>order delivery for 10 bucks
>they charge 2 dollars delivery costs
Is it still alright to tip?
>order delivery for 10 bucks
>they charge 2 dollars delivery costs
Is it still alright to tip?
Yes, the driver only gets a small portion of the delivery charge.
I always tip at least $5 for delivery.
If it's a chain pizza place then yes.
The delivery fee is just a way for the company to suck out extra money. None of it goes to the driver.
If it's UberEats or some local place then don't bother tipping.
>place order to local pizza place
>tell them to tell the driver i'll give him an extra 20 bucks if he gets me a 40 on his way over
>he does
Why is that 2 liter so THICC
The biggest one?
2 liters is 2000 ml?
>No 3 Lt.
Are you stupid or something?
>at least $5 for delivery.
If I order $17 in food, five bucks is nearly 33% of the fucking meal. Even real waiters don't get that much in tip.
"Real waiters" don't have to destroy their car just to do their job.
And a $10 order isn't much easier for a driver to bring to you than a $20 order, so it makes no sense to go off percentages with drivers.
Drivers are also usually high and sitting in a car. Driving is not hard, I sympathize with the cost of gas but I'm not tipping 33% for a pizza.
Bro, tipping that much is very normal in murica. Since we underpay our delivery boys and waiters. It's our duty to pay the other half of their paycheck.
>I sympathize with the cost of gas
That's not the problem. It's the number of miles they have to put on their car.
Also, they're literally risking their lives. Car accidents are the leading cause of accidental deaths.
You've got to be kidding of course. No one, even an americuck, could be that hosed.
And they probably don't have commercial insurance so their household insurance is invalid.
>2 liters is 2000 ml?
Don't drive then if its so tough on your car
Not him, I do understand where you are coming from with the car stuff and even wrecking. But, they also CHOSE that job knowing what it was like and what it would do to their car and they thought it was an acceptable risk.
I only live around 5-10mins driving distance from any pizza place around me; I always tip like 2.50.
Bong here
No I don't tip drivers unless I'm in a good mood.
At a restaurant I wont tip unless it's a none chain "fancy restaurant"
Pic - me and my 3 homies away to order a PJ's.
We once asked a pizza guy to buy cigarettes for us. he did, even the right brand we asked for. amazing
Help my fuck. It's 2000*10^-3, nigger!
Fuck man, are y'all really that reclusive that you are willingly paying delivery fees and then bitching about it online?
You guys need to reevaluate a lot of things in your life if you're at this point.
Yes, they chose that job with the understanding that most people would tip them enough for it to be worth it.
You don't have to tip at all, of course, but you're taking advantage of the low prices that the companies can afford because they don't have to buy and insure their own delivery cars.
>no 375ml cans
If you amerifats are going to use metric you should at least spell it like the rest of the English speakers on this planet
I usually take the delivery fee out of any tip I was planning on giving. Most times it ends up being like 2 bucks I tip.
Cans are objectively the best containers and amounts of soda
Lee-tres? No that's dumb.
I generally tip 3 bucks regardless of what I order. I just from what I've heard from delivery drivers 2-3 bucks is fine, but that was a while ago and it seems like the percentage expected on tips never stops going up, which really doesn't make any sense since a percentage would automatically adjust for inflation anyway. It'd be nice to hear from someone currently working delivery what a good average tip is.
No, the American spelling is dumb
the 280ml on top reminds me of my dick
It's not pronounced lee-tres, it's pronounced leeters
But that doesn't give you corn syrup folk an excuse to fuck with the queen's wishes
Fugg the queen shes dust walking for mee-tres at a time.
Yeah but when she finally kicks the bucket she will be replaced by someone else who would prefer its spelt litres
go get the fucking food yourself
We don't care about percentages. In a perfect world, you would tip based on how far away you are from the restaurant you are, but that's not perfect either; three miles of city driving is very different from three miles of suburb driving.
Five bucks is a good baseline to go from. If you're right around the corner, don't tip less. Go get it yourself. Even a short run will cause us to have to go out of our way from our other deliveries. I'd rather hook up my good customers than have to make an extra stop to give some NEET his tendies for no tip because he couldn't waddle his ass around the block and doesn't think he should have to tip.
If it's UberEATS or Skip the Dishes then do whatever, they're given the whole fee anyway. Up to you if you want to give them any more dosh.
In my country the only place you tip at is fancy restaurants.
>not glass bottle
too long
No, threy chose the job in spite of knowing a lot of people order online, no tip included.
