What do you guys think of my girlfriend's cake?
What do you guys think of my girlfriend's cake?
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What are you mormon? That chick is like 11
if she's 11, i'm 11
I think she needs some white cream in her cake
could be worse
Sorry mate, this is Veeky Forums and pedophiles are not allowed to post here
She's 16
Back the fuck off?!?!
While you'll have to judge the taste for yourself, I can say that this looks like a very nice cake. Good work.
in flyover land they have a short life expectancy due to fear of exercise and vegetables
so most people are parents at 15 and grandparents at 30
>You must be 18 or older to post on this site
I don't know about the cake but I sure would like to taste her pie.
Not a baker. Could someone tell me if he did anything wrong here other than low quality ingredients and metric assload of mayonnaise?
Show me the rule that states that faggot
There's no pie in the picture. Wtf are you talking about
Isn't there?
kill yourself op
Veeky Forums is finally /tv/ with food
>primejailbait .com
I remember this "girl", nice to see "her" transition has gone well.
>I made this, user. For you :)
Id rather have her pie.
Its a dude you homo
They're alright. Nowhere near as good as the cookies my girlfriend made with her gran.
Holy shit. More pics?
sit on my face you bitch!
you misspelled shit
This is my girlfriend when we went out for the night and she was crowned Miss Personality.
*chitters intensly
Mayo in a cake. Mayo with chocolate.
Gat damn dem sum tig ol bitties.
This entire thread, including replies.
Okay, so you've never heard of a mayonnaise cake before. Don't feel bad.
jokes aside the frosting job on that cake is very nice
She deserved to win. She has huge personalities.
Totally. Kinda looks like it was commercially produced, DESU.
I want to suck on those huge personalities
She does have a giant and impressive personality.
I bet you're some ugly, emotionally, depraved fat ass. I would fuck you up. I bet you've been beat up before, and didn't fight back. I bet your mom yells at you for not doing anything with your life.
Way too much frosting, it looks like huge globs of it. Some frosting is an excellent addition to cake, too much ruins it. However I must withhold further comment on the cake because that's just the outside.
OP, you can go to jail for dating your 13 year old niece. Just a warning.
So this is the power of american """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
It's okay to not know about something, user. That's how we learn.
Why don't you turn her around so we can actually see the cake
>crowned Miss Personality
So why does the crown say 'Happy Birthday?'
I'm more interested in your gf's pie
If that's what Mormoms get a piece of, sign me up. ;)
Would it be weird if I said I want to suck on her collarbone?
dunno who she is but I think I need her on my life
It's French.
In France, Happy Birthday means 'You have a huge personality!'
i hope youre just rp as an autistic cause goddamn who the fucks puts mayo on a cake. is this a flyover recipe?
Yes it would be
Better living than in Jew York
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