Cont. from >>9337060

cont. from your alcohols

Other urls found in this thread: got nuts

If I get drunk once a week how fucked is my liver?

Good news, I'm 3 days sober.

Bad news, I think I've picked up a cigarette habit.

I have vodka. What can I mix with it to make me less sad?

not fucked at all. pussy. (keep up the light drinking seriously, youre doing good)
whatever kills us more slowly. good job buddy.
caffeine and alcohol is a "happier" buzz than pure alcohol.

pro tip - dont mix drinks. just chug down your liquor with ice and have a chaser on hand.

haha, same here. day 38 and i've been through like 4 or 5 packs. better than a liter of vodka a day tho.

But smirnoff is disgusting. But so is smirnoff and coke.

Hello I am drinking pabber and smoking cannabis and I made liver and onions for the first time in my life earlier today.

Parents stole my key and searched my car while I was passed out, found some pawn receipts from when I'd sold my watch and my xbox for booze money.

Told me I was a disgrace, and that once I get a job I'm to get out and never return. Can't say I blame them, everything I touch turns to ash and I'm a selfish piece of shit.

>Buy 2 fosters for like $4
>50 fucking ounces of beer that tastes half decent for fucking $4

what the fuck, why didn't people tell me before? It ain't guiness but 4 fucking dollars

I've been broke due to a check not going through last week, so I haven't been drinking as much. Somehow I actually got some decent sleep those nights! Regardless, I'm fucking starving and its my night off, so when that deposit kicks in its off to get him and tonic'd up and wobble home with a burrito.

I just need the damn willpower to be sober more during the week

its funny. people treat their offspring worse than the family pet sometimes. they are responsible for you existing and they are ready to turn their backs on you. thats pretty fucked up. get your shit together though.

so somewhat recently i've reconnected with an ex

this past weekend i blacked out and apparently i called her, woke up to a text saying "you were an ass, i'm going to text you later"

she never explicitly told me what i said but she said I said something to her and called her something.

we've still been talking all week. i feel bad because i'm dragging her back into my bullshit. i'm going away this weekend with some friends and she basically just said "please don't call me when you're drunk"

I feel like such a dick

I wasn't going to drink this week. I feel so ashamed when I take out the recycling.

I do sometimes wish this addiction killed you faster. I don't want to live, but I don't want to make anyone sad by dying. So I drink. A happy medium.

its not about willpower in my experience, its more about actively staying busy. if you are sitting alone in your room with your thumb up your ass its super easy to go buy booze.

I feel so bad for all of the long-suffering ex girlfriends of al/ck. They have put up with so much.

>tfw when I want to either drink or sleep but I have to stay up to do some work at 11 and I already brushed my teeth so whiskey won't taste nice

They actually do treat our dogs better then me but I can't blame them, they are god damn majestic doggos. Working on the whole not being such a piece of shit thing, mixed results thus far but thank you for the (you)

right? i mean damn, they gotta be some sort of masochists tho because they keep coming back

Maybe. Maybe they are. I sure as he'll wouldn't want another alcoholic in my life. Guy recently moved in and he drinks a lot every night. Has a job and stuff but i still catch myself judging him. And I'm worse.

>tfw reading this thread as a person who never touches alcohol
I'm really sorry this is happening to you guys.

I made a thread without knowing you guys had a general. Sad stuff.

Onto some fun.

I need a stout sold in American liquor stores that isn't Guinness. Any suggestions?

Guiness Extra Stout

its creamy and mild but still has that roasted stout flavor

Everybody has SOMETHING thats wrong with them. Don't feel too bad for us alcoholics.

nothing worse than sobering up as your day is just beginning. well, maybe one thing. thats running out of booze as night falls and you are barely buzzed.

Cheeky bastard, good on ya.

Thanks broheim, I'll try it.

i havent seen many american stouts. its a nice change of pace from other styles.

I tried this and really wasn't feeling it, but perhaps I needed a glass, I went full retard and just sipped out the bottle

got any other ones? i cant name but 2 or 3 total

>I went full retard and just sipped out the bottle

Is that bad?

in general you don't want to drink from a bottle or can. A lot of beers you can kind of excuse it, but stouts are hard to excuse

Barely past noon and I'm already fucked drinking vodka and ginger beer. Supposed to go to a party tonight will be interesting to see if I can make it that far

On the up side though, finally managed to stop smoking! I'm the smoking OP from the last thread, I bit the bullet and bought a vape yesterday. Holy Fuck! Should've done this ages ago. Soooo good waking up hungover but with a clear throat, makes the whole day 100x less shit

Yeah? You still get the satisfaction of inhaling?

