Soup is funny.
It's not really a meal, nor is it a first course because it's mostly made of water.
I find soup to be the most watery of foods.
Soup is funny.
It's not really a meal, nor is it a first course because it's mostly made of water.
I find soup to be the most watery of foods.
Other urls found in this thread:
If your soup is watery, you done fucked up
If your soup isn't watery, you made a stew.
Yeah, because everybody loves that cream of broccoli stew
fuck you
I've had soup for a meal before and i think i'm gonna do that just now because you made this thread
That's why you eat it with a sandwich or salad user. It's the perfect lunch. Plus you can gorge on those unlimited breadsticks.
you eat solid food first, and then you eat the soup to totally fill in the empty spaces left in your stomach, for maximum fullness
water chestnuts are pretty damn watery
soup can be a meal if you have a sandwich with it
Is cereal a soup?
liquid doesnt make you feel full
soup is my favorite food.
it's pure flavor, without all that bullshit nutrition and substance.
Have you never dieted. Ever?
For the last time kenny!
I don't care if you don't consider soup a meal!
Hey fuck you jerry!
I bought you a BRAND NEW Armani suit! i deserve a meal from a nice restaurant like mendy's, not soup!
Ah, the famous dutch erwtensoep
The soup counts! I'm not going to pay for your food if all it is, is just soup, so next time we go out to eat, it better not be fucking soup, cause ain't paying for it.
The difference between a soup and a stew isn't exact, but generally, if it's thickened with a roux, it's a stew.
You can have somewhat thick soups without a roux.
Most watery of food is celery, cucumber. Literally 90% water. And I mean literally as in literally, not meme-literally.
What? It absolutely does. That's why every doctor recommends drinking 1-2 glasses of water before eating
Soup is more of a cooking method or delivery device. It's the box the dish comes in, but you can eat the box, and the box defines it. Soup is pretty fucking meta. Piece of shit hipster that it is.
Soup can be a pretty good diet food. You're looking at 200~250 calories for a can of progresso soup. I tend to fall back to it when I need a quick snack to take the edge off near the end of the day.
Who took a shit on your plate?
Heard. Would you define bisque as a median between the two?
I can tell by your post that I don't like you.
Such a profound thread...woah....
I fucking hate soup. Half of all soups are creamy, and I can't stand creamy, savory foods. The soup has to be the best thing I've ever eaten or it's not worth eating.
Stews are alright, though.
Liquid soaks into things like bread and expand it.
Soup is fine at a restaurant but I always feel like I wasted my time if I make it at home.
>I find soup to be the most watery of foods
You don't say.
The angel of winter delights.
You obviously put a lot of thought into this thread, good job buddy.