First resturant to serve cat

Look at this you dumb rural meat eaters!!!

Haha meat eaters BTFO!!! You see eating pork or beef is just like eating cats, and eating cats is evil because western Europeans have a cultural taboo against eating animals traditionally considered pets and project this relativistic cultural value unto everyone on the planet. And so therefore we should all stop eating meat and instead eat lawn clippings and take B12 shots dispensed by a global one world government.

Evil meat eating wife beating racist misogynistic Christian white men blown the fuck out 4 eva and eva.

Other urls found in this thread:

Would you even get a good amount of meat from a cat?

Fuck cats.

If eating meat is so great, why can't meat eaters ever chill out? Take OP for example. They literally lose their shit whenever they see or hear the words "vegan" or "vegetarian", or see something like a restaurant that openly serves cat or anything else that mildly challenges their dietary choices. It's like they always feel like they need to defend themselves, or have something to prove.

Now that ain't biblical.
I'm not pissed off I'm just mocking the retarded logic of vegans who act like animals are on the same level as humans. Like what would be wrong with eating a cat? Nothing I just don't do that because that's not my culture, same way Indians don't eat cows.

But no one said any of the things you posted in the OP. It's not the logic of anyone in particular, just logic that you imagine some other people might have.
And that's not a very good way to channel your imagination, is it, user?

>Asian people cook cats
>"Fucking degenerate, inhuman gooks butchering these innocent animals"
>Random bogan from Bumfuck Nowhere, Yuropoor cooks cats
>"That's just his culture, you dumb fucking vegan leftist cucks. You might as well make it illegal to simply exist as a white person these days, baka"

Well the fact that the recent push for veganism is connected with oligarchs wanting to pacify the population and promote a one world government is not imaginary. Veganism has been promoted by the U.N. and Rockefeller Foundation. Obviously I was straw manning because vegans aren't aware of the origin of their belief system and the philosophical presuppositions inherit in their worldview.

But at it's core veganism is an anti human worldview in the milieu of environmentalism promoted almost exclusively by upper class Anglo's hell bent on reducing the worlds population through feminism, gay rights, and environmentalism.

I don't think eating cats is morally wrong, this was their belief not mine.

>believing in some huge, elaborate conspiracy theory just because some people respect the autonomy of other living creatures more than other individuals do, and subsequently choose not to eat said creatures when there are other options for sustenance available to them
I strongly encourage you to channel this creative energy into something useful.

Creatures which lack a soul are not autonomous. Animals don't have free will.

I would encourage you to study Agenda 21, even if you still choose to remain a vegan please don't subsume the environmentalist agenda for the establishment of a world government using fear tactics.

>OMG if we don't stop using gas, live in teepees, wipe our ass with a corn cob, and stop eating meat The Day After Tomorrow is literally going to happen bro!!!

>souls or free will
>real or provable in any way, shape or form

Shock culture destroyed thought

>when carnists get so triggered about not everyone being obsessed with bacon that they self-induce schizophrenia

>Creatures which lack a soul are not autonomous. Animals don't have free will.
Humans are animals and lack a soul.

I think you're projecting your dad onto an imaginary group

Souls and free will are the only way to coherently explain why logic and reason are valid and true. The Theistic position (At the minimum) is the only coherent basis for morality. The liberal/libertarian utilitarian worldview is not capable of forming a coherent basis for law or morality.

That's why we have vegans who have abandoned the theistic worldview who get really upset about killings bees while gathering honey but think it is morally legitimate for a mother to abort her child.

>this entire post
You have to go back

>The Theistic position (At the minimum) is the only coherent basis for morality.
This is literally you.

At last I truly see!
Those truths were hidden from me and now the veil has been lifted!

This is truly an epiphany! The jews must have jewed me and circumcised my brain, but now I regrew my brain-foreskin and inserted this redpill into it!
I shall praise kek and convert to catholicism now.

Then 2 plus 2 would not equal 4, you cannot prove logic exists in a purely materialistic worldview. If humans lack a soul and cannot grasp the inherit logic and order of the universe all statements are relativistic and subjective, the very statement you just made is illogical.

Of course that isn't true and you know this in your heart of hearts, you have simply suppressed the knowledge of God out of arrogance. Even if you claim with your lips that humans don't have souls and that God does not exist you still borrow from the theistic world view in your daily life, you assume the universe has logic and order, you still think 2 plus 2 equals four while in the materialist worldview 2 plus 2 might as well equal brown.

>There are 5 posters in this thread.
>20 replies

Everyone knows 2+2=as many simultaneous days as are happening on Earth at once.

>Supporting Trump
Not an argument.
He is right you know. Just because it's an exaggerated example doesn't mean it is wrong.

