I caught this, can I eat?

I got pinko bread crumbs in my cabinet.

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You can eat anything OP.

yes op, just wring its neck then roll it around in the pinko crumbs and drop it in the frier whole


why would you eat acat?

Opossum works well in stews and pies. There are recipes in early 20th century cookbooks, and presumably the internet. Cook it very thoroughly and be careful handling the raw meat.

drown it in a barrel right in the cage, then skin and gut it like a rabbit, should be good with your panko

haha I hate myself

Fuckin pinkos are stealing our bread crumbs now?

>pinko bread crumbs
as opposed to what, capitalist breadcrumbs?

obviously, faggots

anal sex

do NOT eat the tet...

fuck this thread REEEE

Should I shoot it or drown it first before I gut it?

I think I can use my Panko bread crumbs in place of flour in this recipe.


go to the kitchen and make her a nice snack and then set her free :3

drown it. its more brutal and will taste better

Does drowning make the meat nasty?

reeee leave ur not a robot, petafucker

just do it.



I don't wanna eat fear, I wanna eat deliciousness dipped in pinko bread crumbs

>eating an animal that eats garbage
enjoy your possum aids op

Let him go. He's a cutie who don't wanna be eaten.

Yes. Yes, you can!


Here's what you do, an old family recipe.
Move it to a slightly bigger cage so you can put in a food and water dish for it.
Feed it nothing but Cornbread and Buttermilk for two weeks.
Then, skin and clean it, and wrap it in tinfoil, surrounded by horse apples.
Cook until done, then throw out the possum and eat the horse apples, because that's more sanitary.

Op that is a wild tet and they are for friend, not food

Holy shit a free cat!

Slav here, commie bread was shit. Tasted like cigarette. Use pinko cigarette instead, already dry flake. Taste like bread crumb.

You're a little too excited about a stupid and nasty smelling asshole that will lay in it's own shit and piss then rub itself in OP's face and put it's ass and balls/pussy in his face

Decapitate that fucker with a shovel and reset your trap

Neither do it live

turkey fryer will make my Panko bread crumbs nice and crispy

>hurting shit to feel good about yourself

Feed this tet as an apology for its wasted time and release it into the wild.

let him go somewhere safe where he can go back in the wild. no need to hurt him.

>pinko bread crumbs
Get out commie

It's immoral to kill a living being.

>pussy bleeds even when you're a "man"

let me share with you the dish of my native people

Can you eat it? Yes. Should you eat it? Probably not. They eat a lot of trash, so if you consumed it, you'd be at a risk to contract a disease

>they eat trash
>they are full of diseases

Opossums are not like that in the respects that you think. You are spouting typical class-restriction social propaganda. It is the same thing about catfish and carp. People think "bottom feeder" means "I'm too good for bottom feeders" and thus respond with all manner of ignorant and misplaced myths and lies. Carp are good, but the main problem is their pin bones which are branched, making them difficult to clean for fillets. Opossums are pretty ugly and like squirrels have tough meat. These attributes mean these types of meats end up as stew/soup meats. Which is another negative connotation for many higher social class individuals. They'd rather eat tinder steaks and boneless fillets.

I've eaten nearly ever wild animal and fish in my area. None of them taste bad, with the exception of shiners and creek chubs which I could never cook and get rid of the massively fishy odor and flavor. Some meats are tough and some are "gamey" which is a strong odor and flavor which can often times be lowered or prevented by killing the animal as quickly and stress free as possible.

•Kill it.
•Butcher it.
•Remove all the meat from the bones.
•Cube the meat.
•Crack all the bones.
•Use a slow cooker/crock pot and cook the meat and bones with salted water for 12-16 hours (overnight).
•Remove the bones and toss those away.
•Add seasonings and vegetables to the slow cooker and cook everything until the veggies are done. You may need to add the veggies at timed intervals so that everything is done cooking at the same time to prevent some turning to mush. Add a thickening agent near the end of the cooking cycle.
•Eat with seasoned, "Texas toast".

The veggies I use are standard stew veggies. Carrots, onions, potatoes, celery, garlic, green peas, red & green bell peppers, etc.

What not to do: Any type of fast cooking or frying. Covered baking can work, but you still need to slow cook it.

Meh. I really need to proof read more.

Thanks for the rare Patti

Why not?


>ethics and morals are for women

Is the Tet alright? OP wasn't even going to eat it afterwards, so why not just let her go? She looked really fucking scared in there.

