I'll start, people who buy with nothing but change. also people who block a whole isle
ITT: grocery store pet peeves
People who don't read the instructions on the self checkout registers, then get confused when something goes wrong. The worst part about this is when a register is set to cards only mode, you need to press a button on the screen acknowledging that you can only use a card, then they try to use cash or get cash back.
When I buy a bunch of grapes only to get them home and have them be decorative plastic grapes.
People who pay with a stack of WIC checks, and don't even bother to organize their shit on the belt.
Then make the cashier find each item in the pile of shit and candy.
my girlfriend uses the mobility scooters, she really overweight but not enough to actually need one. i mean we walk to the store for fucks sake. but sometimes when im in a mood i get on one too and we have races.
>Everything that is wrong with america today
Saying excuse me isn't hard
I'll back this up. I'd add to it when people use self checkout to do a week's worth of shopping for their family of six. Self checkout is meant for people with only a handful of items. It's meant to be fast and easy, not a comprehensive substitute for regular checkout.
yeah this. I'll be waiting for someone with ten plus items when I only have 1 or maybe 2 items. it's so annoying.
Okay, real pet peeve.
>in deli isle
>grabbing some sandwich stuff
>reach for roast beef slices
>about to put in cart.
>gloved hand slaps it out of my hand and across the isle.
>look up
>runs off screaming "moo" to a backdrop of bells and charges some 300lb landwhale in a red shirt.
Fucking grocery jesters man.
People shitting themselves in the checkout area. We have a designated shitting aisle for a reason.
Also the no singles policies, why the fuck should I have to bring a friend just to buy soda
Quick story, but basically common courtesy and expediency.
Self Checkout
>New-agey white mom in front of me; slow as fuck. Not pressed though; flipping through phone.
>Sassy black woman lines up behind me...up in my personal space. Whatever...still flipping.
>White lady pays, then proceeds to bag items slow as fuck. I don't move.
>Sassy black woman immediately asks if "I'm ready to go" with a dash of hostility.
>I respond by saying "when she's done bagging, then it's my turn". (attitude snarl) HOWEVER...
>This white mom is taking fucking forever...so I got the turtle ahead and the bitch behind me.
>Brought my own big baggy to haul the goods; lay it out. Scan my super duper savings rewards card.
>Black woman is fuming because I waited. Then I proceed to scan and bag with expediency and accuracy.
>Scan, scan, scan, scan, bag em the fuck up. I had some produce, but I already knew the codes.
>Next thing you know, the card is is the machine, while I'm bagging up the last few items.
>As the receipt spits out, I turn to her and say "AND THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE" and roll away.
Dummy behind me; dummy in front.
Be courteous, be expedient; be prepared...you dumb fucks.
>that guy who dies in the lobby via heart attack and the subsequent fall that cracked his skull open
Happened before my very eyes. Working at a supermarket fucking sucks
2-4 homeless people pan handling at the front entrance before I even enter the store. I have to avoid looking at them because I feel sorry and don't want them to ask me for money. They ask me for money because of this because they think I'm a scared sucker that will and I have to tell them no.
The fucks selling candy bars and magazine subscriptions or asking for donations in front of the store.
i'll take "things that didn't happen" for $500, alex
People who can't spell "aisle"
designated shitting isles
Dude it did!!! I've actually said that before...it's the best walkaway line because nobody knows what the fuck they're doing. I would like to start a class on how to just...HURRY THE FUCK UP while at the same time being respectful to the people around you...
Like freeway merging...THE SAME ASSHOLES
EVERYBODY KNOWS the right lane is closed so the longer lane is left.
Sure as shit, these pricks zoom in on the right and then go LET ME IN
LET ME IN at the last minute...
Another awesome story in that department--once while freeway driving I cheered as a semi guy slanted his truck so THESE FUCKING PRICKS couldn't try to cut in line. I was beeping the horn and saluting the big boy for that.
Shitty baggers, specifically the ones at the major chain in my area. Evidently they aren't aware of basic courtesies such as not putting heavier items on top of delicate things like bread or eggs, or keeping cold stuff together, or not overloading a bag near the breaking point.
Self-checkout or bagging things yourself aren't options as said chain doesn't believe in either of those.
People who smell like they soaked in a mix of cat urine and dog drool who have no sense of personal space.
People with no arms touching produce with their dirty feet.
Get a fucking helper
I think I have a new one since it's happened 4 out of the last 5 times I've been to the grocery store. Asshats hawking fat loogies right in front of the outside sliding doors. Right in the doorway. Jesus Christ, how about off to the side a few paces, douchebags.
Get the fuck out reddit.
You're supposed to look at your phone intensely and tap around like you got something important to do.
I will notice panhandler out of the corner of my eye from 20m away, whip out my phone, bring up my shopping list and scroll through it madly as I walk in unmolested.
>t. Michael Luzzi
The real tricky ones are the midgets who dress up like little girls who want to sell you cookies for their coke habits.
>old people who move slower than the death that they're about to receive
>little kids who just kind of "stand around"
>people who park their carts in a angle
Fuck, I get people who want to lurk and take their time, but it's people who lack the overall spacial awareness that I want to get something and your dumb ass is staring at two jars of sauce.
That's pretty rad, user.
Self checkout is for lowering labor costs. Nothing more.
Shopping on the first of the month.
I always grocery shop near or on the 27th/28th, dont know why. I just noticed that it starts to become time to go shopping always as a month ends.
Although I'd like to know if ones shopping date has any impact on pricing/freshness/quality of the goods I buy.
Good idea, I think they'll notice I'm bullshitting and don't really have important shit to do and ask me anyway. I might as well not waste the energy.
I absolutely hate it seeing a person in front of me using foodstamps/EBT and see them buying nothing but junk food and highly processed meals.
I also been in a store with someone wearing Hillary Clinton gear....way into August of this year.
My two pet peeve
>Sorry, you have to tell the guy that's weights the fish if you are going to pay with a credit card
Fuck you, there wasn't a sign anywhere and he said nothing about it