Who /homebrew/ here?
What's fermenting?
What's in bottles?
What will you make next?
What experiment would you most like to try out?
Who /homebrew/ here?
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I definitely wanna try getting into homebrewing, what is easy to get started on?
There are hops growing in an empty lot by my house. What should I do with them?
I have some 7 gallons of blueberry wine fermenting. I'm about a month into it so the bubbling in the airlock has slowed down considerably. (15lbs of handpicked wild blueberries, took a few weeks to collect)
Maybe I'll get a grape wine kit afterwards so that I have some more alcohol to pull me through the winter.
A neighbour farmer grows hops too and they're ripe right now. He doesn't use them so I've been considering picking some, but I'm undecided.
>beer is an ingredient in beer
The process really doesn't vary much between styles, just make what you want.
Try with extract first, it means you can skip about half the process and get acquainted with the other half. (for beer at least)
Then if you feel like that went well, do it with malt
Have you done blueberry wine before?
What's it like?
I'm doing organic free range jenkem with a blueberry hibiscus infusion
>free range jenkem
I'm working on a hoboken dog nipple ale.
I think all the homebrewers moved over to /diy/
I might be wrong
Any ale that isn't a big quadruple barleywine or whatever is good to start. Or if you want to make something that is dead simple google "Man I love Apfelwein"
Starting with an extract recipe kit from a homebrew shop is a good start for beer and this is a good beginner process to follow for that: howtobrew.com
jenk a brother up
>Who /homebrew/ here?
/homebrew/ for almost three years.
>What's fermenting?
Have a cherry mead fermenting, made it last year when the cherries was in season and it was hella bomb so made a bigger batch this year. Also have a xmas Old Ale in my oak barrel aging.
>What's in bottles?
Bottles: Oak aged barleywine, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, RIS.
Keg: English Ordinary Bitter
>What will you make next?
Gonna make a Norwegian Farmhouse ale next, also a new batch of Hefeweizen.
>What experiment would you most like to try out?
Would like to do a pale ale with peaches, based on this local beer that is absolutely fenomenal.
About to do a white kolsch with a bit of orange peel and citra hops
Got a red IPA in bottles, aged on French oak which is promising
I wish Veeky Forums was more popular with home brew.
I've just been brewing with extract for about 15 years because it saves me shit loads of money and I find the entire process relaxing. I've got about 8 kegs that I rotate around and have a fridge that holds 3 kegs.
I'd like to learn how to all grain but time is a pretty valuable thing for me.
did two batches of ginger beer this summer. currently contemplating how to build a cheap filter to remove the yeast after fermenting. anyone have a nifty sollution?
Don't use a filter. There are several ways to drop yeast out of suspension. Putting the fermentor cold helps yeast and sediment drop out. You can also use gelatin in addition for a crystal clear result, google 'gelatin fining'.
gelatin is what I wanted to aviod, will try the cold method now autumn is coming up.
Cloudy ginger beer is the best mate.
If you're trying to get clear ginger beer and you're a bottler I don't like your chances.
Bottling means you will end up with yeast in your bottle, nothing wrong with it, embrace it!
ok, well time and cold will clear just about anything.
perhaps I had too much yeast in it, decanting was a bitch. I bottle hobo style in pet bottles (I buy bottled water, use it for the brew, spare the bottles and fill them when done). maybe I'll get another fermenter and build a sediment filter.
Ginger beer is always cloudy when you home brew it man, try brewing a normal beer and see if you have the same problem.
If I bought a commercially brewed ginger beer and it was clear I'd be suspicious.
>Who /homebrew/ here?
not me
>What's fermenting?
>What's in bottles?
>What will you make next?
>What experiment would you most like to try out?
You should get into it. The starting costs are low and if your smart you won't have to spend much ingredients.
Been brewing kvass. Great shit, cheap and 3 day turn around.
>Who /homebrew/ here?
Yes, just started last month.
>What's fermenting?
Nothing at the moment.
>What's in bottles?
"Morgans blue mountain lager" for about 2 weeks now... I think it needs a lot of time so it isn't shit. But it came with the kit so w/e.
>What will you make next?
Trying out "Coopers Australian Pale Ale", hopefully this is good.
>What experiment would you most like to try out?
Moving to all grain sometime rather than sticking to Kit and Kilo.
Hey fellow Aussie brewer.
I just finished my keg of Morgan's Blue Mountain lager, you won't be disappointed bro. One of my favourite kits.
I think the Coopers pale ale kit is about the closest you can get to a commercially brewed beer so hopefully you like Coopers pale ale because it is pretty close to the real thing.
For more discussion even though it move s a little slower, we have Homebrew threads on /diy/
>What's fermenting?
Have 5 gallons of mead that I started a few days ago. 8 gallons of blueberry wine that's been going 1.5 months.
>What's in bottles?
A German Alt and Belgian Wit. Also still have a little sake left.
>What will you make next?
A clone recipe for new glarus Spotted Cow.
>What experiment would you most like to try out?
I'd like to try distilling but since I'm in a loony bible thumping state and punishments are pretty severe I probably won't.
>turning nutritious starches into poison water
I'll be 100% honest. I think I fucked up the Morgan's blue mountain lager kit from what I have tasted.
Yes, the beer is nicely filtered from a cold crash (cheers Adelaide winter), but the taste is definitely bitter and the two bottles that I cracked open today lacked any kind of head. I did follow the instructions given. However that's what I've got for my first brew. Yes, it turned into beer, just not great beer.
So I am hoping that the coopers pale ale kit kicks ass.