Here are some tomatoes from my tomato plant.
What think /ck?
Here are some tomatoes from my tomato plant
Some are red, some are orange.
Sounds like your tomato plant has down's syndrome. Some retard genes at work.
Tomatoes. Uh huh.
Why post them?
I grew them
They have a pleasant mouthfeel
You look like you have very soft hands.
Stop eye raping my body parts
I think they are tomatoes.
Only sissy faggots have soft hands.
Leave the gardening for women boy.
OP has some fucked up looking strawberries.
> my tomato plant
timestamp or bullshit
this, post tomato plants stigma too
I wouldn't lie
They look above avg. Try growing coeur de beuff, those are the shit.
Thanks man
I'll grow them next
post pic of hand without tomato
they are tomatoes
>Dat leaf texture.
This is a blue board!
leave the lady alone, scoundrel
this is a food thread on a food and cooking board, get thee back to pol if you want to harass women
Honestly they look delicious.
Not sure what else I can think of fresh tomatoes.
How do they taste
Sauce please
Yup. Those are tomatoes.
>and if anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen
They taste delicious :)
Go away pervert
Nice, now do the only reasonable thing and cook them to sauce to eliminate the disgusting solanum taste.
But I like them raw :3
Pleb detected
>he likes raw tomatos
Pleb detected. For the next trick, I need you to eat a bunch of raw, green potatoes.
But raw potatoes are poisonous.
raw fresh tomatoes are the best.
i have tomato plants too!
here's mine
hierloom tommy toe variety and isis cherry toms
i have eva purple ball as well but they're much larger & not ripe yet
What is Veeky Forums's favorite type of tomato?
little bitch ass tomatoes
For heirloom varieties: Nepal, Brandywine
Hybrids: Better Boy, Jet Star and Roma.
For canning and sauces the Roma can't be beat. I'm still getting some Romas, but for some reason my others have crapped out early this year.
buffalo heart
>posting underage tomaters
enjoy your ban
Those are some nice tomatoes you have there, you twink faggot.