Got invited to a end of summer party

>got invited to a end of summer party
>everyone is being loud and in one room music is on they are watching tv or some shit
>want to leave
>brought tupperware with me.
>end up putting food in tupperware
>someone walks in from the other room and sees me, confronts me
>we get into a shoving match
>noise attracts others, they rip tupperware of food out of my hands and tell me to leave

Was I in the right or wrong? I was a guest and the food was for guests, who cares where I eat the food right or wrong??

You are a bit weird, no?

This same thing happened to me last weekend. Weird.

Doubt it

>brought tupperware with me.
why? who does this?

Enjoy never being invited to a party again, scumbag

Always do it always go to parties and bring leftovers home

The leftover booze and food is the hosts, the spoils of war. You detestable faggotoni

user.. why are you going to parties with tupperware?
Why am i asking? This is obviously a shitpost.

Like I said all the other parties I went too guests would allow leftovers to get rid of the food Most didnt want to have tons of it lingering around

This isn't as bad as being a single male bring deviled eggs to a get together.

>not just putting the food in your pockets

Could you not just put them in your tater tots pocket

I always thought that posts like this were fake until I met a guy who withdrew his charity donation/sponsorship from a marathon runner when the guy didn't meet whatever time he was supposed to.

wrong for not punching them in the face. bunch of faggots touch me we start stabbing and make the 11ocock news

>>someone walks in from the other room and sees me, confronts me

Why do they confront you? I don't get any of this.

You were wrong. You must be a nigger/socially retarded if you bring tupperware to a party to loot food for later. I'm surprised how a retard like you managed to get invited to a party in the first place

I normally bring some gallon-sized Ziploc bags in my coat to fill with chips and other snacks and a Thermos to fill with alcohol or soda to take back with me. The Tupperware is a bad idea because you can't hide it in your coat easily like a plastic bag filled with food. Works well for securing pizza slices as well. I also have a small tin that I put cigarettes in, I always ask people smoking outside if I can have one and they usually say yes so I end up with a few of those to take home.
You weren't in the wrong, OP. Tupperware is just not very practical to avoid being seen.

Deviled eggs are delicious, what's the problem?

Damn seems like you need new friends OP. Thats quite rude of them.

And they stole your tupperware!! Outrageous!!

I bet they will think of you poorly when in reality they are the thieves

He was actually a nigger trying to steal something and got caught in the jewelry.

If you're a single male bringing them to a potluck then people will rightfully be worried.

I like this new Tupperware

This, the spoils are for the host, it's extremely rude, you hanging out with the host is a prerequisite for eating. Now of course it's situational. If it's a dear friend and they know you like leftovers it's not weird. Stranger or acquaintance without asking? Incredibly rude.

obvious bait

If he isn't just shitposting (which is probably 50/50 given how autistic some people are), it's because OP was probably just stealing shit from the fridge or food that was meant for the party. Food at a party is meant for people to eat at the party, not for a free meal for later. Leftovers go to whoever's hosting unless they say it's ok to take some, or at least until the party is dead.

I mean, you could've let the host know that you were leaving and asked if you could take some food home.

This, desu.


people like that associate with themselves

it's remarkable how shit people attract other shit people, if you don't know any shit people you'd assume they're a fictional construct

Irish Stew Guy?

They are not "leftovers" until the party is entirely and completely over. You were just stealing food.
>b-buh it doesn't make a difference if I eat it there or three days later at home!
If you don't see why then you are just a dumb cunt.

Why? I don't understand, I'd be happy someone brought something regardless of their relationship status.

>this is the kind of people you share a website with
welp, time to check out

These threads are the best thing on Veeky Forums.

I would love it so much if any of them were real stories but they already have brought me so much mirth anyway.

Jesus Christ you're like that catering chef groom that episode of curb
You're in the wrong user
Those leftovers are not yours unless you clear it with the host or the person who brought it

Of course you were in the wrong. It's one thing if you brought said food you were taking, then it'd at least be reasonable that you take a bit home. But no it sounds like you showed up to a party with a fucking feedbag. Of course once again this is basically guaranteed to not be true, so...

The food and drinks at parties are put out FOR THE GUESTS. The hosts can eat and drink their own food alone any time if they want. If I'm not that hungry during the party or I fill up too quickly, you'd best believe I'm filling some plastic bags or containers for later. You make no sense

damn motherfucker you've posted this a couple times already. what are you polling for answers ?

horrible fucking manners you greedy fucking cunt. would kick your ass.
you are essentially stealing from guests who are still there.