Fuck off with your guilt tripping. I'm not your employer, don't come to me for a salary.
>tipping a driver
Someone is taking the dumb "if you can't afford to tip, don't eat out" meme a little further, huh?
I tip 10% of the meal, not including delivery fee and not a cent more unless they were amazing. It's called "a tip", not "poor dumb bastard subsidy".
If you choose to become a delivery driver and don't like 10% tips, instead of bitching about it, get a better job. 5 dollar tips.. lol dummy.
Okay dude but like I said, you're taking advantage of the low prices passed onto you by their employer.
If everyone was like you, it would be literally impossible to find people to deliver pizza. It's hard enough to find anyone willing to do it even for tips.
And then you know what they would have to do? Buy and insure their own cars. Know what that would cause? It would cause your pizza to cost more than it does under the current model (even taking into account a generous tip).
Fuck the queen
>And a $10 order isn't much easier for a driver to bring to you than a $20 order, so it makes no sense to go off percentages with drivers.
You can say the same thing about waiters but they get percentage
You choose to do a shit job
Dont bitch about what i choose to do
>people don't tip
>people won't deliver
>employer has to increase wages to get people to deliver
>pizza company has to choose between taking a hit in the pocket keeping the pizza costs the same or increasinh costs risking losing business
This is what is supposed to happen user. There is nothing wrong with a company being unable to stay afloat if they can meet the markets demands.
Agreed. This is what should happen
You work in a broken system. Dont get mad at the customer, get mad at the company that keeps the broken system going
glass bottles > cans > hard plastic bottles > soft plastic bottles
The only reasonable way to see it.
If they charge for delivery, do not tip.
I don't care what kind of kike bullshit they try to feed you to try and get an additional tip there is no reasonable justification for tipping TWICE.
Even tipping once should be optional.
>$20 for a large pizza
>$15 for a dozen wings
>"""""low prices"""""
the shit is already overpriced
it's a huge fucking scam
I got a guy to deliver pizza to me on the side of the motorway once. It was the middle of the night, the car had broken down and there was nowhere nearby to eat. I tipped him 50% since we could have easily been waiting behind the bushes to mug him. Other than exceptional service like that though I don't tip those fuckers. Same for restaurants, my tips range from 0% to 50%, you earn that shit and don't get anything just given to you. Sometimes all it takes is a smile and a friendly demeanour.
Well excuuuse me for not understanding Commie system.
>it's 32 degrees Freedom outside
>no, it's 0 Commie
Y'all are a bunch of pompous sissies.
If they charge for delivery, don't order from them. That money doesn't go to the driver.
>Sometimes all it takes is a smile and a friendly demeanor.
This, 100%. It amazes me how few servers understand this.
we say 'liter' in norway, though
pretty sure sweden and denmark does as well
Sweden here
Former delivery driver here
A normal and totally good tip is just a dollar or two. I almost never see a tip that's over 5 unless it's a huge catering order or an order for a full office of people. If you don't tip it's not going to end the world but if you don't tip and your a regular you're more likely to get food that's been fucked with. Not everyone is nice enough to tip and not everyone is nice enough to do their job right
this only happens in the US of A, right?
>REEEE WHY DO STUPID AMERICANS (and some other European countries) NOT SPELL WORDS LIKE ME
sorry Nigel, but you aren't the center of the world anymore
people don't drive on the left side of the road, and people don't add silent O's in words that don't need them
get with the times
>>order delivery for 10 bucks
>>they charge 2 dollars delivery costs
You're letting (((them))) win. I NEVER pay for delivery cost. I always start out with, "I'm going to be placing a large order, but do not want to be hit with a delivery charge, but I will tip the driver". I've done this enough that I never pay a charge, and the drivers get to me quickly because I tip well.
You gotta learn how to out-jew the jew.
Yes, When you write it in Norwegian and Swedish you do. But when you/we write it, we consistently use 'litres' just as we just the anglo spelling when we write 'colour'.
>350ml can
Where do you find that? I've only ever seen 355ml.
>350ml and 355ml can
I've only seen 330ml ones (cans)..
Every delivery driver gets a "float" from the shop which is just payment by the shop for fuel costs. Typically in the UK this is £20.
The delivery charge which is typically £1.50-3.00 depends upon the distance and all goes to the driver, the cost of the food goes to the shop.
The tip is up to you and goes to the driver.
American here.
How many are these in inches?
