I'm at a Polish food festival, and I'm a bit confused

I'm at a Polish food festival, and I'm a bit confused.

I got a scoop of stew, some rye bread, some pieorgi, a pickle... and a couple scoops of some kind of shredded veggies. They were at the end of the line, and they're cold, so I'm not sure if they're sides or toppings, and I was afraid to ask.

What do you think?

not bad user. pretty sure the stew is bigos, and the vegetables are cabbage and beetroot

Hmm. So am I supposed to eat those by themselves, or put them on the kielbasa sandwich that I don't have? Or both?

I think it's time for you to fuck off.

polish food is gross, and it's a result of the pallid smelly mole people that make it

>so I'm not sure if they're sides or toppings, and I was afraid to ask.
they are sides

Are you kidding?! Polish women are among the most attractive in the world, and their food is very good. Their cured meats and baked goods are god-tier.

This guy gets it.

It's food and not too bad at that.
How expensive was it?

13 year old detected.
Fuck off you little shit-stain.

0.99$, but I think someone spit in it.

polish women are furry little cave goblins

polish food is shitty german food, essentially. and german food sucks enough to begin with.

>Polish women are among the most attractive in the world

I'll buy that. There's a big Polish supermarket that I go to fairly frequently, and all the staff there speak Polish. Very cute and attractive women there, both staff and customers.

i'll buy that a psycho retard that secretly takes pictures of a 6'5 jew's pancake ass at trader joe's sincerely finds polish food good

Not that I should be feeding the trolls at all, but...

Working with Polish and German women at the same time was almost as fun as working with Italian and Portuguese men at the same time.

Having two pretty good looking blonde-and-blue chicks who could for all intents and purposes be siblings give me the same lines like "You know you're in [Germany/Poland] when the livestock starts looking better than the women."

Not quite as good as two grown men yelling "How's the drywall coming along?" at each other all day, but close.

>german food sucks
The depths of your ignorance. Sure, a lot of Germans get lazy because their bread, cheese and cured meats are so good they just eat that, then mix things up with schnitzel for lunch. But when they bother with their trad cuisine it's excellent.

you hush. german food is A+

t. German

>Having two pretty good looking blonde-and-blue chicks who could for all intents and purposes be siblings give me the same lines like "You know you're in [Germany/Poland] when the livestock starts looking better than the women."
I live in a neighborhood with a heavy Polish population. Drinking with the men is nearly as much fun as flirting with the women, who frequently share baked goods with me. I've got nothing but good things to say about the Polish.

the veggies are just salads, usually eaten as side dishes
one of them is ćwikła (beetroot salad), and the other one is white cabbage salad

I quite like our cuisine, it's a nice mix of slav and german stuff
czech food might be even better though

>I've got nothing but good things to say about the Polish.
t. toilet cleaner in London

t. ... Finn/Swede/Metis

err... Canadian.

I can dig Polish food, and Polish people... but what is with the names? How many Agnieska's, Beata's, Wojciech's, and Mike's do you really need?

>t. toilet cleaner in London
Way off. Musician/Producer in Brooklyn.

>Nothing but good things...

The only negative light I've seen them in is an overabundance of pride.

But what can you expect from a nation who fought tanks on horseback?

>Musician/Producer in Brooklyn.
are you a jew?

>what can you expect from a nation who fought tanks on horseback?
They are DIY as fuck. Give a Polish guy a hammer and some shit is gonna get built.

>Give a Polish guy a hammer
And he will sell it for a toilet pluger and emigrate to UK

No, but I can pass.

I just bought a bass from a musician in Brooklyn that could pass as a Jew this morning.

Yeah, I'm hardly a unicorn. Just in my building is another musician and a pro crew guy. I've got neighbors to talk shop with.

Every time I give a Polish guy a hammer and nothing to use it on, he shows me how he can open a beer with it.

My notched out keychain carabiner is much more practical. Blows their minds, 60% of the time, every time.

I've only known two attractive polish women in my life, the others were all super angry all the time, lazy at their jobs and ugly

I live literally two minutes from this place. also am polish, the chicks there are not that hot.

alright faggot meet me outside in one hour and I'll fight you


You know that if he's Polish, he's going to show up...

You also know that you won't.

So you've got a guy waiting outside of a grocers for about five minutes, before going in and grabbing some cabbage?

Be a man, and bring a tank.

i think you are an insecure customer.

bring it, faggio

>You know that if he's Polish, he's going to show up...

Bullshit. Fucking wankers.

Are you serious? German food is the wurst

Okay I'm going

alright shitheel i'm here where are you

I can just smell the nu-male on you. Please tell me I'm wrong.

>breaking news: user disembowelled outside a polish market in what authorities suspected to be a terrorist attack. Further investigation however indicated the fight started over an argument about polish food on an amazonian fruitbat dissection board of Veeky Forums.

You're talking to a 50 year old rocker, so I don't think the term applies. But I can sure smell the /pol/ on you.

I had pretty good experiences with the Polish when I visited NY too, friendly people who want to fill you with delicious food

You can say the same about most immigrant groups in NYC though. Everyone is pretty friendly, even across language barriers because you're in a place where being an immigrant has been a thing since it was founded. It's not like there's a stigma about it. But yeah, I have a lot of Polish neighbors and I enjoy their company. And their food.