If not bait, you are retarded. Food is put out for guest AT THE PARTY. Not for guest who want to come, take food and leave. It's like being invited for dinner and announcing "I can't stay I have other plans, fix me a go plate". You are expected to provide conversation and company in return you get food, duh.

>brought tupperware with me.

Obviously planning this all along, just plain bad manners and ass holish behavior

>being """""that guy""""""
An hero my friend

Lmao that is exactly what I was thinking about

>noise attracts others, they rip tupperware of food out of my hands and tell me to leave

holy fucking kek, I can just imagine it

Jews, blacks and other entitled people

>>brought tupperware with me.

This is how I know ck is a board of sheltered, ignorant white kids.

Bringing containers to a party to take home leftovers is pretty common in black parties I'm at.

Is it wrong to take home leftover food you bring to a party? I always bring a Crock-Pot full of lil smokies because I know nobody likes them so I get to take them home for my doggo.

This is the worst part. They had the gall to steal his tupperware

>blacks and other entitled people

How the hell is it "entitled" to bring containers to a party with your friends?

Do you go to alot of strangers parties or some shit?

Aint nothing wrong with leftovers. I don't understand this thread at all.

>rip tupperware of food out of my hands and tell me to leave

Fucking pussy. If anyone tried to lay they hands on my leftovers, they getting punched in the face.

WTF is wrong with the people at your parties? what? White people don't know how to share shit?

>White people don't know how to share shit?

not really no

>White people don't know how to share shit?

Yes. We SHARE food with others at the party. We don't take it all home for ourselves so nobody else can have any, you classless Nigger.

You mean "sharing" other people's stuff while they aren't in the room? Seems to be a predominantly black thang.

>pic related

The food is for guests to enjoy at the party. If you aren't hungry then don't need any. Feel like going home? Fine, go home and eat your own food. The food isn't a gift for you to take and do with as you please, it's hospitality to make the party more enjoyable for the guests. Once you leave, that hospitality ends.

fucking kek thanks for the laugh

and to answer your question OP yes obviously you were in the wrong, though I doubt telling you that will make any difference to you since your severe autism prevents rational thought

I'd say you were in the wrong, OP. Reminds me of a similar story of my own
>at college football tailgate
>obscene amount of alcohol and food
>all paid for by company my gf works for
>people keep insisting we eat and drink as much as we want
>insist we take food and beer home because so much is left over
>take a bag of food
>fill half a water bottle with crown royal
>still at least a gallon of crown royal left
>start to leave
>drunk wife of one of the company's employees chases me down
>"trying to steal from us motherfucker?"
>goes on and on, hollering and drawing attention
>trying to explain that we were told to take food and alcohol
>she spits on me
>wants to fight me
>husband amd son make their way over to pull her away
>apologizing on her behalf
>heard from gf she got a DUI later that night
>husband extremely embarassed at work due to her behavior
>gives us gift card for dinner at nice restaurant as an apology
Woukd have been more satisfying to knock that bitch out to be honest

I-I do this..

are you kidding? I fucking LOoOOOVE WEENIES

OP, wat

>gives us gift card for dinner at nice restaurant as an apology
good guy having to deal with a dumb whore wife

>You mean "sharing" other people's stuff while they aren't in the room?

I believe there's a word for that...

>she spits on me
>wants to fight me

Feminsim was a mistake.

Irish stew is that you?

OP your problem is that you're too nice. Nobody respects a pushover. Next time just take some of the host's leftover tupperware he has laying around instead of bringing your own from home.

I've seen literal sponges who come explicitely late to parties in order to raid the buffets and leave no trace.

Meanwhile, I was there since 8pm, decide at 4am to grab some leftover packaged cheese before leaving and some faggot (brother of the party host) tells me to drop it off.

I'm not saying you're wrong, OP. But maybe you're not right (or the host is a dildolicker, eitherway).

You are one giant kike.
The guest had the balls and the courtesy to invite you over, and you steal the party food because you think you're entitled to it?
This has to be bait.

>having friends

t. nigger

well, niggers aren't exactly civilized.

Alright smartass, what do you think would happen if everyone had your mentality?
If everyone just took home to eat later?
You would have nothing left at the party.
Your idea just works because you think and behave yourself like a parasite.

>Meanwhile, I was there since 8pm, decide at 4am to grab some leftover packaged cheese before leaving and some faggot (brother of the party host) tells me to drop it off.
PROTIP you giant autist: still wrapped foods are never leftovers.