>med student
>not fat
>don't smoke
>don't drink alcohol
>don't do any drug
>don't fug (i hope that changes when and if i become a good doc)
>drink a lot of Coca-Cola, i could have diabetes right now (being mexican doesn't help at that), but i'm afraid to confirm it
Fuck Coke, that delicious poison. I trade it for agua de limon (with a lot of sugar, but hey, less weird burgerclapstain chemicals).
>silet O's
>not silent U's
Fuck Brits in their entirety.
Quit drinking sugar you beaner.
Kek my town did away with tipping delivery drivers long ago almost by accident.
>City decides all food delivered needs to be sealed at resteraunt because of concerns about emerging 3rd party delivery services like "Uber Eats"
>Anything that gets delivered now needs to be sealed with a sticker at resteraunt before it leaves
>Pizza boxes sealed by cooks after making them
>Delivery drivers deliver sealed boxes
>Dont tip at all ever and know that drivers cant fuck with food
>If they are slow because you dont tip complain to corporate complaint line and get them fired
>never tip delivery drivers again
Im pretty sure no one in town tips anymore except baby boomers who do it because its just the way they have always done it.
Its pretty awesome that pizza prices for delivery are finally affordable again.
If you are a burgerclapper, you have no right to scold me. We used to be pretty thin, but but everything changed when the fat nation attacked.
>I trade it for agua de limon (with a lot of sugar, but hey, less weird burgerclapstain chemicals).
If you're talking about lemonade which is sounds like you are, here the formula for lemonade is:
Lemon juice squeezed from lemons
No """chemicals""" (A stupid fucking word to describe artificial additives. Water is a fucking chemical.)
Nice reading comprehension. You are just repeating what i said, that lemonade doesn't have all that weird shit Coke have, so it's a step on the right direction.
And fuck your highschool science semantics, Walter White.
if every driver listened to you, you couldn't get delivery retard
Whats the weird shit. All of the ingredients make sense in Coke.
I know, that there is no real social convention for it, but if I know the restaurant makes good food, they get my order right, the delivery is quick, on time and the food still hot, I like to hand the driver 50cent to a buck, if I have change around.
Especially when it is a smaller (family) business, I want to support the driver.
Denmark here
Liter singular, litre plural
>No glass bottle
I wish my town would so this fucking deliveryfaggot recently was able too buy a new car like fuck off theor was nothing wrong with his old one just one time the retart forgot too charge his battery and i had too jump his fag ass battery was so dead it took half a hour of tryeing to start and made grindeing noises retatr couldnt drive either je pulled away and his car kept jerkeing and stalleing like fuck retards like this dont deserve too outwright buy new cars if their not smart enough too take care of there currant car
>it's as easy to carry 8 plates in your hands as 2
>it's as easy to carry a sandwich in your your hands as soup
>tfw stupid sugar drink tax made cocacola change from old sugar recipe to american corn syrup.
You know the cooks usually get a part of all tips, right?
you're not measung the bottles in length, right? you
re meaning volume, right..?
>needs cap opener to open
>once cap is off you'll have to drink it all
>may break
>tastes way better
>can be recapped if yur gud
>tastes way better
that's subjective, though
>can be recapped if yur gud
sure. not as easy as just screwing the cap back on. also there might not get completely sealed off
>might not get completely sealed off
Only if you're bad.
>a $60 steak is harder to carry than 4 salads
If you didn't drop out of elementary school, you wouldn't be stuck doing shit jobs.
The point still stands, a delivery driver usually carries roughly the same amount of food every time he leaves the restaurant, a waiter has to go back and forth the kitchen carrying varying amounts of food every time.
Also, if your $60 steak looks anything less than this, you're getting fucking scammed, not my fault you eat at shitty overpriced restaurants. This specific type of dish (which comes in several plates usually, yes those little bowls are part of order) can be obtained for less than $50.
Aren't you the one who compared soup to a sandwich?
You don't know what that word means, clearly.
The point stands that food cost has little bearing on weight or ease of transport. Kind of shocked I had to spell it out for you, but here we are.
>posts the "ideal" $60 steak
>literally a tray full of everything but steak
>what meat is present is overcooked and dry
Why are you even on this board?
>Be retarded bong
>Vote brexit
>Let government watch everything I do
>Let government force me to pay for a TV license
>Let Paki mayor of London call me evil
>Let government destroy economy
>Then this shit happens
Pic related
holy shit that has to be the work of a merchant
lel took the bait
weak one, though
Han sa 'engelsktalende', ikke nordmenn, drittsekk