>only theism can produce morality

Who was Socrates? Who was Plato? Who was Aristotle? Who were the Romans before the corrupt jewish exiles brought Christianity the bastardized plague of illegitimate Abrahamic morality? In fact, there is no argument that the Abrahamic moralities are in any way better than a pantheistic or atheistic morality other than self referencing your mythological sky pilot's impending punishment. Grow up.

>abortion and veganism is inconsistent

Wrong. It's perfectly consistent for an individual to reduce their footprint and damage to the environment by not eating animals and eliminating unwanted tissue that will end up contributing to the further destruction of the world.

>The liberal/libertarian utilitarian worldview is not capable of forming a coherent basis for law or morality.
Except law and morality generally makes people safer and at peace, and a communal feeling of safety and little conflict is to everyone's general interest.
We don't need to believe that a creature in the sky will make us suffer in a pit of fire if we don't follow certain rules.
Note: Only in religious communities do arbitrary and pretty much useless laws, such as buggery laws or rules about wearing certain fabrics or whether or not you should cut your body hair exist. This is because there's no real logic or point to them. They're a method to exert control by the "chosen" over the commoners. This is why Catholics often worked against scientists. An extension of common knowledge could mean the power of those in charge being undermined, because they worked through capitalizing on the masses' lack of knowledge, blind faith and ignorance to the world.
Believing that humans have souls and free will, and that God exists "because I can just feel it" or "nothing would make sense otherwise" makes the same amount of sense as believing that animals have souls and free will. It's the same thing. Animals would not function, feel pain, mourn their dead, or generally do the things they do if they didn't have the same autonomy as humans (a species who share 99% of their DNA with literal animals, and have the appearance of semi-hairless ones, at that). It's just human arrogance to assume that because they don't communicate the same way we do, that they must be nothing.

Just read the thread, senpai

>the good news is the restaurant doesn't really exist

Well that was a let down.

>Who was Socrates? Who was Plato? Who was Aristotle?


lol but for real they all were somewhat theistic as much as one could be without revealed religion. And I said theism is the basis of a coherent morality, that doesn't imply that that particular theistic system is therefore true. For example Sikhs could argue that such and such is wrong and it would be coherent in that worldview but that doesn't mean Sikhism is therefore true.

>Wrong. It's perfectly consistent for an individual to reduce their footprint and damage to the environment by not eating animals and eliminating unwanted tissue that will end up contributing to the further destruction of the world.

And there we have it, your superior non Abrahamic worldview justifies killing a human who you don't believe possesses an immortal soul while replacing the Earth with God. You are exalting the creation over the creator.

>In fact, there is no argument that the Abrahamic moralities are in any way better than a pantheistic or atheistic morality other than self referencing your mythological sky pilot's impending punishment. Grow up.

I think I can clearly show that the Abrahmic morality is superior to the pagan morality.

Things Christianity outlawed that were legal under pagan "morality"
>Killing unwanted children, typically by tossing them into the river or exposing them to elements
>Human sacrifice
>Widespread pederasty
>Incest, which was rampant in the pagan world
>nobles were able to kill and rape with legal impunity

I think all of these are improvements over the pagan morality.

But two plus two does not equal four in any system apart from the one we created where it does. Two small fishes plus two big fishes equals two small fishes plus two big fishes. I agree that the search for pefrect logic in the universe is a Christian concept. Which is why Bertrand Russell spent 300 pages trying to axiomatically prove that 1+1=2. Perfect logic and the quest for axiomatic proofs has been nothing but an exercise in spiritual masturbation by scientists.

However this has no effect on reality. When build a rocket to go to the moon we use empirical (or as you would call it materialist) calculations. All our technology is based on empirical science, not the axiomatic so called science that the church promoted to an extent where it's ingrained in our psyche.

As for morality without religion, it's perfectly possible without Christianity as shown by the carvaka and Buddhist schools of thought. There's too much to explain here and you'll have to look outside your own dogma to understand it. I will say this though absolute morality may or may not exist but group morality absolutely does.

Cat is shit. Based chinks knew that and eat dog only.

Tastes of cat meats aren't good

If we're deciding that a creature lacks a soul based on whether or not they understand logic and order, you've just inadvertently proven that animals do have souls.
A living, breathing creature that does not understand the inherent logic of the universe and how to survive in it would not be able to thrive in the world, especially not in nature. An animal needs a sense of timing, an understanding of how gravity works and how to use it to its advantage (like when certain animals manipulate trees to make the fruit fall for them to eat), fear of predators, a routine, a "home base", awareness of weather and seasons, the desire to reproduce to keep its species going, an awareness of its surroundings, and acute knowledge of its own position in the pecking order.
A creature that lacks autonomy, or a "soul", as you put it, would not have any of those things. It would just be wandering around like a severely developmentally disabled child, and probably attempt to self-cannibalize when hungry. Animals would have all rendered themselves extinct long ago if what you're saying is true.

