This is such horseshit. In Japan people don't give a fuck how you eat sushi unless it's some overpriced pompous place. There's a billion different ways to do it and no way is "wrong", although people will think you're disgusting if you eat with your hands
If you believe this shit you are a fucking idiot.
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me
made these a lot a couple of years ago, you are stupid
How to reheat Pizza
why not just use an oven
Which one is the good one?
Some anons may not have a oven.
That was my case when I was a student.s
I would do it the other way round, steam it first, then fry the bottom
Yeah right
Water and flour doesn't make a brownie you idiot.
I guess that makes sense, I got one of these during college instead of a toaster, shit's cheap as fuck too
Lmao this.
I lived in Korea for like 6 months too. No one gives a fuck how you eat, MUH HONORABOO ASHIAN CULTURE isn't a thing. You just throw meat on a grill, pass around shots of soju, and then eat the meat however you want.
That is kinda what "etiquette" means.
I like the way they're all aiming to the top left like some sort of meat spaceship armada.
Moar? I have a few moree from the food republic
What a bunch of bullshit OP
why would I want a moist crust
>2 drops
>picture shows 3
That's just wrong.
First non stick is best for this but it works fine otherwise.
Heat pan med
Pat the slice dry with a paper towel
If temp is correct, you'll hear it sizzling
Flip once chese begins to melt slightly or not slightly it's your call how you want it.
Cover. If you want. Fuck adding water.
but why not just use an oven...
Loses moisture.
The cheese and the bread don't warm at the same pace either, so I apply heat to each side as needed.
I also find it's faster on a pan or skillet.
why would I want moist pizza...
Why would I want a stiff pizza?
I want crisp bread bottom and soft warm cheese top. Cheese takes longer to warm. Depending oven, pizza, toppings, the pizza bread could be a cracker by the time the cheese is adequately melted, not nearly warm.
This is bullshit.
I've been to many high end sushi restaurants and you eat the sushi how YOU want to.
what the fuck is this bullshit
t. guy who gets the worst cuts of fish and the tightest packed rice
To be fair Japan is far more autistic about it, weebs just give them a free pass because muh culture
>I've been to many high end sushi restaurants and you eat the sushi how YOU want to.
Of course. But if you're doing it any way other than what OP posted you'll be looked down upon. Maybe you care about that, maybe you don't give a shit.
You could walk into a fancypants 3-star steakhouse or French place and ask for ketchup to douse your food with. I'm sure they will be happy to provide it. And they'll be joking about you behind your back the whole time.
This seems like some shit i can impress the fuck out of a girl with.
Is this any good?
Who cares what a bunch of slants think about you?
At the end of the day you're white and they aren't.
Fuck 'em.
How is it possible you're an adult yet haven't tried something like that at least once in your life?
>Who cares what a bunch of slants think about you?
I certainly don't.
But there's a different between being OK with defying an expected standard of ettiqute vs. pretending such a standard (however silly or arbitrary it may be) doesn't exist.
Protip:they don't give a fuck how you eat it.
They want your money, that's all they care about.
>Protip:they don't give a fuck how you eat it.
Sure they do. Whether that matters or not us totally up to you. Personally I don't care. But it's ludicrous to pretend that there is no commonly accepted standards here. Are they willing to keep their mouths shut because they want your money? Yes. But that doesn't mean that there aren't standards.
Thumbnail looks like a collection of chopped dicks
This makes mustard gas...
This shit got me laid
>cheese side down
this guy gets it
Yeah, it makes a cake. I don't think anyone Fucking expects a god tier brownie from a fuckin microwave.
ill eat my sushi how I fucking want to i'm the one paying for it you zipperheaded cunts
You must be a joy at dinner parties
cooking and reheating items has become so very much easier with a thermometer. I can't cook for shit but can read data so that allows me to get things right.
Even if you are a shitskin like me who microwaves everything it is great. Always heat food to it is hot yet not scalding.
Who gives a shit that you're white? I'm willing to bet the Japanese you're talking about are much more intelligent, well off, and well mannered.
>there's really no wrong way to eat sushi
Then why did you make the infographic you cocksucking faggot
>Who gives a shit that you're white?
