Why would you EVER drink/use milk that isn't whole milk? Fat isn't even an excuse...

Why would you EVER drink/use milk that isn't whole milk? Fat isn't even an excuse, I'd rather put on half a pound than drink white water.

Cause whole milk makes me shit my brains out

Nope. I only drink whole milk.

I guess that's a reasonable excuse

The WHOLE milk?

>He only drinks part milk

I like the blue color tops. I feel like I'm avoiding a lot of fat trouble free since 2x tastes great to me. I don't get enough water so that helps.

I exclusively drink breast milk|straight out my girl's tiddiss

only babies drink milk

Might as well be drinking liquid butter

>drinking from a cow's tit
>drinking fluids from another animal's orifices, ever
>inb4 "muh calcium"
Studies have shown that people with higher milk intake are more likely to get bone cancer.

Ignorance, I suppose. It's a good way to tell how woke someone is based on what milk they drink.


Believe me, I would love to but I have Crohn's disease and whenever I drink whole milk my shit turns into a transparent colorless goo. I don't like that.

>Drinking human milk
Sorry breh, not gonna make it.
Cow tiddies have them amino acids on lock.


I actually feel sad for you

My crohns just gives me dangerous farts with real milk, that's why I drink that ultra pasteurized lactose free stuff now. Better than you'd expect, just pricy

Of course they do, since you're talking about volume. Cattle are going to be triple, quadruple the weight of humans the same age by the time they're weaned off milk. They need to develop the extra proteins. What about you? Are you trying to be the next big bodybuilder? Or do you want to be the size of a cow?

Master race milk coming through, faggots

Speaking of volume, you know that calves drink a fuck of a lot more milk than any human would be able to do, right?

The growth rate of a calf has much more to do with how MUCH it consumes rather than the dietary specifics of the milk.