>Except law and morality generally makes people safer and at peace, and a communal feeling of safety and little conflict is to everyone's general interest.

Your conception of whats good for society will be different from someone else s and subject to change over time. What you believe has utility is entirely subjective and not universal. As such how can you really expect to force your own subjective utilitarian worldview unto someone else?

And what if I simply reject utility? What if I say yeah I know raping and killing is bad but I just don't care about the legal consequences or the impact it has on the society. What if unlike most atheists, I'm not actually afraid of dying or afraid of the coercive power of the state and just do whatever I want? How can the utilitarian worldview not admit that that is a valid and justified view?

how does cat or dog meat taste anyways

Stop replying to the retard shitposter.
He's most likely a troll, and if he isn't, it's an even bigger waste of your time to communicate with a schizo who believes logic proves the existence of jew god.

All of those "outlawed" things are things Christians still do today, probably more than atheists. And instead of relentlessly shaming those who partake in such degeneracy, like atheists delight in doing, they just hide it.

No one gives a shit that Chinks eat cats/dogs, it's that they intentionally torture them as much as possible before butchering them due to retarded traditional medicine beliefs

Any sources on that claim?

Even if that was true Christianity clearly condemns those practices while atheism does not. There is no basis for saying that those actions are wrong in the atheist world view.

Zero arguments.

>MFW Atheists can't prove their worldview.

>What you believe has utility is entirely subjective and not universal.
There are variations of the same utilitarian concepts, but it pretty much all comes down to "Don't kill other people pointlessly or take without reason. That way, we can all survive". Those variations are why different communities exist.
Let's say I think someone should be killed if they break a rule everyone else has already agreed on. I can round up all the other people who agree with this notion, we can form our society with that in mind, and live how we choose.
It has nothing to do with God. It's not forced in any way, either. You can just fuck off and leave to live your own life with people who think the same thing as you. In the space of religion, though, other people's subjective utilitarian worldviews actually can and will be forced upon you. "Infidels" are ostracized and killed.
>And what if I simply reject utility? What if I say yeah I know raping and killing is bad but I just don't care about the legal consequences or the impact it has on the society.
Then you will be ousted from the community that thinks otherwise, and if push comes to shove, they might end up killing you to protect themselves.
>What if unlike most atheists, I'm not actually afraid of dying or afraid of the coercive power of the state and just do whatever I want? How can the utilitarian worldview not admit that that is a valid and justified view?
Doing "whatever you want" is fine. It's only when you fuck with other people and impede their lives that people get annoyed. That's when it contradicts the utilitarian worldview by harming others.

That piglet in the vid was qt :3

Nigga look where you are. This is the board that kept the vegan diet for cats thread up for hundreds upon hundreds of posts. This board chomps down on bait fucking HARD.

>There are variations of the same utilitarian concepts,

Yep some pretty big fucking variations. Consider pre colonial Hawaii where homosexuality was rampant and encouraged as was human sacrifice. One society might come to the conclusion that murder in the form of human sacrifice is perfectly valid and good for utility. While a Christian culture would consider human sacrifice as not being good.

You seem to think that all cultures share the same value system, while they don't in reality. Consider another per Christian culture like the Cherokee Indians that had a cultural practice of considering all property as being acceptable to take. They would go take other peoples property and did not consider that wrong. Utilitarian conceptions of morality are not always uniform or universal, and different cultures develop radically different morals.

Oh wait, no, that was /an/.

You can see where there's confusion though.

I enjoyed that thread.
I don't enjoy the jewlogic bait in this one. It stinks of /pol/ and/or feces (hard to tell them apart).

Let's go back to subhumans eating cats.

>Things Christianity outlawed that were legal under pagan "morality"

Most non-Abrahamic cultures throughout history did not practice any of those things. Many "Christians" have practised all of those things. In fact the nobles killing and raping was a frequent occurence at the height of European Christianity in the middle ages.

Christian morality is in fact the weakest and most worthless of all moralities because the only "bond" holding a practioner, a mythological sky pilot's punishment, can be assuaged after committing the most egregiously evil acts by muttering a magical incantation asking forgiveness in case you die in your sleep. Wake up the next morning and right back at it. It preys on the weak and the unscrupulous who use it for overlording power and bilking grandmothers and ignorant sots of their money. Fortunately it's fading into the dustbin of history.

