Why haven't they invented better bacon? Trimming is so time consuming
Why haven't they invented better bacon? Trimming is so time consuming
Because you buy the lowest quality bacon you redneck american fuck twat
No, it's Hormel Black label thick cut, about the best the grocery stores carry
>not wanting all that delicious bacon fat
>not buying ends & pieces / irregular bacon
There are people this day in age who don't save all their rendered bacon fat in a tin can to re-purpose?
Humanity hasn't progressed one fucking bit. We're actually going backwards.
Why would you do this? What a waste.
I just throw away the scraps and rendered fat. Aside from making some lard dip like that slav, which I'm not going to do, what uses would it have?
>He doesn't know about Wright brand bacon
I've had packs of this before. Half the time, all I get are chunks of fat and thick hunks of meat that I can't fry correctly
Other anomalies include the absurdly thick piece of bacon that's actually really good but a bitch to cook well.
It replaced butter entirely. Are you serious?
I'm guessing this is a bait thread and OP just wanted to render the fat for something else. But, if you're going to do this, you might as well get ham for the meat and add a little bacon for the fat.
I don't like the way if feels in my mouth to chew a big chunk of fat. A piece of bacon has giant fat globs at both ends and 1 or two places in the middle. Maybe I'm spoiled
I tried saving my bacon fat and using it for other things but I think the flavor is just overpowering. Tried cooking eggs with it, making cornbread, and things like that, and the taste of smoke and fat was just too strong to where I couldn't really taste anything else.
Should have left the fat on. Let it render down and help to fry the rest of the bacon. The trick is bring the temp up slowly and to keep your oven around 300 degrees so it renders properly.
This is the correct answer.
You just listed the two most common things to use it for. Virtually any southern dish that needs some grease can use bacon fat. It's all-purpose.
just buy ham instead
Is what he said correct, that it makes everything taste like smoky fat?
Look up Speck or pancetta, OP.
Not making home fries and eggs in b g...
Use it as cooking oil obviously
I'm cooking it on medium low with a lid on
Incoming soggy bacon.
>he trims the fat off his bacon
Who is they?
when you disregard all progress because people don't sace pig fat
It turned out quite well, got about 7 ounces cooked out of 2 pounds or $8 of bacon. That's enough for a healthy topping on 8 sandwiches or salads
When you underestimate how serious of business this is.
what the fuck OP
Next time you decide to trim the fat off your bacon, you can soak it in a bowl of water to remove the smoked flavors. Then just squeeze out the water. Now you have decent lardons for poultry breasts that you can save in the freezer. Glad you made some lean bacon bits, but you threw away the most expensive and useful part of that pig.
why do you hate bacon so much?
My grandma hates bacon but cooks up a batch every week or so just so she can use the rendered fat in all her meals. The bacon just goes in the trash if no one checks in on her the day she cooks it up.
>all these responses
This is a bait thread you idiots.
Whoa, pretty epic spot there, dudester. I bet you used to pwn trolls all the time last summer. Glad one of you big dawgs finally had the time to enlighten us about this thread. Keep it up, epic win guy.
Sounds like it's time for an assisted living facility.
just fry it until it's gone you fool
do americans really not have back bacon?
sounds like what op really wants
Wright Brand bacon nigger. Problem solved.
I only use it for cooking meats for this reason.
You need a bacon press. It's just a metal weight you put on top of the bacon and the fat renders out because it is in direct contact with the pan
Why is this so hard for people to do
>I'm too stupid to buy bacon from a butcher
Buy your own pork belly with the highest lean/fat ratio you can find and cure your own. It's as simple as mixing a salt/sugar rub, applying it and putting it in the refrigerator for 10 days. Cold smoke, hot smoke or leave it unsmoked. Lean bacon, higher quality and 3-4 times cheaper; problem solved.
>a tin can
Hey gramps, we have this thing noe called glass. Its pretty cheap.
uhh those are steaks dude
Dude, you're eating bacon, why do you take the fat out? Is like vain fat girl, goes to fast food restaurant, orders 3 piece fried chicken, double burger extra cHEESE, large fries, pizza taco inside another taco and diet soda.
They're rashers you pleb.
This is how you cook bacon? No wonder you're so fucking wrong about everything.
Why do you frequent a food and cooking board when you clearly know nothing about either subject?
Fuck off back to your millennial soda thread or even better back to /tv/ or whichever shithole of ignorance you came from.
I've never had so much trouble reading a thread in my entire life. Why op, they're trying to help you, just why.
Invent it by yourself.
>not frying the bacon with the fat, then just pouring the oil to wherever you're storing it
>I've had packs of this before. Half the time, all I get are chunks of fat and thick hunks of meat that I can't fry correctly
>Other anomalies include the absurdly thick piece of bacon that's actually really good but a bitch to cook well.
Which I admit is a problem if what you want is strips.
If you're just going to chop it up anyway like in the OP... does it really even matter?
Nevermind, you're a Veeky Forums poster so you'd probably throw an autistic hissy fit if you didn't start with perfect strips before throwing it in blender.
Why do you even come on Veeky Forums when you so easily fall for such obvious bait?
the autism in this thread is at extreme levels; great read, if i could i would totally upvote. thanks guys. pic not related
because it tends to be fucking expensive to do this and most americans don't want to shop at their local ethnic market that has all the good shit cheap. or they don't care. probably that one.
Because it's far more expensive than going to a supermarket. It also means having to go to a farmer's market to get shit and we have those once every two weeks or so where I live.
>He trims his bacon
(You) might as well be muslim at this point.
What kind of retard eats the fat?
I look for the packs with the least fat on them and I cook them long enough that the fat shrinks and gets crispy. This is possible without overdoing the bacon. It all works out pretty well.
If it's out of your budget, don't eat it so often
As a couple of people have already mentioned, Wright's brand is the shit. Best grocery store bacon. Sometimes Sam's club has it on sale 4lbs for $16, which is even cheaper than Hormels and all that other faggot shit