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I made spaghetti
What's in this roll?
the dwarves will be excited when they wake up
If you heat it up in those containers they'll start turning orange
ritz crackers
Do you crumble them on top of the spaghetti?
No. You open a can of campbells chicken noodle soup, pour into a bowl and mix half a can of water and microwave for 3.5 minutes then mash up the entire roll of crackers and mix it in to make chicken mash. It has nothing to do with the spaghetti.
>You open a can of campbells chicken noodle soup, pour into a bowl and mix half a can of water and microwave for 3.5 minutes then mash up the entire roll of crackers and mix it in to make chicken mash.
god why do i come to this board
i mean, its okay. I only like freshly cooked pasta though.
Interesting. Do you have any pictures?
enjoy all the Bisphenol A
going to give some props to this post since it's getting hate from the basic Veeky Forums queens
what kind of a triple nigger faggot prepares food for the whole week on a thursday?
i assume it's payday. calm down.
>meat sauce
>Using buttery crackers for this instead of spooning your soup onto saltines like a pate.
>tfw work shift hours and am off Tue/Wed so Thursdays are your mondays and getting heckled for it online by some scrub who judges right off the bat
Leftover pasta has shit texture that only gets worse when sitting in sauce.
By the time you eat the last one, the sauce will be cakey and dry while the noodles will be soft as fuck nearly textureless slime tubes.
Try rice and beans with homemade salsa or vegetables next time. Just as easy and cheap with better survivability.
So where ya from?