For me, it's the Lays Classic

For me, it's the Lays Classic

Other urls found in this thread:

ill eat these till my tongue bleeds

too much salt, nigger

How the fuck do people eat plain potato chips or plain corn chips? They're fine if you have something to dip them in, but why would you ever eat them on their own?

For me, it's Herr's. The best snack company.

Why do Americans think you need to dip everything? You dip fucking pizza you disgusting pigs.

>everything needs to taste like a dessert
you americans are ridiculous

nigga please


For me

>almost $5 for a bag of crisps

Is every dip a dessert to you?

For me, it's Cape Cod Salt 'n' Vinegarâ„¢. The patricians choice.

>How the fuck do people eat plain potato chips or plain corn chips?

I guess I am a boring person

The only potato chip I can eat plain is Pringles


Why do Americans use such stupid words?

>How the fuck do people eat plain potato chips or plain corn chips?
It's so fucking self explanatory,dipshit.

>eating any chips other than zapps


I hate those shits.
They always get stuck to my teeth and I can't eat comfortably until I get the pieces out of my teeth.

For me, its the pirate's booty.