Can we have a poorfag food thread? I've been unemployed for a month and poorfagging it up with bread in lentil soup now. Fucking sucks...
Can we have a poorfag food thread? I've been unemployed for a month and poorfagging it up with bread in lentil soup now...
lentil soup is awesome.
it's you that sucks, OP.
>not having an emergency fund so that you don't revert to third world status the moment you lose your job
It's nice, but I can only eat lentils so many days in a row before I want to throw them in the trash and starve instead.
And here I am sitting comfortable with 20k in my savings account... not much in the grand scheme of things but still gives me a peace of mind.
>have leftover bbq chicken
>make rice with chicken broth
>throw some soy sauce on that shit
>heat up the chicken and throw that on there too
It's so good, man.
Patiently waiting for my 8k to turn into 90k.
I'm not going to judge op without knowing any of his story but I hear what you're saying. While I still lived at home I blew money from one paycheck to the next but fortunately by the time I had actual bills and a mortgage in my name I was smart enough to keep an ample savings. Seeing as how I will now be taking over the bills on my own as my long time gf is moving out (mutual separation) I will need to buy her out of her portion of the homes equity/things purchased together. All told it's gonna be well north of $5k. Fortunately we haven't been in the house long so not much equity to worry about. At any rate this whole situation fuxking blows but holy fuck I don't know what I would do if I didn't have a bunch of money in the bank to address this situation. Same goes with my older vehicle. If the trans or clutch goes out I'm not going to be happy paying to fix it, but I can do it if I need to. I don't want to worry about how I'm gonna get to work, or drop a huge repair bill on a credit card to sit for god knows how long. I feel bad for anyone who has to live like that. /rant
That's optimistic. what do you know/believe that the rest of us don't ?
He read an article on Seeking Alpha last week
Ha. Yea probably the same one I just read. Trying to see what info was out there about the company. I mean anything is possible. Look at tesla.
While it is true that there is great potential for gain in getting in while the price is so low it's hard to say much of anything else with certainty. They were worth ten times as much 6 years ago so whose to say if or when that share price will be seen again. Such is the inherent small cap risk
>not living third world status all the time so you don't ever have to worry about anything
Actually I have faith in the CEO. He's delivered on every one of his statements, and he says partnership agreements will finalize before Q3 is over. Additionally, production value of this mine is significantly higher than my 90k projection; closer to 225k, or $50 pps. That at a conservative gold and copper estimate too. Commodities is only set to grow exponentially with copper supplies dwindling and demand raising.
It's a life changing investment if you have the patience.
I've got £5000 in savings. Should I put those in?
Patience? The SA article is talking about $6-$9 in the event of a partnership or $17.50 for a buyout. Both scenarios by September 30th. About a month's time. This is the complete opposite of patience.
In general, small cap miners are one of the riskiest investments you can make. They will either make or break you.
I can't answer that. You'd like to do your own DD and make that decision for yourself after assessing your risk tolerance.
Call your local travel agent. Book a trip. I had 20 grand, time off work and did just this. Went to Russia, Thailand, Laos and India. Got syphilis, malaria, crabs, dysentery and E. Coli. The authentic pho made up for it though.
>This is the complete opposite of patience.
Despite my faith in an eventual partnership, the likelihood of it not finalizing prior to Q3 ending is still moderately high. When September options expire (expect the stock to be around $2+ by then), I may lock in some gains and temporarily close my position. A sell off may occur if the deal isn't struck which would send the price down and open a new buying opportunity to go long at a cheaper price.
I basically went into shock when I was poor in college from a lack of food. I was eating one Cup O' Noodles a day, and I remember beginning to shake so bad that I couldn't finish my final paper. Got back up to the level by finding some old cereal and eating ketchup packets.
Now I make $43 an hour and it's nice to look back on when I couldn't eat.
Sorry for the blog post, but man, best of luck OP.
You can vary it with brown rice and black beans. Get a can of chicken broth from Big Lots for a buck to flavor a pot of it that might last you a couple of days.