what is Veeky Forums's liqourice of choice?
mine are def these, once you take 1 you end up eating the entire bag
What is Veeky Forums's liqourice of choice?
Excellent choice, I also like these a lot. They are very chewy and rich in flavor.
I wanna get more into liqourice but most stores only have like 3 different kinds. I always pick some up when I see some at festivals and stuff
I like them soft, but with little sugar
A swedish friend of mine made me tried those.
Fucking horrid. How can someone like that?
I'm not sure if they have these in other countries, but it's a salty licorice with a soft filling
Only ones I'll eat tbph. Everything else is disgusting. Unsalted liqqourice is one of the worst things there is.
I guess it's one of those things that you only like if you grew up with it, like Marmite/vegemite.
Anyway, Dane here. Pic related are my favorites.
Fuck you guys I'm going to the store.
These are my favorite solely based on nostalgic reasons.
My grandmother used to unroll these and seperate them into strings, then she would weave them into little braids and give them to me.
I always start feeling sad when I see other people just eating them as they are.
>when they first touch your tongue and the salmiak hits
That's what strong licorice is all about.
Love junglevrål for the same reason.
Do Europeans actually eat these? Gross
the best
I don´t care about my kidneys anymore
I love offering this stuff to foreigners.
>live in america
>love salt licorice
what do?
In the trash where it belongs.
That shit looks like cat food. Never had them.
same. pls help us.
Best bet might be World Market if you have one near you. They have them online but they are sold out.
we have them here in denmark as well
order on amazon dot com
tried salt licorice (the haribo pirate things). sounded really appealing, i thought i'd like it.
i'll just stick with these.
wait where are you from?
>salt licorice
I'm so fucking curious.
These ones.
Buy them if you can find em
The liquorice in the OP is not that salty, if you like sweet liquorice then you will likely like those too.
now for example is more salty and a lot of people don't enjoy the saltiness past that point
Is there a saltier kind, and is it considered better?
kyllä saatana saa taas hävetä
wtf do europoors really eat this
Yes we do
>not savouring liquorice sticks
We used to buy them from the newsdealer/tobacconist.
i fucking LOVE salty licorice and have tried a huge variety:
these are the second best i have ever had and the best for the price:
idk why, but revolvers are one of the few salt licorices that I actually like.
we have the same kind in finland, it's pretty good
These are amazing. Licorice with milk chocolate around it and a licorice powder coating.
And these. Same thing, licorice coated in milk chocolate with sea salt.
Everyone thinks these are absolutely disgusting around me, but l love them.
I've never seen this before? Where do you uasually get them?
Why do so many people hate on liquorice? Like often they look at me in disgust when I say that I enjoy them
Is the cat on there supposed to be a joke or something? Because most of these taste like cat piss because they have ammonia salt. It's disgusting.
Move aside boys, top tier candy comming through!
>Heksehyl Häxvräl :DDD
>Lakrids :DDD:D
Also, this came out recently, it's absolutely great, but it feels like swallowing glass due to damage from Acid Reflux.
Because unsalted liqourice literally tastes like you're eating snus. It's awful.
Absolute cancer. Worst candy ever.
uma delicia
I can't have those anymore. I managed to quit the addiction but I know it's lurking just under the surface.
These hit like a brick.
Love em.
Is that a solid salt center?
Things have gone too far
Not quite as XTREME as the label shows.
I also found a whole blog dedicated to licorice...
These were covered in doppelzout powder and when I was finished with the candies, would pour the powder remaining in my mouth for a powerful treat.
People who don't like this are losers who can't enjoy wasabi on sushi; don't see food as entertainment.
*proceeds to cut your palate like shards of glass*
Salte Fisk, along with Katzen Pfotchen are my favorites.
That licorice has a USB C port
USB mini
Det er Toms din idiot, det bliver ikke mere dansk.
Salty black licorice? Your taste buds have shit taste my Eurofag user.
I ususally get myself these when I'm in the mood for some licorice. I also used to buy these big bags of chocolate covered salmiak balls at my local Aldi back when they had those in stock.
They are sold in Norway, usually at grocery stores called Meny, but are quite rare there as well actually. But similar variations are found in Denmark and Sweden. I think places like Home and Cottage sells the danish brand of them, if you have that in your country.
I'm American and I love that shit. Too bad it's so hard to find here. Most of what we have is that weak-ass stuff. I buy from Nordisk Import.
Only double salt ones, the sweet are disgusting.
Jeg er norsk. Så, meny da?
who else a liquorice casual???
babbys first drop
That is what makes it good.
Pic related is slightly better even though it is from an Arab country.
no shit