Called my manager and told him to "go fuck yourself" and "talking to you is like talking to a fucking retard"
He annoyed me and I just couldn't stand it anymore, he always calls me last minute and pushes me to do work.

Gonna drink Irish whiskey until I hopefully pass out, then look for a new job in the morning.

Enjoy the satisfaction. It sure feels good. Alcohol gives us that extra push to go ahead and say it.

>Feeling bad for roasties
Cucky Brewster

Yeah I used to smoke all the time but then "quit" - ie. not smoke at all when I'm sober, but smoke a shitload when drunk

I also live in Australia where it's illegal for vape shops to sell nicotine juice (which is retarded) so I've been using one with 0% nicotine and a juice flavour that tastes the closest to normal cigs and it totally worked for me

Murphy's is like Guinness but sweeter

This goon I bought is god awful. Sometimes it's drinkable and sometimes it's suffering.

If you get blackout drunk and vomit then it's pretty bad for you even once a week. If you just maintain a buzz it's insignificant.

Hmm, thats surprising. No nicotine juice? Time to disband your government.

Hello fellow ausfag, if you have a sweet tooth I highly rec pic related, it straight up tastes like ribena. Be warned though it will give you the worst hangover on earth

Is it the type of stuff that gives you a hangover 10 minutes in?

I wish I could mate, no nicotine juice is pretty low down the list of things I hate about our government lol


Yeah that's a big one

>tfw really getting bad pains in liver
>haven't been to a doctor in almost 10 years
>been drinking 1-2 handles a week for 8 solid years
>probably going to die within the next 5

I can't have too much sugar or I'll feel sick.
Just tastes terrible. The red stuff gives me a hangover 10 minutes in which is why I don't drink it.

do you care?

Oh man, I agree. I've been working on a bike for the last two weeks and learning/actually working on something helps a ton. That, and ive quit cigarettes before; not for long, but its really your decision in the end, and saying 'nope, thats not what i need right now'.

But alas, the liquor is too damn good

Kill everyone in this thread

Evening brothers and sisters

Just enjoying the night, finishing off this bottom shelf swill that my roommate bought. I bitched at him the other day because this cunt always breaks into my stash and drinks my shit. Gave him the yardstick and said that shit will not happen anymore. So the nigger buys me the cheapest bottle of whiskey he could probably find after going through my $20-$30 inventory.

Amazes me how people can be such cunts.

At least tomorrow is Friday. Getting up early Saturday to do some fishing and drinking; forget life exists for a bit.

Well good job on the hobby at least.

What a bitch. He got caught stealing your booze and tries to remedy the situation by giving you rotgut?

Do I get drunk tonight or tomorrow. Only drinking one day this weekend and quitting Sunday because I'll be unemployed Monday and need to start looking for a job. Was gonna drink from 2pm Saturday so I could get drunk while watching the footy but just found out the girl I've been infatuated with for 17 years (who has cut me out of her life as of last year) has just married. I didn't even know she was engaged. I feel so fucking depressed.

Depends. if you wanna test your restraint wait til saturday. if you are ready to get shitfaced drink tonight.

Got into a fight with girlfriend about her clingness, she ended up having a panic attack on the phone. We go back and forth until I go to work. At work we're still going at it. She calls and tells me she's pregnant and I'll never see it. She's lied about being pregnant before, so I don't believe it. She sends me a video of her taking a pregnancy test, it's positive. Still don't believe it. Go home to a intervention. I go to sleep and wake up with her calling me telling me I gotta come over and talk and her just talking shit. About to leave then family gets a call from her telling them. They don't believe her, and tell me to never see her. Two days go by . I end up giving in and see her. She just gives me shit then has a panic attack. She calms down and tries to fuck me unprotected right before she goes to the doctors. I said fuck no. Calls me hours later crying she's not pregnant And she really wanted it. Tell her to move on from it and me. She changes tone and said she is pregnant .

She's been through severe trauma and has every sign and symptom of borderline personality disorder. It's her birthday today and I plan on seeing her.

I have no fucking clue what I'm doing.

In the middle and long run it is probably the smartest thing they can do to help user get his shit together. Trying to overcome a family member's addiction with "love" and "support" usually has quite the opposite effect.

that's an interesting argument. makes sense to me...

Wow, she is scary messed up. I couldn't have a person like that anywhere in my life.

>has every sign and symptom of borderline personality disorder

Get the fuck out of there, you're gonna be getting a call from the police about either false rape or in a year from now, that you have to start paying child support.
These people are fucking crazy

I like to read these threads and /r/stopdrinking to feel massively better about my life choices

Some conditions are far more debilitating than others.

