
Neatly illustrates the problem with people who like monarchies.

I don't care if dude is a retard. That is some fine-looking pizza.

It looks greasy as fuck.

Is that supposed to be a negative for pepperoni pizza?

>It's olive oil! It's good for you! I promise you that!
Fucking Amerifat.

Yes greasy pizza is shit.

>the oil, which is extra virgin olive oil, sits in the cup
Perhaps he was implying that he puts extra virgin olive oil onto the pizza?

Wrong opinion.

>Yes greasy pizza is shit.
This. It should be balanced.

When viewing the slicing machine with the pepperoni, you can tell it's very very fatty and soft. It was low quality, and not that dry-cured good kind. Consequently, that fat all rendered out onto the pizza in copious amounts. I like some fat, but not that much. I want my cheese a little thicker when having a crust of that height too.

Watch the video again, that's not what he said.

I cringe anytime some restaurant owner talks about "muh heritage" and how his father's father's father's father made pizza with glorious Italian dough folded 1000 times. It's as useful to me as food served on a shovel. I.e you're trying to jew me out of more money for some arbitrary shit other than the quality of your food.

how come he doesnt serve blue cheese

looks good. I live 700 miles a way, won't be stopping by.

heritage just makes it more likely that the food will be good, because if your dad was a master pizza-smith it's very likely he passed his skills onto you

It's the first thing he talks about though. It's why I couldn't be bother to watch past 30 seconds. Somebody with true skills wouldn't talk about heritage. He would explain why his food is the best. I couldn't care less about heritage. Who's to say his father was any good either? The pizza looks greasy so how good could it be.

>Sicilian pizza

Why would he?

MmmmMmmm meaty grease cups

Why do people pretend to enjoy life in New York?

i will never eat that.