Not him but you don't have to be a bleeding heart liberal to admit that given a choice, white is best.
i hope no one actually goes off USDA 'lets overcook everything to be safe' temps
cause in the real world life is hard and we can't all eat chocolate covered steak
I like the infographic and appreciate the tips, but this feels smug. I mean, to be in Japan is one thing, but if I'm getting sushi in fuckin' Denver or Virginia...I mean, I'm paying you for the food and atmosphere. And I'll tip well, regardless. But how I eat it is my business (being an obvious ugly American aside).
Furthermore, in my neck of the woods...
"Aay...'scuse me...aay waiter--this the wrong order...
(mostly eaten)...we need some compensation off up in here"
If I dip my shit the wrong way, I think I'm fine...
I like onion a lot user,.
It's fish on rice. These idiots need to stop taking this shit so seriously.
This one was made by The Oatmeal's bitch
Turkey is the only thing I use a thermometer for.
If you ever ate a place who doesn't employ Paco and Julio then you have.
>that post
I guess there isn't much difference between whites and niggers after all.
I've eaten omakase at Sushi Nakazawa and you sure as shit eat it how he gives it to you.
Putting wasabi in the soy sauce is pretty fucking gross though, it's just wrong
>sure as shit eat it how he gives it to you
Or what? Does he chop off your finger? Carve an "x" in your forehead? What?
this is 100% written by a gaijin who's never set foot in Japan
how to reheat pizza:
fucking don't
put it in the oven, it's like fresh pizza
I'm not going to take sushi advice from some beanie wearing bearded thick glasses wearing cracker.
>you must follow the etiquette of a foreign nation because the food you are eating was invented there
hey homies you can get hamburgers and pizza and sushi and kebab in like 75% of the world do whatever the fuck you want
All of this is actually correct, if you're eating at a legit sushi joint. The only thing really contestable is the wasabi in soy sauce thing. Japanese people in Japan do this too. I don't know where it comes from that you can't.
Because Jiro-san already put the correct amount of wasabi on the sushi, he didn't ask you to season the food for him.
You don't go add extra screws to the wall once your house is built by the carpenter.
ftfy, you don't dump actual wasabi in the soy sauce because it's an extremely inefficient use of an expensive ingredient
First of all, if the sushi has already been seasoned, then you don't dip at all. So that invalidates your point.
If the sushi hasn't been seasoned, then it's acceptable to dip a corner into soy sauce. Adding some wasabi in another part is fine too, but people do both at the same time.
This is maybe the only argument I could see as correct, but if you think it's inefficient because it's expensive, you're just a poor fag lol. Maybe it's inefficient because you can't distinguish the flavors as readily.
>but if you think it's inefficient because it's expensive, you're just a poor fag lol
t.poor fag LARPing as someone who has eaten real sushi
You don't even have a passport, stop pretending you've been to Japan.
Sounds like you're mad and projecting, user. You didn't actually counter what I said.
If you are concerned about price getting in the way of how you enjoy food, that's not a criticism of the food and how it should be enjoyed, that's a comment on how you can't enjoy a meal in a particular way because of your bank account. Maybe you should go to /r/personalfinance and talk about it there. We're talking about food and how it should be eaten, not money and how it should be spent.
but I've already had fresh pizza. cold pizza is part of the whole pizza experience
Your efforts at damage control are appreciated but unnecessary. You just admitted you have no idea how wasabi is used at a decent sushi restaurant. You seem to think it comes in an unnecessarily large green brick, the way fake wasabi is served. The customer is not the only party to the transaction that has to consider costs, user.
Keep projecting user, you still haven't said anything related directly to my post and are only drawing inferences that serve your ends of making you not feel poor.
Saying "projecting" once is weak. Saying it twice is a /b/ tier defense strategy.
You and I both know you're LARPing. I guess continuing to dig in your heels provides you some sort of amusement, so, by all means, continue. This has gotten rather boring for me though.
only good one in the thread
It's my favorite, and also produces a mighty fine biscuit
I have a bunch of these from Veeky Forums 5 years ago. Let's see if I can find them. Also there are a bunch on the ck booru.