Are you ready? 'Cause it's Friday! You gonna go get your free fries today?
Take note of the spelling, Amerisharts.
Only in the app? Fuck off
Wait I can get McDonald's without having to speak to a scary Mexican or nigger?
mcdonalds app is a scam
you can get more food for less money by ordering smart or taking advantage of other deals
Its designed to sell the less poppular sandwiches
But they have stuff like "free drink with any purchase" or "get a milkshake with any purchase". While I do mostly agree with you, if you just use the app wisely it just saves you money.
you really think im going outside bro
Fuck off marketer
No mcdonalds is nigger food
>if you just use the app wisely
Only way to do that is to not install it.
I'll be damned if I'm giving them any of my personal information in exchange for "free" shit-tier food.
>medium fries
>scared to go outside when it's raining for food.
Why didn't you just evacuate like all the other numale pussies?
Wow fuck you dude for tricking people into downloading the app
drinks are cheaper at home plus you shouldnt be drinking that crap, its so cheap to then employees are alowed unlimited diabetes slush
fries are fucking potatoes, have you ever fried potatoes? the markup is 10000% on that shit
they are gettng you to waste money there when you are the least likely to
Im not going to claim i never buy their crap, a 20p nuggets is nice once in a while when i dont feel like frying my own chicken wich i do 9/10 times, also i can grab a couple cheap burgers if im really short on time, i dont buy soda and fries there tho
But the nuggets are complete bullshit and they overcharge you out the ass for them. You can do whatever you like man but claiming that buying nuggets is better than getting a free drink or fries when I buy a burger is a little silly
idk they are cheap here compared with everythng else
It's not so much "compared to everything else". Rather it's what you get for your money.
>not getting the fuck out of dodge in the wake of a hurricane is "numale"
wew lad
We can only hope all trumptards have the same attitude. Maybe they'll die off faster and we won't have to worry about them anymore.
Because I already stocked up and I'm planning to ride it out like every other hurricane.
you sound like a sperg. The app is actually OK, I don't order fries or drinks ever when I do fast food, except for after the Mcdonalds app.
When i use the app I can get 2 Big macs and some fries for like 6-7 bucks. Thats 2 meals for me. 3.50 a meal. Not bad. About the same price as 2 mcdoubles (for 1 meal)
I also use the app on fridays for free fries, I go in and get a strawberry pie and med fry for .87 cents.
I'm a dollar menu nigger, but you're a fucking spergy fuck.
Wut? Kys
Fuck off marketer
not an argument, sporgy.
What's with the mcdonald's shills?
Is there anything more satisfying than a large portion of free, hot, fresh fries with an ice cold Coca Cola to wash them down with?
20 nuggets beat a burger boy
normally i make wings at home cause wings are dirt cheap and better than nuggets but if im in a hurry and by hurry i mean i dont have the time to cook and clean i get a box
Fuck off marketer
fuck drumpf
how is buy one large sandwich get one free a scam. two double quarter pounders for $5 thats ridiculous.
its usually buy one quarter pounder meal get one quarter pounder sandwich free
when you would normally buy a double quarter pounder so they are selliing you the potatoes and soda and giving you free bread
Nice try, McMods, but the world already knows.
Fuck off marketer
the only reason i get fries at mc donlads is because they dont have any other side. their dries are the worst. i dont want them for free. i dont want them in a boat. i wont eat them in a moat.
*hipster alarm sounds in the distance, i courteously pretend not to notice*