I just made this burger

I just made this burger.
What do you guys think?

Kill yourself

>uncooked onion rings
it's like you hate your taste buds

Fuck off with that turkey burger bullshit

I lightly cooked them in butter

it's not turkey it's 50/50 beef and pork

no u

You should get some skewers, if you're making burgers that tall you need something to stop them from falling apart the moment that somebody picks it up; there's a reason that sandwiches have toothpicks through them, not just for aesthetic purposes.

The meat looks fucking disgusting. Show us the inside.

can't I just finished eating it, it was pretty great

if the meat looks weird to you it's probably just bad lightning in the photo it looked normal irl

looks nice, but ck gets triggered by anything that isnt a big mac or mac chicken so dont mind those idiots

Yes u

>complaining about uncooked onion
It looks like you just admitted to be too young to post on Veeky Forums

Looks good to me, is that Swiss cheeseon there?

I like it. Buns aren't home made tho I assume so like a 7/10 at best. Solid Burg.

"mac" chicken. kys

I like my patties a lot thinner than that and I'll just use two instead of one big fat one. I like the texture better and unlike yours I get caramalization on the edges (see pic a double patty on homemade bun). Also learn to make your own buns. It's really simple and much better. Can only give you 5/10.

Wheres the beef?

Definitely gets points for the homemwde bun and caramelized onions, but unless I'm mistaken that's a slice of American cheese on there so best I can give is a 5/10. If we're posting burgs I made this one back in July. That's a chipotle cheddar slice on there, with a store-bought kaiser roll bun. The patty is beef mixed with sage and puréed onion.

There are two 1/4lb patties of meat I ground from chuck and shortribs my melanin enriched friend.

Yeah, it was american cheese. I know it's shit and I don't use it for anything else but I just can't give it up for hamburgers. I guess it's just one of those childhood things but it seems perfect with the gooey texture and mild flavor that doesn't overwhelm the meat flavor.

is that a pubic hair on the right?

woah i offended fast food trash, how will i keep on living

hair -5/10

Well I'll be damned. I never noticed, and I ate that whole burger.

well the burger also looks like shit. the patty is half the size it should be for that bun, the tomato slices look as thick as the patty. plus, you had a baked potato instead of fries.