Carton Cigarettes

I've decided to start buying cigarettes online by the carton to save money, but every site I check seems insanely sketch.

Is there any good sites to buy cig cartons online?

if ya really wanna save money, roll your own

>asking how to destroy your taste buds on the Veeky Forumsing board

too much time.

there used to be regular /cig/ threads

Why don't you just quit altogether? Save your money and don't get lung cancer. Seems like a good compromise to me.

I'll quit when I feel like I have a future.

>I'll never quit

>food and cooking board
>can you answer my naive question about cigarettes?
Double retard
I think it's time for you to fuck off back to /tv/.

>insanely sketch.
Are you a millenial?

>food and cooking

>too much time.
Not really. I had switched to rolled cigarettes because I thought it would be cumbersome and a good way to curb my smoking habit.

Long story short, I learnt to roll very fast but didn't stop. I saved some money though, and there is some niceness out of the process of rolling, it's quite relaxing.

You don't have to give up smoking, but you should only smoke when you drink

The day you get lung cancer is the day you start caring about your future.
If you wanna die you should stop smoking & use the money you save to buy a gun.

>to save money
Just stop buying cigs.

some of us want to die slowly


I haven't smoked in a long time but when I did I bought nat shermans by the box. If you have any taste in tobacco at all you'd either buy those or quit smoking altogether imo.

Deep web, darknet markets are your best bet.

Good luck figuring out how to use it. Also, bitcoins.

For cigs? What is it, some black market cigs?

Yeah, they got cigs, they got some fuego cigs, I was tripping dick off of some reds I picked up

I work at a gas station that sells cigarettes, I confirm this is bait, this faggots picked one of the most expensive fucking cigarette brands to buy. You only get COUPONS for little packs of these at best.

You usually see slightly lower prices by the carton. Bigger discounts online may involve circumventing local tax rates.

Proceed with caution. Those ATF guys are nuts.