What is the nost popular cheap, high energy density food for labours from your region?
What is the nost popular cheap, high energy density food for labours from your region?
Black coffee and a turkey sandwich
I think sugar is 50-70 cents a pound
Which is about 2 cups and 1546 calories
So like 2 coca colas?
how much protein is in sugar?
>What is the nost popular cheap, high energy density food for labours from your region?
Dog is 8 times cheaper then pork and chicken. Also rice is ok. But there is sometimes fake rice and fake eggs. I don't like to eat cats though. Horse is too stringy!
are you korean?
On Craigslist dogs are free.
Pretty much every food recipe in my country is cheap, high energy density and good for labours.
Sardines and peanut butter
BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas is extremely popular in this flyover area.
Do you have any photos for that?
You a pinoy?
When I worked, we always got this,
you can't drive half a mile without a fast food place. so you can imagine.
I fucking love smorrebrod.
Fiskefillet og flæskesteg all day, everyday.
Beans, rice, corn, wheat bread, potatoes.
Chicken and potatoes, along with some basic bean.
Asian but not PH
taco bell
Potatoes with vegetables and a pork chop.