Cooked this in a wood fired oven.
R8 pls
Cooked this in a wood fired oven.
R8 pls
Looks delicious.
Looks really good, well done. 9/10.
Tips wise, i seasoned the night before with a shitton of slat and pepper, and let it air dry in the fridge.
Other than that, i threaded rosemary and garlic in between the twine.
Rest of flavor came from the still warm woodfired pizza oven and a piece of wood (cherry, and hickory combo).
Best way to cook is after making pizza, use the residual heat to cook. Then finally (i have a built in gas burner in the oven also), to get the sear hot and get that golden brown crust.
Ended up getting lazy and straight up drank the drippings lmao
Looks good / 10.
Would eat.
are you kids blind? the FAT isn't rendered at all; this is incredibly undercooked; PR should be pink obviously but this is just raw as fuck.
What.... internal registered at 129F. Medium-rare
Oh wait i forgot this is Veeky Forums.
I guess well done and ketchup is the patrician choice. Sorry guys
Looks gr8 m8.
a little bloody for me personally but looks tasty. 8/10
That's heme not blood at this point.
Comically raw and if you try say you enjoyed that cold, mushy, bloody glob then you're lying to try fit in
You come from a family of poverty, used to not trusting meat preparation. That is a 135 degree meat right there. Its safe when you don't prepare it in the 1850s without refrigeration, cleanliness and standards of any kind.
I never said it wasnt safe to eat you complete and utter moron. You came from a family of poverty, one that couldn't afford to give you a proper education
>Comically raw and if you try say you enjoyed that cold, mushy, bloody glob
Then why did you sound like a fucking midwestern rube that can't eat good meat without thinking they're going to die of tric or some other bacteria?
That's the best way to eat meat, unless you like it well done with ketchup.
>can't eat good meat without thinking they're going to die of tric or some other bacteria?
Never said that cletus. Why can't Americans understand English properly?
I'm not american you utterly fucking stupid idiot. That meat is 'cooked to rare' not bloody globs of whatever came out of your moron mouth.
So what was your problem with the meat? Tell me that you fucking coward. Tell me exactly what problem you had with a properly cooked roast.
>I'm not american
take it to /r9k/ you sad sack
That's your home, isn't it. Jesus Christ. This is about meat you fuck up. How do you people exist without slitting your wrists?
You're one bad conversation from the great beyond.
Did you off yourself?
Are you ok?
I'm fucking racked with obsession. That's why I'm watching the retarded show The Last Ship. Right? My asspicklers is taking over my mind.
I'm drunk, vacuuming my home and don't give a shit about kids who don't understand food. But hey, it's fun to tease clinical depressives.
Sorry, I just love listening to you people try to figure out how to be aggressive. You're all confused and distressed, but you're angry. It's so fun watching you flail. You don't understand much in life but you're so upset about it. It's fun.
Nice desu.
>two britbongs fighting and calling each other Americans
made me chuckle, also
>i'm not owned you're owned
The top part of the top slice looks a little dry, but other than that, solid job. Looks delicious
why are britbongs so obsessed with american health? is it because it affects their semen rations?
A little overdone for me but still looks juicy.
What temps do you cook at?
Looks ethereal and profound.
I like how rare it is, looks yummy
probably a dumb question though, but is there any way to get rid of all the fat that prime rib usually has?
Other than to cut it off, because it's usually underneath the meat.
Looks good, user. Did you make any roasted or mashed potatoes with it it? Or use any steak/bbq sauce? Or was it enough on its own?
Another Ameriboo that thinks the Simpsons are real...
Nah, just someone who knows how fucking dumb you people are.
i know someone named rowdy, like his real name is rowdy.
9/10. Probably would have gone a little bit more towards medium rare, but not well done like all these cu/ck/s are advising.
>still trying to push that shart meme after years
fuck off pajeet
Well done, OP. I'd suck your dick for a slice. Also, any plans for jus or gravy?
wtf did u even cook this?
>unironically eating bloody meat because some pompous faggots said so
to be expected from these goblins to be honest.
Well I cooked in a saturated wood fired oven 6 hours post-pizza... so around 250 ish for around 6 hours. Finished it by turning on gas burner in oven to get the crust
I got lazy and straight up drank the ju. Yes I know muh beetus, but it was delicious, reserved some of the rendered tallow for fries.
Look up heme, you fucking Alabama living dirt person. You're the exact sample of rural filth that makes everyone embarrassed to be associated with 'fly over' states. You're aggressively too stupid to exist, yet you keep hanging on to life in spite of your universal embarrassment.
shit be lookin mad dank muh brutha
center looks a bit too red and outside looks a bit too gray, try cooking for longer on a lower temp. 6.5/10