I hope he didn't harm tet. Desperate people are capable of anything...

that's not how time stamps work


I've trapped 3 oppussums and 2 racoons out of my garden this year but I just take them somewhere and let them go. I hunt, and wouldn't object to eating the meat, but I'm not a shitty enough lowlife to kill an animal I trapped in a cage. That's some scumbag shit right there.


These make great pets.

As opposed to buying shit that other people hurt so you don't have to?


t. Shittyass scumbag

No, as opposed to hurting things for necessity, like food.

It's about the motivation. Hurting for pleasure is bad. Hurting to eliminate vermin or put food on the table is not.

>i might be a piece of shit but at least i'm not a pussy!
Are you like 14 years old or something?

Yeah but not if it has a pet tree and a gun then it's just an asshole.

Sure thing, kid.

>user captures vermin
>user kills vermin humanely
>user eats vermin

>"waaahhh my pussy bleeds"

>There are recipes in early 20th century cookbooks
Can confirm, I've got an old cookbook from the mid-20th century that has a few recipes for opossum, including a roast.

Hillbilly-American here. Yes, you can cook possums. They're extremely greasy and taste kinda awful, but they're edible.

Possums are okay. Drive it 20 miles out and let it go. Fuck rabbits and woodchucks though. They ruin so much of your garden that it's better to kill them than to release it somewhere and have it come back or become someone else's problem.

No need to take offense; I only ask because you have the moral thought of an early teenager.

gotta love that crispy crispy pinko

>user eats vermin
Wouldn't it be absolutely haram in Middle Eastern cuisine as that animal would be unclean? In any case, user shouldn't harm tet.

A bullet to the head is cruelty free, it won't know anything happened. Use a .45 or .357 best results.

Yeah, it's wrong to kill things turns out. We could reverse our moral thought a thousand or so years to better fit in with the person in your image, though, if you'd like.

most meat is edible. i think horseshoe crabs are right out. what you have is Varmint, country cooks know what to do. i wouldnt, too much trouble, and very lean meat. prob good gamey flavor though.

Braise it in beer with mirepoix, garlic and a bundle of fresh rosemary.


set tet free

You mean something that humans have done for thousands of years?


>Yeah, it's wrong to kill things turns out.

lol No it isn't.

I don't think the roll counts for something from 2008 on /k/.

That was when it was the difference between starvation and sustenance and there weren't enough humans to negatively impact wild animal populations. That's why hunting and wildlife regulations exist now to ensure a balance. We have a coon hunting season in my state, but it's illegal to trap and kill them. That's lowlife whitetrash/nignog as fuck and no self respecting hunter would do it, nor would they poach other game in violation of the laws. But keep being a scumbag, you have plenty of company.

I mean depends on your moral system. Like I said, if you want to reverse our centuries of moral progress and revert to a moral system that makes you feel better about killing things then that is your prerogative.

Proper Opossum Gourmet Cooking


After consulting with a family member out in the smokey mountains. I decided against eating it. Too greasy to mess with, so my Panko bread crumbs will pair nicely with the rabbit I'm trying to trap instead.

Ol' Tet is in a better place now. Humanely put a gold dot to the his head while he was munching on a snack. Never saw it coming.


Wait so you killed it and then didn't eat it?
Pangloss was an idiot; we are truly living in the worst of all possible worlds

Considering it trampled my garden and ate my fruits of labor. Yes, I did dispatch it. I usually eat the squirrels and rabbits I catch. Just never caught a Tet. Animal control would of killed him anyways. If I dropped him off elsewhere, he'd be someone else's problem and maybe worse could have happened to him. So I did what I felt was best for my home and land after being told they're really greasy. I made sure he was dispatched in the most humane way possible.

drop the niggas off in the forest away from society and let the rules of nature take care of it

You're filth. You're not even on the level of a scumbag whitetrash/nignog that would kill a live trapped animal for food. What part of "live trapped" do you not understand? Pathetic.

Hey man let the guy believe


calm down loser

What the fuk is a Tet, a dumb meme?

post proof that you aren't underage right now

Possum is a really disgusting meat and undoubtedly a net loss in calories and satisfaction to prepare it. You must be an actual nigger or 300lb bubba to dedicate time to this

>proof reading on a possum stew image board.

This is the site my doctor uses to track my info.

Enjoy your leprosy

hey guy check out this bird I just caught. How shall I prepare this dish for me and my mom?