I can never get these open with my hands. Is there anything I can do?
I can never get these open with my hands. Is there anything I can do?
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Yeah, there are plenty of exercises you can do to boost your hand strength.
You can also learn to make salsa yourself so you won't have to deal with lids ever again.
cum on it, works every time
Stop being a limp-wristed libcuck.
>Is there anything I can do?
Apparently not, loser! xD
Don't bother, get a real salsa. Tostitos chips are fine, but their salsa is awful.
Grip it with a round mousepad
run it under hot water for 15 seconds, then use a towel to open it. You're welcome
Open it before refrigerating.
use a towel, you'll have better grip
Due to a botulism outbreak in a New Mexico facility during the early-to-mid 2000s, a lot of bottling facilities nowadays use a very thin layer of food-safe glue around the rim of the lid to ensure a completely air-tight seal, this is why jars as of late seem harder to open than before. Thankfully, you can easily loosen the glue layer with sudden vibrations, simply pick the jar up and, holding it firmly by the lid, slam the base of it on a hard counter top. Don't worry about the jar shattering, your arm will act as a shock absorber and dampen the impact, so if the first hit doesn't loosen it simply repeat with harder and harder strikes.
I can guarantee you that if you keep hitting the jar hard enough there is a 100% chance you eventually get to the salsa inside. It a trick that works EVERY time.
Pop the seal with a butter knife.
are you a ten year old girl ffs
Tighten the lid first, then try to unscrew it
Dunno how this works but 90% of the time this gets jars open for me
I do this, but upside down. I tap the cap on the counter 3 or 4 times in different places. Always works.
naw, he should wrap it in aluminum foil, put it in the microwave on high for 5 minutes, then fuck his dog in the ass. works every time for me.
turn the shitty glass around and hit the glass a few times with ur flat hand. b) put a knife under the lid and pull it up.
Throw it across the room.
Can confirm this works
First post is best post.
Lift moar, faget.
Nobody has posted the best trick.
Take a butter knife and grip it by the blade. Now use the handle and whack it against the edge of the lid, repeating this around the circumference of the lid. Now it unscrews easily.
Smack the edge of the lid with the back of a big knife and spin the jar a little at a time and repeat til it pops loose.
Grab the lid with one hand and the jar with the other hand.
Use the lid hand to turn the lid counter clockwise and it should come off. If you need a little more power you can use the jar hand to turn the jar itself clockwise while you are using lid hand counter clockwise.
Hope this helps
it works best if you hold the jar upside down as high as you can, as gravity will pull the seal off the lid but make sure you keep a close eye on it
I've had insanely tight jar lids that barely needed any effort to open after doing that that.
>that that
Time to go to bed.
Take a screwdriver or a knife and slide in under the rim to lever it up. It'll break the seal.
There are tools that you can use to open lids. Picrelated is one type that is mostly for smaller things like bottle caps. Here's another example that works well on larger glass-jar lids:
all you have to do is get a spoon and with the side of the spoon hit the sides of the cap hard enough to create dents. I usually do one on one side and opposite of the side I hit it with. opens up so easy an old woman can do it
Yeah, but why would I want one?
Once I've gotten the wakeup call that I'm so weak I can't even open a normal jar I'm going to be hitting the fucking gym, not buying a silly gizmo that only perpetuates my weakness.
I can see those being useful for children, the elderly, people with bad arthritis or other medical conditions or disabilities. But a normal adult being unable to open a goddam jar? That's a wakeup call if there ever is one.
Put down the video game controllers and your smartphone. Lift weights instead.
git gud
what stone age country do you live in?
Just ask Bill to do it for you, madame
Tell that to my 80 year old grandpa faggot
Ask neighbor to open it for you.
put this on the lid, now you have grip. easy.
Alternatively you can just hit the corner of the cap a few time with a knife to make a few bumps (on the top circumference) and it will open easily.
for me at least i just open it before i put it in the fridge, there's something about relative rate of contraction of the glass jar and the plastic lid and cold that makes jars way easier to open before you put it in the fridge
Stab a hole in the top with a knife, you will here it pull air, meaning it's easier to open. (due to lack of vacuum suction)
Ease of opening aside, why anyone ever put it in the fridge if it wasn't open? If it's not open there is no need to refrigerate it at all.
>>Veeky Forums
I highly doubt OP is 80 years old, which would give him a pass.
When I was a child, I used the tip of a knife and punch a wee tiny hole in the top to release the partial vacuum inside. Then the lid comes off super easy. If it needs to be resealed, I'd put tape over the hole.
Now, I use a couple squares of non-slip netting mat. I use those under rugs, cutting boards, ect., and cut some for opening canning jars. A roll of that stuff is really cheap at dollar stores in the US. They are really thin and work really well without being bulky for your hand. The hot water trick over the lid also helps a great deal for stubborn rings and store lids.
Open it with your feet
jam a knife under the lid for a few seconds
>Take testosterone blockers
>Grow long hair
>Split your dong open then shove it inside
>Trap a man
>Have him open the jar
Are you retarded OP?
use a vice grip
Never understood this until now
The idea is that you're trying to break the seal; by hitting the rim, you may press into the lid or cause it to bend slightly allowing a little air to escape thus breaking the seal.
That's bullshit and you know it. I'm a normal, healthy adult. I can open 99.99% of jars. I have, on occasion, run across jars that seemed to be welded shut, which I have had to cut the lid off of in order to get at the contents.
And also resulting in the lid not sealing properly forever after, allowing mold spores to get inside and destroying the contents.
Not so much of a problem if it's something you're going to use in a single day. Quite a problem if it's something that will sit in your fridge for months while you dabble a little out from time to time.
If i can't get my jars open, i run them under some mildly warm water, pretty sure it has something to do with thermal expansion, but i could be wrong.
>thermal expansion
knife under lid and bang against table till you hear the pop
Get a jar opener. They sell them in the housewares section of department stores.
Run the cap under hot water. It causes the metal to expand and makes removal easier.