>One society might come to the conclusion that murder in the form of human sacrifice is perfectly valid and good for utility.
This is because of religion in pretty much all cases. That is what a Theistic worldview leads to. "God will punish us if we don't give him this man, this woman, this child, this baby". The fear that bad things will happen if you don't commit a self-flagellatory act of penance. Atheistic communities don't pull that shit.
>You seem to think that all cultures share the same value system, while they don't in reality
Survival is a value system that's ingrained in all living things, until something pushes them to suicidal ideation, or the progeny of the community is somehow guaranteed through their passing.
>the Cherokee Indians that had a cultural practice of considering all property as being acceptable to take. They would go take other peoples property and did not consider that wrong.
I tried to Google this to find out more about this, but I couldn't find anything. Mind linking where you read about that?
>Utilitarian conceptions of morality are not always uniform or universal, and different cultures develop radically different morals.
Hence why I said different communities exist because of variations of belief. You're literally agreeing with me.

If it makes you feel any better, we're all pointing out why he's full of shit and watching him sweat trying to make sense of his retarded beliefs. The real cancer would be if people started agreeing with him.
Some of us just like prodding at dumb people and trying to pick them apart.

>In fact the nobles killing and raping was a frequent occurence at the height of European Christianity in the middle ages.

Look children a meme invented by enlightenment pseudo philosophers like Voltaire.

And if you look at most non Abrahamic faiths and cultures you see some common traits like human sacrifice, pederasty, magic, etc..

>This is because of religion in pretty much all cases

I can agree with that, false pagan religions that worship demons like the Aztecs, Romans, Nordics, and all other false and fallen angels that man began to worship.
>That is what a Theistic worldview leads to.
Not really no current major theistic world religion promotes human sacrifice that I know of. That is a polytheistic thing.
>Atheistic communities don't pull that shit.

Yeah Atheists just kill millions of people for bad philosophy like in Communist China and Soviet Russia.

>I tried to Google this to find out more about this, but I couldn't find anything. Mind linking where you read about that?

Honestly don't know where the link is but I have talked to Cherokee Natives about this aspect of their culture.

>You're literally agreeing with me.

Not really you claimed that people have some basic utilitarian premises that aid their survival while in reality they don't.

One culture killing is wrong another killing is ok and these are both supposed to enable their survival, that makes no sense even from a utilitarian perspective.

Good thread guys I had a lot of fun. I get the sense that some of you guys might be rustled, chill out guys. There is no reason to be upset.

>I can agree with that, false pagan religions that worship demons like the Aztecs, Romans, Nordics, and all other false and fallen angels that man began to worship.
Spoiler: They're all the exact same thing.
>Yeah Atheists just kill millions of people for bad philosophy like in Communist China and Soviet Russia.
At the very least, that's the natural progression of human nature. A scramble for power and resources. The notion that "they" are your enemy, and they must be exterminated for the sake of your own kind. Not an irrational fear of being struck into hellfire and damnation.
>Not really you claimed that people have some basic utilitarian premises that aid their survival while in reality they don't.
Except they do. If it weren't like that, most of the human race would have died off.
>One culture killing is wrong another killing is ok and these are both supposed to enable their survival, that makes no sense even from a utilitarian perspective.
The one that enables killing either does so to ensure the survival of the many (as opposed to the singular), or they do it because they think God wants them to. You're defending the latter as somehow being morally superior for some reason.
>Good thread guys I had a lot of fun. I get the sense that some of you guys might be rustled, chill out guys. There is no reason to be upset.
There's no need to project your own feelings, user. You can just bow out gracefully when you know you're out of rebuttals.

>And if you look at most non Abrahamic faiths and cultures you see some common traits like human sacrifice, pederasty, magic, etc..

Other than magic, no they don't. And for a Christian to try to try to criticize magic is the height of absurdity. Prayer causing skypilot intervention, transsubstantiation, mystical revelation, virgin birth, ascencion, baptism, etc. Your nonsense is literally the same nonsense practiced by the Tarahumara in the Amazon rainforest.

Furthermore, there are numerous examples of egalitarian cultures where all property except basic tools were held in common. The evils you pretend the pseudo christian morality eliminated were usually present in more highly stratified agricultural cultures, not hunter gatherers. And the only native Cherokee you have ever talked to were Uncle Tom's sucking at the christian dick.

Avg weight for an adult cat is like 8 or 10 lbs, what do you think?

>a meme invented by enlightenment pseudo philosophers

LMAO, the nobles of the middle ages were altruistic and didn't consider their serfs property. Nice historical revisionism. Did you write the Texas elementary history schoolbooks by any chance?

I heard that carnivore meat is tough and tastes bad.
Why would anyone want to eat cat?

Cats are mostly bones and fur let's not kid ourselves here

really made my mind ponder.

2 +2 is on a spectrum. Learn to actually use science

Do americans really eat this...?