/water/ thread
/water/ thread
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I drink water.
I'm made of water.
I AM water. This thread is about me.
Damn right me. God I'm so fr*ckin awesome!
Wasting the night away with some quality tap water /sip/s, m'ladies.
I dont drink water it contains hydrogen which is what atomic bombs are made out of so enjoy blowing up morons
Do Americans really drink this?
water sucks, it has no flavor.
I got a zerowater pitcher recently.
cold water best water
This guy doesn't even know how to wear sunglasses
Water killed my friend 2 years ago. I just cant look at it the same way anymore.
He don't care, he is the storm.
I think the government is lying to us about water. They say its supposed to contain oxygen but the last time I inhailed it my lungs became filled with water and not oxygen.
I double filter my water in New Brunswick Canada, still gross.
Visit my parents at home in the Netherlands, glorious fresh delicious water.
Gf comments on how embarrassing it is to her that our tap water tastes like Canadian bottled water, and she only realized how gross her tap water tastes now.
Nobody cares autist
Water? you mean like in the toilet?
what for?
Pic related.
Back to R.eddit.
Why would anyone willingly drink DHMO?
Fucking love water. Drinking my seventh pint right now. Man it's so fuckin good. U mad fruit juice faggots?
I almost always drink water. The only times I don't drink water is when I am drinking alcohol or when I want to treat my self.
water is really good when your thirsty.
What is your favorite thing to add to water? Not juices or concentrates, but things like lemon, lime, berry fruits? My favorite is sliced plumb and black peppercorns, goes well in tonic water.
lurk more
>forcing your stomach to contract repeatedly as it attempts to warm it up because your body only accepts room temperature liquids immediately
wew lad
thanks ugly god.
I do enjoy some nice, properly chilled water
the smooth, oily texture, the peppery bite
great with some steak tartare
>he doesn't drink water
goes along with: fussy eater and him being raised by a single mother as massive red-flags when assessing potential mates
>60% of a vodka bottle is water
>drink 5 litres of vodka a day to get your 3l of water
Time to put my big boy pants on.
I drink about six of these a day. Slightly chilled tap water.
water you guys up to?
i hate everyone
even you are self?
Anybody want a glass, i heard Texas has some to spare.
Why does water make me want to throw up, and seem to dry my mouth out?
thread theme song
24 grams of sodium, 96 grams of carbs a day, holy lord
Is it just your tap water? If it's all water maybe you're just too much of a lardass?
try drinking more water
I got a 1 gallon Pür filter a couple weeks ago. It was about $20 on Amazon. It's fucking great. Normally my tap water comes out hot even from the cold side and tastes like bleach, so that thing and an hour in the fridge has cured my suicidal depression.
Anyone ever had Topo Chico mineral water? I used to like it, and a gas station I work near sells it in autistic dildo-shaped 1.5 liter bottles, but the more I drank it the more it tasted like piss.
Hey, Veeky Forums!
Water sucks. Gatorade is better.
Devilish gets my dude
Nothing says first world country more than being able to drink straight from the tap without fear of consequences.
always wanted to try this.
anyone else drink salt water or is it just me?
I hope you are talking about WATER and not that other drink taht tastes like piss.