What does Veeky Forums think of my beer haul?
Show pics of your recent haul, and rate them
What does Veeky Forums think of my beer haul?
Show pics of your recent haul, and rate them
thats not beer thats pretentious hipster shit with cherry flavour.
Go fuck yourself.
I expected 'girly bullshit' more than hipster bullshit. I found it at the fucking store so I'm not sure how I'd be a hipster. It's not like I went to belgium and back.
Eat my ass, daddy.
they're probably good beers but I hate how they put the word organic on everything like it's the main selling point
You should be ashamed that you buy flavoured beer, doesnt matter where.
Beer should taste of BEer and not fucking "organic cherrys, blown of the branch by nepalese refugee children"
I'm really impressed with what a man you are. Throwing tantrums about what beer other people drink is pretty alpha
the apricot and the peach are alright fpr sire amd so is the poet. The pale ale is most likely old and llost all the hop profile. what is the date on it
Samuel Smith's is good, never tried their fruit beers but I'd like to sometime.
>I'm not a hipster I didn't get it from Belgium or anything
4 out of 6 of those are 'organic' as if that really means anything given that there are chemically crated artificial pesticides that qualify as organic.
Half your 'haul' is fruit flavored. with the others clearly chosen for their hipster cred (ipa) or their graphics. I mean normally when someone drinks fruit flavored beer, it correlates to them not liking the taste of beer.
>but the ipa's and the oatmeal stout
what about them? You picked the two brews that any entry level beer drinker will regard as 'patrician'. I mean you're trying to impress strangers on a Filipino wicker hutch weaving board
you sound like a huge faggot, stop posting
>Flavoured beers for people who can't take regular beer
Grow a penis
nice damage control
Tried this the other day, it was delicious.
>the little soy boys ITT who grew up fatherless and soft and now think they're masculine because they can 'take' (my fucking sides) beer
Samuel Smith is godlike, and fruit beer can be good (rarely). Sam Smith fruit beers are OBJECTIVELY good. Lot of insecure fags ITT.
Tbh fruit beer is trash. I used to get it all the time but after being disipointed so much by every single one I came to the realization it was a shitty gimmick because the acidity, sugar, and such of the fruit completely ruins the beer. Kind of like how people put limes in shit beer to cut though the shit flavor, but it basically destroys any nuance in actually good beer. Like if you want fruit flavors get something like liquor. People who like fruit beer are probably the same faggots who mix tobacco and weed.
At this point I rarely even bother with fruit beers unless it's New Glarus
those fuckers know how to use fruit
yeah, it's all about how you use it
a fruit beer can be great if the fruit is subtle and fits well with the beer instead of overpowering it
This is the one area the states are lagging in
Yeah we can make any flavor under the rainbow and it can taste great but if you can't make a balanced and endearing brew there's little reason for someone to buy a 2nd 6pack
Dude, I agree a poorly done fruit beer is bad, but a well made Kriek Lambic is one of the best beers ever brewed.
>ITT: poor souls who have never tried a Samuel Smith beer
Don't listen to them user, that shit is delicious
Drinking a mix six with a few of these and some riverbank red and an Elysian.
i forgot that shandies aren't allowed on Veeky Forums
we really need a sticky for this shit
seriously though, go back to al/ck/ please. you deserve them.
So you drink only sahti? Because if you let anything hopped, from abject hopbomb IPAs to the heartiest bock, past your lips, you're just picking nits about exactly which extra plants are allowed to be the source of the same actual esters.
>not being able to enjoy something simply because it says "organic"
you're even stupider than people who only consume organic
seems like none of you are posting pictures of beer.
you fucking shit up the place with your retarded internet bravado and hypersensitive hyperjudgemental bullshit...
all of you are guilty of being internet cunts and i'm going to show up like chris hansen with a printout of your internet retardations and show it to your mommies.
it's a beer thread. not a sensitive faggot thread.
where is your beer picture, cunt?
3 fucking guesses.
> People who like fruit beer are probably the same faggots who mix tobacco and weed.
damn, I guess all europeans are faggots
> t. yeropean.
lol that was funny dude.
I like Sam Smiths pubs.
i dont see any beer, all i see is bullshit.
>Literally the most sensitive faggot in the thread
Just drink your sugar cherry-fag tonic and stop being so insecure. It's a drink for faggots, just be a proud faggot.
that's what i've been saying.
you don't seem to be helping though. do you?
wrong. guess again.
>you're even stupider than people who only consume organic
Wtf did you think was going to happen? Veeky Forums is 90% monsanto big agri corporate cucks who bought into the corporate propaganda that GMO's are mystically better than the timeworn method of Mendellian hybridization when evidence clearly indicates that's not the case. Ironically, they're the same people who deny human influenced global warming is real when 98% of worldwide independent scientists are convinced it is and the remaining 2% are industry shills. Really makes you think.
man, this thread is a dumpster fire. hope you're happy, OP.
not op
then why are you whiteknighting this thread so hard
crabs in a bucket motherfucker, join in
awe you have guilt for being a cunt. take your time and work through the pain. then go ask your wife for some beer money and make a post. you'll feel better.
I take it you enjoy boipucci.
alright i calmed down, turned in some good boy points with the wife for some beer
what now
Favorite beers: Mississippi fire ant red, lazy magnolia southern pecan but brown ale, Samuel Smith oatmeal Stout.
That's sexy. How does it taste?
fucking this!
why am i not surprised?!
yankees appropriating our culture ;D
almost spicy at the start, finishes real mellow. it's hoppy for sure, but not obnoxious.
I don't get why Samuel Smith gets pimped out so hard here. They put out a couple of solid beers, primarily their stouts, but nothing special.
I've had the white oak version of that. It was very good.
i should be able to get this in mississippi. i'll ask my local beer store. it's too pretty not to want to try it. i love the color.
I may be a cunt, but I am right and the other guy is wrong.
i had the choco stout and i think the imperial stout last time i made a thread. i understand based on those, but not the rest of this stuff. i didnt like the choco so much anyway. i'm drinking another torpedo and i had my riverbank red while i was sitting with my neighbors. it's almost time for bed. i hope this thread is worth a fuck by sunday when i have time to drink more beer.
Yeah, their imperial stout is the type of beer that I'd use to set the bar for others in regards to what I consider good - their brown ale too, but not anything amazing or special.
No beer for me until tomorrow. The thread will still probably still just be shit and people sperging about fruit beers though.