The world end and yada yada yada. If you somehow save a bag of potato, in theory and with enough water and ground/barrel to grow them, are you set for life?
The world end and yada yada yada. If you somehow save a bag of potato...
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No. Disease can take your potatoes.
it would be extremely tiresome
nah jüdische agricultural companies have created seeds that produce infertile products so you can't get more seeds.
If the global economy ever collapses we will be so fucked
You're a good farmer
A quick glance at the nutritional content of a potato shows that no, it does not contain all the nutrients required for life. So if literally all you had was potatoes you would suffer from vitamin deficiency and die.
Enjoy a slow painful death from scurvy (etc.)
You only need to live 12 years or so to have sex though.
You can grow store bought potato, user. I did it a bunch of times for shits and giggles.
Potatoes has vitamin C.
Potatoes might work but modern grain is pretty much satan's seed.
Like The Martian?
But you would technically have potatoes for the rest of your life
Be prepared to make new enemies. Beetles and their larvae are going to wreck your shit.
With this in mind, what would be the minimum variety you would need to grow for a nutritionally balanced diet?
You can actually live off of nothing but potatoes and dairy. Also, potatoes have vitamin C content comparable to oranges.
I guess we can assume OP hasn't read/watched The Martian. His loss.
This place is getting worse than /v/.
You will get use to it. What kind of food that you could grow loads of it while providing most of the stuff your body needs to survive?
It Friday. I give it at least a few weeks before the kiddies go back to school.
For you
was about to say something along these lines. you can definitely live off potatoes but it'd be nice to have some protein and fat
Beetles are bitch tier pests. Nematodes are where the real potato hell begins.
>potato rot nematode
>potato cyst nematode
>golden nematode
>potato knot nematode
>a bunch of other nematodes that will ruin your potato yields
>some of the cyst nematode species can have eggs survive up to 20 years inside cysts in the soil, so soil pockets and fields can remain blighted for decades
>your best defense is planting resistant species of potato, crop rotation, cleaning all equipment meticulously from one field to the next, and jist hoping you don't get any
the potatoes are the seeds, user
But the potato skin is protein
As long as you have something else to eat while you wait for harvest. . .
Also, you better know how to plant.
You have to consider more than simple nutrition. You have to consider seasons, off season storage, preserving, variety of nutrition, protection against animals and pests, water supply for you and your crop, crop rotation, letting the earth rest//highly effective fertilizer. . . Etc. Etc.
Wouldn't growing the potato in a container help lessen those problem?
>idiot doesn't understand how a clone works
You need zinc and manganese. Milk contains a tiny bit of both, but not enough to ward off deficiency. An iron and molybdenum source would be preferred to. The Irish before the great potato famine used fish, leafy vegetables, and porridge as supplementation to their typical diet for these reasons. Wheat or oat porridge provides all three of those minerals in abundance alongside b vitamins which are good for your cognitive health. Pulses are also a good option.
>doesn't understand how farming works so he just whines about jews
/pol/tards, I swear