Look at how fucking red this tomato is

look at how fucking red this tomato is

How high are you?

Jesus christ. Looks like a bloody mess. But did it taste sweet tho?

it's red jim

But not as we know it

That's a good shade of red to be fair.

Taste the rainbow.

Why would you ever cut up a tomato that way? What is wrong with you? It looks like the tomatoes that are in the shitty salad that I get from the pizzeria

are you gonna eat the green part too? HM?

sad 'cause i let my tomato garden fail.

forgot to water, forgot to fertilizer, forgot to pest control.

i could have been enjoying a bunch of heirloom tomatoes RIGHT NOW. but i fucked it all up.

>tfw coworker brings two grocery bags of surplus tomatoes for you every week or so
fucker must have a whole tomato farm, god bless him

ehhh I've seen redder

what i want to know is, is that a fucking pager?

Thanks for the memeories anons.

hahaha I didnt even see that. it sure looks like one. my dad had one of those back in the day and it took 1 AA battery.

Fucking paper plate using neet motherfuckers I hate you.

the pic was probably taken at work dude. like an in office. do you think people should bring real ceramic dinnerware to offices?

if your office doesn't have a kitchen you need a new job

>you need a new job
corn on the cob

it does. and no one brings ceramic fucking plates and bowls to work. not in my office, not in any office.

protip: if your kitchen doesn't have plates, it's not a real kitchen

"real kitchens" don't exist in offices except probably huge companies like google or amazon. have you ever worked in an office?

Go home if you want a real kitchen, faggot. You're not gonna get one at work.