Would you pay $17 for this?

Would you pay $17 for this?

Korean short rib taco, carnitas quesadilla, chicken enchilada with some kind of fancy green sauce, charro beans, uh cabbage? and of course rice. Plus chips and salsa.


No not really but I'd have to see it in person before I could make a final judgement to see if it's bigger in person.

is the fancy sauce that oily liquid swimming at the bottom?

I would probably try it but that rice looks dry as fuck, and those beans look really old

the portion size seems adequate but this doesn't strike me as more than 5 dollars worth of food at some low quality food truck

No. I live in an immigrant neighborhood, and can get amazing meals for $10 or less. To pay almost double that for a dated gimmick? No thanks.

Maybe like $12. I'd rather skip on the filler and just get the taco and quesadilla

Honestly, I can't taste the food through the screen, but if it tastes good then yes. Portion is a bit small, but that's coming as an American.

Choose your combo. They have the standard steak, pork, chicken, chorizo, tongue, avocado as choices.

>messy plating
>Pico looks like it's ordered in
It doesn't look bad at all, but it certainly doesn't look worth $17.

no thats 15 bucks tops and even thats too much.

that's $6 here in flyover land

What the fuck does korean short rib mean? Why would I want a taco with korean seasoned meat? If I want korean food, I will go to a gook restaurant. If I want tacos, I will go to a beaner restaurant. Not some shithole run by fucking fresh out of college white boys who write their menus while they're on acid.

£8.50 take it or leave it

you definitely live in nebraska or some shit where peoples have never intermixed.

come to houston. we have cajun vietnamese fusion. we have korean mexican. we have oh shit im getting flooded by a hurricane brb

This. The whole fusion thing is just dumbass hipster shit. Don't fuck with the beauty of well done korean BBQ or mexican street food. You aren't a fucking creative genius by randomly melding different foods into some new superfood. The fact that someone would pay $17.00 for it just shows the level of ignorance we've reached. I suppose it's just "rats in a cage" late stage capitalism.

You couldn't be more wrong on my geographical location, mate. Fusion restaurants are garbage. It's never run by "intermixed" people. It's white people who pretend like they are "cultured" when half the shit in their menu isn't seasoned at all and they have a bottle of sriracha on every table for those who are DARING enough to want some "heat."

Pic related is from a local restaurant that for some reason is still in business despite being terrible and overpriced.

>Fusion restaurants are garbage. It's never run by "intermixed" people.
So what's life in Nebraska like anyway?

How many times a day do you provide fellatio to all the mexikoreans in your Houston "fusion" restaurants?

>I'm not in Nebraska where no one has ever intermixed!
>Is actually in Arkansas where no one has ever intermixed
Yeah case closed. It's hysterical that you thought you were outside the "nebraska or some shit" category, being in Arkansas.

>Implying Fayetteville isn't basically Houston

You have no idea what you are talking about. Have you ever actually left Texas?

ooh someone jelly squirtin

try visiting a major city one day (nyc, houston, LA, chicago... not fucking little rock lmao)

I used to live in a big city, actually. Houston isn't the center of the universe and I have never visited Little Rock. Please stop projecting, Mr. Memelord :^)

>Implying Fayetteville isn't basically Houston
ok this seems like a fun game, i'll go next
>implying des moines iowa isnt San francisco

>houston is the center of the universe
lol what are you even implying... and you're other people about the projecting.
you're adorable

>I'm not cultured therefore nobody else can be cultured
t. passportless flyover

It's like the guy is posting from some midwest time warp, from when the 1990s cultural backlash against copycat fusion was just hitting the mainstream

He'll probably start raving about the sriracha fad some time around 2034

For one, I have never heard of Fayetteville.
Not sure what you were trying to accomplish with that one. You literally have less than 100k people.

fucking lol

I wish death upon fusion restaurants.

Yup, that looks about right. A typical mexican or tex mex plate is 6-8 bucks. You paid extra for the memes OP.

I would pay $12 for that.

that looks like an abomination

i bet gordon ramsey would throw it straight into the trash can

Maybe $10, but $17 is ridiculous.

But what if it tastes good? Really good? What then?

>dumbass hipster shit. Don't fuck with the beauty of well done korean BBQ or mexican street food.
As someone who leans traditionalist part of me agrees. Shit becomes popular because it's good, and why fuck with what's already good. But in the case of Mexican street food it's all fusion anyways, so part of being overly trad about things is saying "NO FUN ALLOWED", which is silly. Hipster is eagerly overpaying for the novelty. But Korean Mexican fusion is hardly a new thing. The Kogi Truck was a national sensation like eight years ago. (And part of the team is a chef who was a CIA valedictorian). This isn't some new flavor of the month thing. Not worth $17 a plate IMO, but if you were starved for novelty I could see it.