Ordered a burger no cheese no meat, just pickles from Mcdonalds. This is what I get
Ordered a burger no cheese no meat, just pickles from Mcdonalds. This is what I get
i would have given you a kick in your vagina you useless piece of shit
Did you just assume OP's gender, shitlord?
Aren't you special.
You asked them for an autism burger so they gave you the autism burger. Why are you surprised by this?
wait, those aren't slices of pickle rick are they? :^)
is that a piece of lettuce and some onion? I hope you fucking complained.
>american's can't even get a bun with pickles right
I thought since i didnt get meat or cheese they would stack it high with the pickles
Men aren't this stupid.
i identify as OP so am pretty confident i know what i/we are shitlord.
You got exactly what you asked for. It's always three. You should have specified that you wanted more pickles if that's your thing.
Fast food cuck here, you could have asked if you could get extra pickles instead of what you took away. They might or might not do that for you at no charge. They gave you exactly what you asked for. Be more specific next time.
It's not even a burger at this point. With 3 little pickle slices I wouldn't even call it a pickle sandwich.
Autistic men are
either bait or gay
I wish they'd forgotten the pickles
It doesn't work like that. If you remove things from the order, they don't add extra stuff to compensate. Enjoy your dry buns with a pickle slice inside, autist
Here's a recent photo of OP
Thanks for posting you reddit piece of sh*t
t h i c c
lemme get uhhhhhh cheeseburger
no meat
no cheese
rich in bunly goodness
There is a specific amount of pickles in each burger.
You have to ask for more pickles if you want more pickles.
If you want a bun piled high with pickles then ask for a bun piled high with pickles.
If you call and order it in advance they might even do it- here, for example is a Whopper with 1000 cheese slices and a Whopper with 1000 bacon strips.
Yes they are
I dont want to live anymore.
lol you wish
You only have to look at them.
Mr. Sato actually sat down to eat them.
How much did they charge for these?
minimum wage
The bacon was during a promotion they were having: add 15 strips for 100円, so ~7000円
Update: he has since also ordered a burger with 100 onion slices and, relevant to OP's interests, a burger with 9000 yen's worth of extra pickles
What's wrong with him? Does he have some sort of food-related autism? Is it some sort of retarded "I want to appreciate every ingredient for what it is and show respect to the humble burger. I can't live without that feeling" sentiment?
He's a comedian and he does it for the (you)s.
He works at news website specializing in "wacky shit that happened in Japan recently" and ever since that absurdly cheap bacon promotion he just keeps coming into the office with overstuffed burgers.
Did some redditor just come up with this or is there some explanation for what exactly he ordered?
The only reddit here is you, the original thread decoding the menu was on /co/ and then Veeky Forums put together the real burger.