrong, but sorry I'm lazier than you so my point is stronger
fuckass faggot
Quickly jogging on pavement isn't all that difficult.
>google keto marathon
>all the links are reddit
>all of them are asking how they can run a marathon while on keto because they're so exhausted
I started making a list of the professional athletes who switched to ketosis and improved their performances, won races and set world records, but I decided it's not worth spoon feeding trolls. Stay pleb.
Yeah, I love bread and pasta, thanks
Fuck yeah I'll take an apple
just cheese my shit up senpai, and a big glass of 2%
Yeah. I do. Because unlike you i have self-control you fucking lardass.
>Code geass reference
My nigga
Yes, I can't help it. It's my genes!
> Why does my body suck at endurance when I have no carbohydrates
> Oh yeah I'm a keto fag and am denying a very basic bodily function
> Required every other country combined AND nuclear weapons to defeat them
Japs got militarily BTFO by the US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, had complete garbage weapons, AND got nuked
Russia didn't do shit to Japan because the Russian Navy was
Well, the Russian Navy
>Historically one of the strongest warriors
As compared to?