ITT: Discontinued products you loved
ITT: Discontinued products you loved
The beefy nacho burrito was the first thing I ever tried at Taco Bell and it's still the best I had there
the Cool Honey flavor was great too, haven't seen it for years.
wow i never heard of that flavor, im going to see if i can buy some online now
This would fuck my shit up when I was a kid. Cant find them anymore though.
never got to find out if i wouldve loved it
I dont understand how shit like this and altoids sours can get discontinued because fat moms complained when their kids ate too many and it made their tongues bleed but stuff like warheads still exist
You can literally scrape off skin from your tongue if you eat enough warheads
heres mine: the maple scones from starbucks. apparently they switched bakeries a few years back and its never been the same, they used to have an awesome lemon cake too
These were baller. Should be a standard flavor.
Warheads are not even close to as sour as they were in the 90s
This shit right here, my nigs
My nigga.
I love you so much
I want to drain your balls.
Also did someone leave the gay on? It smells kinda gay in here
Just saw these at the Circle K on JFK in Moreno Valley CA
oh shit I live near there lmao
I'll take your word on it, but that just seems awful.
Statoil, not cirkle k
oh nvm
When I was a kid we had these really good cinnamon mints in a tin. They were thin oval-shaped discs and were white with little red flavor crystals. Anyone know what these are? I've tried googling them but can't find the exact ones; I think they had a cartoon guy with sunglasses on the tin. Pic related comes closest to them in flavor.
Fuck dude. I miss those too. I miss the cheese danishes you could fling like a Frisbee. The original coffee cake was baller too.
I loved this stuff, it really fucked with my heart, made it skip beats and beat real fast to.
Does anyone remember those poptarts that were blank and you could draw on them then eat them
that is bullshit and you know it
When I was a kid I had these things that were like little notepads of rice paper and you could draw on them with a special pen and eat the paper afterwards
i miss the fuck out of darkside skittles
Holy shit I had the same thing back in 2004/05 ish. I remember it from time to time but forget the name of it
We still have this in North Korea.
Pepsi Blue
Sure I probably have all the cancers now, but that sweet flavor made life worth living.
its not it really would fuck with my heart within minutes of drinking it. I can drink full throttles several times a day and it literally has no effect on me, I can drink coffee right before going to bed. But RB Cola fucked with my heart, skipped beats, made it beat faster at times, it would have "out of synch" beating. I had instances of tea having same effect but milder. Red Bull cola wasn't even an energy drink, the strongest shit in it was the coffee beans.
Didn't stop me from drinking it.
This stuff was the best, and as cheap as the hot cocoa. Might not actually be discontinued, but haven't been able to find it at the store since 2009. Web page seems to be down too.
user, that's just great value. Look for equivelant product with identical packaging youll find it. I remember Nestle having a similar packaging, try a regular grocery store or even kroger and look through the generic items, I almost guarantee you its the same thing.
Did it have a paper top or a foil top?
This was legit my favorite frozen entre. If it ever shows up in stores again I'd probably buy a case of em. Not even ashamed
Based Twix flavor I haven't seen in years. Yet they keep that nasty peanut butter version around. Gross
Not really a single product but I miss trans fats.
Peanut butter mixes well with chocolate. Coffee should be separated. Things like that don't usually become a permanent staple
> Mango sours
I just found it at my local WalMart user
It's the same shit but in Spanish
Is available to this day in Austria and reintroduced just recently here in Norway. Dunno about the rest of Europe.
They've introduced a Red Bull ginger ale and tonic water in Austria.
I don't have those flavors here on my end of Europe user. Does Austria have amazon?? Recommend Austrian online store please.
I miss this brand. The lemon was great, but the red ones was the best thing ever.
No specific Austrian Amazon, but sells it:
Can't find these worth a shit anymore
Honestly sounds pretty tasty famalam
It's not in the drink section (coffee, tea, hot cocoa, choco milk, etc). Believe me, I've been looking for years. The hot cocoa looks nearly identical (modern labeling of course), but it's obviously not the same.
Thanks m8, I'll look in the messican section in the next few stores I'm in.
for me it was the original grilled stuft burrito with the OG baja sauce and mexi-rice. nu-taco bell a fucking shit.
I completely forgot swoops ever existed. Don't remember which ones I tried but they were probably the Reese's. Whichever kind they were, they weren't bad but the actual candy is better
Dodo burgers
The nignog on the label is like O lawdy dat be sum good sheit.
true nigga right here. Lime is a much better flavor than apple
I will never forgive them, never.
I fucking hate this, Skittles used to be my favorite candy, now I can't eat them without thinking remembering what I'm missing out on. And the icing on the fucking cake is they changed it permanently because green apple flavoring is cheaper than lime.
Actually, in googling for the pic, I just found out they're back as a limited time thing at Walmart. Just ordered 100lbs. Christmas came early this year, bois.
oh fuck.
You're all wrong, Apple supremacy now
replied to the wrong one forgive me
that fucking trident coffee flavored gum
too fucked up to bother downloading and uploading a picture yall niggas know the gum
Anybody else miss these?
The only Doritos I liked.
I honestly don't know if these are discontinued, but I know I haven't seen them since... 1996-8? Asian markets had them with the onion rings and shrimp chips. I would get a bunch of these chips if I ever see them again.
I'm sure imma get a lot hate from this. Not many people i know liked it.
there was no peanut butterin java twix. can you read: chocolate cookies coffee flavored caramel, milk chocolate.
You just gave me a rememberance orgasm I think. I thank you. I wonder what was in those markers, that shit was literally my favorite thing in the entire world for 5% of my life.
So many childhood memories of drinking this
Why Hershey, why?
I can read fine, I just worded that weirdly, though it shouldn't have been hard to figure out what I meant. I meant that peanut butter mixes with chocolate better than java does, making the peanut butter Twix more popular than the java Twix was.
I'll take "what is a mocha" for $600, Alex?
It's the daily double!
Lipton Iced Tea in the glass bottles.
Sobe was amazing! I never would have thought carrot juice could be so good. The tea was also excellent.
honestly didnt even taste a difference until i looked on the back
someone told me pep bars still exist, but i haven't seen one since i was a kid
The purple & the yellow one I would drink the most. I remember trying every flavour at least once though. I would always rip the label off, it would retain it's stickiness enough to where i could place it on walls.
As a kid I collected Mountain Dew labels. Typhoon was so good.
You can still find these. Like buying bottled water in Houston right now though
Steak n' Shake Lime Freeze
God I miss those.
I actually found the strangest place that had those a year or two ago
it was at a sporting goods place that closed down a few years ago
as someone who drank one of these they're gross, those little balls in them are nasty.
It's still on sale out there. They just changed the packaging b/c the blackface.
I was so upset when I couldn't find them in CVS anymore.
They remind me of high school and my first qt girlfriend. WHY GOD HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?!
Rain flavor was fucking amazing.