>Tastes the same
>Bigger quantities
>Lower prices
How can General Mills & Kellogg's compete Veeky Forums?
Malt-o-Meal Bagged Cereal
I get them for my kids. They like the various cereals, and I like the price and the fact there is no high fructose corn syrup in them.
>there is no high fructose corn syrup in them
Why do you like that?
>Why do you like that?
What did he mean by this?
I used to get the Honey Bunches of Oats knockoff version. It was hands down the best deal of any cereal when considering price/weight, taste, and nutritional value. Too bad I can't find that shit anymore. Now I just get the Kroger generic knockoff version of the same cereal.
Also the only reason GM/Kelloggs can compete is because people are afraid of being seen as poor. Me, I don't give into the brand/packaging-cuckery and buy the bagged shit with pride.
I remember when they used to cost $1.99 per bag.
Tier list:
S- Fruity and Coco dyno bytes; Berry Colossal Crunch
A- Coco Roos; Fruity Rings; Golden Puffs; Colossal Crunch
B- Honey Buzzers; KOff Honey Nut Cheerios; Cinnamon crispy crunch; All berry Colossal crunch
Absolute shit tier- Marshmellow anything.
>Super market stopped carrying corn pops version
>Can't find it anywhere
It's the literally same product as the name brands. Maltomeal is a Kellogg's puppet company
yeah i like the taste of malt of meal better shit lasts a good while too
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who can taste a very clear difference in quality between this and name brand box cereals, like I'm taking fucking crazy pills
Nah I'm right there with you. Especially the cinnamon toast crunch kind
by being some of the largest companies in the country and controlling 2/3rds of the cereal and snack food market through various subsidiaries
>How can General Mills & Kellogg's compete Veeky Forums?- 12 posts and 1 image reply shown.
by having memorable characters on their cereal boxes
post not kellog's
I can taste a difference too. but i don't necessarily find one to be better than the other. i've been a poorfag all my life though.
now we just need some malt-o-meal version of count chocula.
>Fruity Dino-bites
Too much lemon
Not chocolatey enough
>(Berry) Crackles
Too corny
>Generic Honey Bunches of oats
Tastes mostly like the unbalanced/cinammony bottom leftovers of the real thing
I do like generic Frosted Flakes though, and once the Frosted wheat cereal
I work at a grocery store with a very poor customer base and we rarely sell malt o meal cereal for that reason.
>Absolute Shit tier - Marshmellow anything
They discontinued my precious. God DAMN these were so good.
>tastes the same
Wrong. Sometimes it tastes better or worse.