>be me >living on a flat with three other people >chilling with two of them in the kitchen >third comes from work >"Fuck man, I sure as fuck would love me some potatoes." >he cuts 'em all up and put them in the oven, and in the meantime he went to lie to the teally >we still in the kitchen and whenever he comes to check on potatoes we hear him coming >after an hour of baking he comes to the kitchen >"What the fuck, why are they still raw?!" >this went down for another two hours, because everytime he left the kitchen we turned off the oven >didn't tell him to this day, but shit me for how much fun we had when he always left
Sebastian Evans
>take friend's bottle of vodka >pour vodka down the drain >refill bottle with rubbing alcohol
Nathan Wilson
>get charged with murder >spend rest of life in prison >it was worth it for the lulz
Caleb Diaz
>friend needed a piss and asked me to watch to make sure his soup doesn't boil. >I let it boil. I'm absolutely mental, I am.
Xavier Scott
>at meh tier Japanese restaurant >replace my buddy's last bite of green tea icecream with a big dollop of wasabi
Jack Sullivan
>Ordering green tea ice-cream Why would you order something that's so retardedly easy to make at home?
John Young
because you're already out at a restaurant >why go to a restaurant if you can make things at home?
Kayden Wright
>he went to lie to the teally what the hell does this mean? your "foodpranks" lack originality
fucking with someones food is mean so I don't do it. but once, when I was 15 I had a couple buddies stay over and us 3 and my dad's girlfriends daughter were playing monopoly when I went to the bathroom. When I came back everyone had a shitgrin on there face and almost giggling. they wouldn't tell me what was so funny, but they were all chewing gum now. and they offered me a piece. and it was laxative gum 45 min. later I was shitting like crazy
Logan Hill
You sound like a cunt
Joseph Gomez
I have no idea. He ordered it, not I.
Carter Hernandez
If you're going to a restaurant to order things you could be easily making at home you need to reevaluate your life.
Liam Fisher
If youre worried about spending $7 for enjoyment and convenience then you need to reevauluate your life
Charles Thompson
yer a faggot
Juan Thompson
>have a friend over to try my homemade mead that's been aging for 6 months >when I bottled I put 2 dead bees in one bottle just for him >hfw he opens the bottle and pours a glass of the sparkling gold nectar and 2 bees are floating in it
Luis Gutierrez
>Keep milk under my bed >Roommate buys milk >After he breaks the seal, I immediately drink it all >Replace with spoiled milk from my room I feel bad for the grocery manager that he bitches about experation dates with. >tfw the manager just blames the grocery jester
Anthony Phillips
Not really food but I took a guy from works cigarette from his package and emptied out the tobacco and put weed in it and put it back in his packet. I smelled it when he lit it up at the lunch table he smoked it for a bit until he realised but by then it was too late.
Wyatt Hall
Protip for spergs: Often times, real people end up going out to restaurants for social or work reasons. Whether or not the food could be easily made at home doesn't factor into the equation at all.
Michael Nelson
>I let it boil obviously, you were busy watching him piss
Daniel Moore
Jace Kelly
>Playing "guess the food" with my sister >It's my turn >Blindfold her >Give her a spoon of cat food
I was like 7 too
Joseph Sanders
That didn't end the way I thought it would.
Adrian Gutierrez
>removes poisonous tobacco for shit that gets you high >prank