What foods are like an orgasm in your mouth?

Not necessarily the 'best' food but the most intense


When you're hungry and thirsty, everything tastes like an orgasm in your mouth.

Yer mum


Semen is probably the food that's most like an orgasm in your mouth

probably like some super sour candy or something.

Doesn't matter what it's on or in that shit is tasty.
When you drive by a restaurant and smell something good, that's usually onion+butter+garlic.

Heavy smoke flavors from bbq.
Vinegar based sauces.

Did 12hours of kitchen prep and service with no breaks in between.
My first drink around 6pm was Sirap Bandung with Grass Bean Jelly, fucking heaven

For me, Tiramisu is my go to, aswell as chorizo& chicken cooked together.

but I think my favorite thing to do is to just get a ball of wasabi and munch.

The sensation is that of being kicked directly into the sinuses, but I don't know immediately after the burn retreats I'm left with a feeling of bliss.