I don't want to sound like an hypocrite, but this thread just reminded me of a douchy thing I did back in New Year's Eve:

>Go to friend's house, bring some glazed donuts
>we drink and party until 11 pm, the glazed donuts are untouched
>we decide to go early to celebrate the new year in a crowd.I take the donuts nobody ate in my backpack
>A couple of days later I get a remark of my friend, asking me why did I took the donuts with myself
>after the party they came home hungry and couldn't find the donuts.

Can we at least compromize?

>stay until the end of the party
>offer to clean the tables and chairs
>by the end of it grab something to eat
>the hosts will be either so thankful for your help or so tired, that they won't bat an eye about it.

What if I take a dip or a slice beforehand?

Checkmate, fagtron.

The fact that you are hiding it means you know it is unacceptable. But yes slightly less ess autistic if you get away with it

I'm a person. I wouldn't be worried. I don't get what you are hinting at.

You'd think the host would be grateful. Who the hell actually WANTS to eat food that's been left out, touched, coughed, and spit on all night? And that's provided it was cooked in a proper, sanitary manner in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, it's one less thing filling up my trash bin.

Besides, they just stole your tupperware.

>If you don't see why then you are just a dumb cunt.

No, actually explain the logical fault behind this.

I had a friend buy me a chocolate bar years ago but I wasn't hungry at the time so I put it in my bag to eat later, seeing this he took it back because I didn't eat it as soon as I got it. Was I somehow in the wrong, or is it really just an irrationality of ego that comes over people? Do they just feel offended because they feel like their generosity has been disrespected? Because that's what I saw when he took that chocolate bar back all those years ago and thats what I'm seeing right now in your post.

>or is it really just an irrationality of ego that comes over people?

A bit unrelated, but that reminds me of an accquaintace of my school who would get annoyed if you took a small bite from his sandwich. Bear in mind, he was okay if you asked him for a bite of his sandwich. He just found small nibbles annoying because you shouldn't even bother asking for a bite-size that would probablly let you unsatisfied and wanting for more.

Worried about what? Do deviled eggs have some sort of taboo associated with them I'm not aware of?

>that one kid in high school who would come begging for food whenever your friends held a mini potluck during lunch
>that one guy who brings only one bottle of store label cola to the party and eats the most

>that kid in 2nd grade who opened his empty lunchbox in reccess with a sad face and all the classroom girls came to empty their lunches at your feet

feels good man.

That's a strange ritual.

>held a mini potluck during lunch
Were you part of the faggot theater kid clique or something? I can't imagine any normal group of people doing something so gay.

Maybe he doesn't want to be acquainted with rodents

Dude, are you homeless or something? Cause if not, what the fuck man.

Fuck you

my thought as well

It's not like I'm taking stuff out of their fridge or cupboards, food put out at parties is meant for the guests. If I was invited, it's mine. And if someone agrees to give me a cigarette, why does it matter if I smoke it later on another day?

because it's not exclusively yours, it's also for the rest of the guests. You seem to have had no proper manners. I think you're a bastard son of a whore in the literal sense.

>bring food you know no one likes
What? Just so you don't have to actually bring something?

>proper manners

Oui, monsieur, eet is zee decline of "proper manners" zat hass destroyed our glorious world. Zey should haf eaten zee keak!

but I'm allowed to grab a handful of food and eat it without trying to feed it to anyone else. Why can't I stick that same handful of food in my pocket for later?

Because you're not going to let other people at party reach your fucking pocket

I have slightly related green text
>potluck party w frnds
>bring BIG bag of chips and container of dip
>walking in the door, two fat friends of my friend take the chips and dip from my hands
>I assume they will eat some then leave the rest on the table
>five minutes later I notice the fatasses have polished off the entire bag and container of dip

Do you understand that story was fabricated?

and why should we let the obvious fakeness of OP stop us from fighting?
I'm also not going to let them grab the food out of my hands while I'm holding it. Once I grab it, it's mine to do with as I please. I may eat it right there, or put it into my pocket

>It's not like I'm taking stuff out of their fridge or cupboards
Why do I get the feeling you've considered doing that at some point.

you can't bring food from a party the same way you cant bring food from a buffet. ITS NOT YOUR FOOD

>All these autists sperging about how they're entitled to all the food at a party.
If you ask the host if you can take a little before heading out, I'm sure they'd say yes. But if you just sneak off and start stuffing your pockets with food you're a fucking degenerate.

This guy gets it. You don't go to a buffet and stuff a bucket full of shit and book it. Well... seeing how some of you reacted you probably do. Christ, I just imagine you all being trailer trash or some other gutter trash. How can you not see how ridiculous you are?