Remove that chain that's anchoring you down

For me it's kratom, I go through 100g of extract a week, but at least its somewhat cheaper than booze and h

100-200 grams of seeds rinsed with lemon juice produces a nice buzz of morphine and codeine got nuts

Dosage is always a crapshoot with seed tea, I don't want my obituary saying that Bob killed me

Got back into it after 2 years sober. First glass of vodka was like an amazing orgasm. Noticed since I started up I'm actually more social. Dont see the big deal really.

Two weeks of being drink at least four nights a week, going to the park with a co-worker once I'm paid with a big ass bottle of bourbon and some cheeky beers in a bit.

Yikes. Hope everything works out for you.

Thanks but I don't mind it. I think this time I can scale it back. Time will tell.

2 years sober is really good. i have never gotten close to that. as another alcoholic i know why you chose to drink. its fun. nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy yourself.

2:15 pm and the party's starting. Gin and juice is the flavor of the day.

An East European, not drinking vodka? I'm disapointed

East African bud

Ah well, I guess the anglo spirit has rubbed off on you

Gin and tonic is the patrician's drink. I like the diet tonic because I'm probably diabetic.

You guys (assuming you're British) helped us fend off the Italians so I'll drink to your health

I'm drinking it with mango juice. Weird combo I know but the thickness of the mango juice keeps me satiated

East European here, I still get drunk from a six pack of 7% beer, will eventually upgrade when it becomes more cost efficient I guess

No, not British, just wanted to make that pun.

Ed Miller: I was with a girl once. Wasn't a squaw, but she was purty. She had yellow hair, like uh... oh, like something.

Dick Liddil: Like hair bobbed from a ray of sunlight?

Ed Miller: Yeah, yeah. Like that. Boy, you talk good.

Dick Liddil: You can hide things in vocabulary.

Ed Miller: Maybe you and me could writer her a note, send it by post?

Dick Liddil: See, all you gotta do, Ed, is predict her needs and beat her to the punch.

Ed Miller: Well, this girl, she had a real specific job.

Dick Liddil: Specific?

Ed Miller: We's only together once. She's afraid of lightning. She came up into the wagon and just cuddled right up to me. She gave me a kind price, too.

Dick Liddil: Well I'll be! That is specific.

Ed Miller: Yeah, sure, she been with other people. But the kinds of things she said to me, people just don't say unless they really mean it.

I hate how nobody can research how long/much you need to drink to become physically dependent on alcohol because ethics and whatnot
I also hate how everything about alcohol uses units instead of ml of ethanol

There are studies. There is a lot of variation from person to person. Not dependant on skin colour or whatever you have in mind.
A unit is 10g of ethanol in France, about one regular bar glass of most booze forms. So there's worse than units based on ethanol volume.

I'd imagine those are studies based on self reporting?

Booze, chips and a jason statham action movie.
Day is looking great

I imagine, yes. Unless the Nazi have studied that in the camps.

everything ive ever observed leads me to agree with the first reply. also withdrawal symptoms are unique for each person. i never get shakes but i always get MASSIVE sweats.

Which film?

Transporter 3
Oh shit, it also has T-Bag in it as I think is the bad guy

Best one of the series. That skinny blonde is so hot

The Mechanic was wonderful too

There's nothing like freezer cold gin.


I might end up rewatching Crank too later, and The Mechanic if you say it's good
I got enough booze and multiple bags of chips, should last me a few movies if I take it slow

Street Kings is a proper alck movie if you're sober enough. Harsh Times is another in the same vein


Alas, my recent exe has this I am sure. Took me until two weeks ago, we have one kid and one on the way, to realize I'll never truly be happy with her because she will never get better.

Glad I have an awesome daughter now, don't regret that, just regret that for the next 18 years at least I need to have this woman in my life in some capacity and that I'll need to make sure she doesn't corrupt my kids with madness.

Anyway /alck/, I'm trying to lose weight and continue drinking by simply eating less but drinking about the same amount. Just going with lower cal choices like diet mixers (desu, it's kind of gross) and drinking more wine than I used to. But it's nice since I barely ever drank wine so it gives me a nice buzz from just sipping a normal 750ml bottle all night. For now anyway.

All women would be diagnosed with BPD if they were candidly examined by a shrink

wistdralwaling again please help

Not sure, have only had two girlfriends before. Lots of FWBs or one night stands though. The ex ex was pretty normal, she broke up with me for no reason. I think now though in retrospect I know the reason.

I got blackout drunk yesterday and my dad had to pin me down for 4 hours. I think I should quit.