Find a flaw

find a flaw

I looked, can't find one.

You're still breathing.

Hello, food?

Reminder that if it bleeds, we can kill it.

You don't know that

Lay off on the posterize


Your fork means your parents hate you.

Way too edgy for me, OP

You took photos with the potatoe instead of cooking it.





food broke

I touched up your comic a bit, OP.



which layer of irony is this

How do I upvote this post? I like totally hate cringey stuff!!

damage control

go on...

Understandable, have a great day

He's right though. That post was fucking embarrassing to read

>t. brainlet

Don't lash out because people found your post embrassasing as fuck bud

This whole thread is embarrassing

Your image looks worse than my shit. Also you can obviously do better OP.

>unable to discern intentionally campy dialogue lampooning shitty comics

Not even the guy who posted that, but you're a retarded underage. Maybe /r/cringe would be a better fit for you, senpai.

>Facebook mom meme tier meme with trite reaction image.


>not even that guy
Lol ok. People found your post unfunny get over it bud

>maybe if I respond a few hours later, people won't think it is me again


shouldnt have added the batman user

Is it some normiebook thing or something? I googled superhero surprised face, and that came up.

thats the thing
the batman was too much, it makes it look like normie shit, you may aswell add a couple of reddit faces and an ifunny watermark while you are at it

You got it, boss.

That's more like it. Don't forget to put me in the screencap when you post this on r/Veeky Forums.

Keep sharpening


>no blingee
R u for real

I hope to God this is just you's