Is this an American thing? Even the poorest...

Is this an American thing? Even the poorest, most neglectful parents in my country wouldn't feed this slop to their children.

That pudding looks bomb.

You are so obsessed with Americans, how about I sell you some autographed used toilet paper, signed by real Americans.

We both know amerisharts don't use toilet paper.

>cheese pizza

Not clicking that link bro

My dad got me that shit a few times when I visited. They put blue-red 3D images on some of them. It was better than Kraft Dinner ruined with the addition of grey tuna chunks and peas. I feasted while watching Bart and Homer starve in The Call of the Simpsons. And now I want to play Sonic Spinball, so maybe I will :D

Oh yeah and just where do you live OP? Where is this fabled utopian country located on a map so we can fucking nuke it motherfucker?

You ever stop and think "I'm whiteknighting a frozen TV dinner on the internet"?

Have spent time in Schengen countries, many there eat worse. Western civilization is a cancer.


Did child marketing never exist outside America? Because that's precisely what Kid Cuisine is all about.
Make no mistake, it is crappy, even by frozen dinner standards, but that doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is making kids want it and having them nag their parents to buy it for them.

I actually tried it, expected worse.

Yeah, kids are idiots. Hence why they have parents to tell them "no little jimmy, you can't eat poison".

i know they grow a lot of sugar beets, but they don't ear anything exceptionally fatty and sweet, their diet is similar to other slav countries.

My parents would only get these if i was going to have a babysitter for the night. It was kinda of a treat like mcdonalds.

My parents once left me home alone when i was 6 with a jar of mayo for dinner.

I'm from Norway.

This isn't bought by poor people, it's mostly bought by middle-class parents who are retarded and don't like to upset their little precious rat-bastard brat, so they feed them garbage food that tastes good to kids.

t. Poorfag with chef-tier mom who had a lot of middle-class friends in elementary school

i always wanted these when i was a kid but my mom would never get them. now im glad i didnt eat that slop

Never tried them myself, don't know anyone who has and have never seen anybody buy them

This shit is mass produced garbage whose only appeal is its advertising and kids are dumb enough to fall for it

looks revolting, bet my picky daughter would love it