I work on a chocolate factory

Ask me anything from gelato to confections to truffles to show pieces. I got it all.

Why do foreign fags always say on instead of in

It could be I'm on my phone and autocorrect happened asshat. Here's 80 pounds of peppermint bark for you

Are you more or less obese since you started working?

Gained 20 from eating everything I could try in the first three months. After that I lost it all and then some with proper diet and exercise and only having tastes of everything. Tbh I lost interest in eating sweets now I prefer sampling and making over eating


Have you put your semen in the food? Or do you know anyome who has?

What is the highest percentage cacao you sell?

Are you a good or a bad person?

How'd you even get a job like this? Started from the bottom or did you have a diploma/degree in this stuff?

Local company or a chain? Also what flavors do you have coming out for fall?

Here at the factory never heard of it
When no was a bartender I tea bagged a lady's wine because she was a cunt
I'd say I'm lawful neutral
4 state chain based on Florida (everything produced here and sold in shops.)
I was a culinary student, got in an argument with a chef who said I was shit at confections and baking so I said fuck it and mastered the craft to rub it on his face. In hindsight it was a kick in the ass that was truly needed

are u an Oompa Loompa

Unfortunately I'm not but we do have a midget in the factory

What type of chocolate do you prefer? Really dark?


uo team boys?

get me a job op

Has he ever dressed as an Oompa Loompa? Could you leave a photo of one somewhere for him?

chocolate is nice i like it and it makes me feel nice
good job makin it that's a nice thing to do ur nice

how many german fags try to swim in your chocolate?

Do the shnozberries taste like shnozberries?

Is your name Charles or William?

I don't hear anything.