Why the fuck does tofu have to have estrogen in it?
It'd be the perfect food otherwise.
>tasty to eat with no prep
>good nutrition
I want to eat it all the time without turning into a sissy.
Why the fuck does tofu have to have estrogen in it?
>not wanting to be a sissy femboy
>such a manlet he cant handle a lil estrogen
imagine having such little serum testosterone that a tiny bit of estrogen in your food is enough to tip your body chemistry over the edge
you were already a sissy anyway
>For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility. Research studies show that men consuming soy have less prostate cancer and better prostate cancer survival.
Stimulating your prostate and orgasming from your prostate also greatly reduces your chances of prostate cancer, but everyone knows only sissies do that.
I eat a lot of tofu.
>This is what insecure closet homosexuals actually believe.
Be a man. Do butt stuff. Maybe get your gf (or gf(male)) to peg you every now and then.
I didn't say I didn't want to do it, I said only sissies do it, not excluding myself.
The whole "our food and water is feminizing our men" thing just seems to be a way for people from the right/alt-right to blame someone else for them having homosexual feelings or feeling the desire to be girly sometimes.
It's 2017, nobody cares if you're gay or not or if you like dressing like an anime girl to get off, just stop making ridiculous conspiracy theories based off of fringe science.
Or, you're an idiot.
So can you just eat as much as you want?
I was eating 6+ lbs of tofu a day but I cut down since I was worried about muh hormones.
>can't handle tofu
Weak af senpai. My country here create many kinds of delicious dishes with soy products. I never get the soy hate in western country. They're godsend in poor/developed country.
How about you read the article you link?
Jesus fuck I hate people like you. Don't just read the fucking headline you retard.
It says that they have not yet determined the cause of this, but it most likely is occurring while still in the womb. No amount of soy you eat is going to lower your T or sperm levels. There is no proof of that and actual proof against it.
You said the feminization of men was a conspiracy theory. It clearly is not. It's likely related to dietary changes and increasing exposure to certain plastics with xenoestrogenic effects. So saying "our food and water is feminizing our men" is not far fetched at all.
>if you like dressing like an anime girl to get off
stop readin my diary
>I was eating 6+ lbs of tofu a day but I cut down since I was worried about muh hormones.
Jesus fuck are you cattle? I can't imagine eating 6+lbs of anything a day.
It's not that hard to eat two packages in a sitting, each being a pound.
>a sissy
>pretending to speak for men
you can only speak for your own kind, you cock magnet.
>wanting to eat something that has the taste and texture of rubber
How the fuck can you eat just under 1kg of anything in a single sitting?
Is this you?
Western men don't eat tofu
Extra firm raw is the best. It's like a soft yummy cube of water.
Cooking it gives it rubbery texture.
It has zero taste on its on.
>soy reduces sperm count
how do you explain all the bukkakes
u ever tried Taho
It's easy with tofu, I have trouble eating lots of chicken etc but not tofu.
Next time at store spend a couple bucks for 2 lbs and try it like it goes right down.
>u ever tried Taho
No, sounds like it could be good but I'm not a huge fan of soft slimy textures.
its not slimy at all actually
Enjoy the no gain train.
Inferior protein with the taste profile of a shitty blank canvas.
It makes me fart clouds of mass destruction, from the protein I guess.
I love it though, fuck my workmates, just suffer through
Fucking love them. Tofu + rice 4lyfe.
I fried them with added salt. You can fill it with any kind of fillings if you want. Sometimes I fill it with pepper and meat and fried them. God tier snacks.
>Inferior protein with the taste profile of a shitty blank canvas.
There's more than one tofu, my man. It wasn't until my host family had 4 different types on the table at one time that I learned there's different texture and flavor profiles available before you even get into combining it with other stuff.
Personally, I find chicken just as bland. Think about it: nobody eats chicken without dousing it in sauce, covering it in spices, frying it, or stewing it.
He's right, though.
The soybeans can't be raw to make tofu.
post boipucci
then why did it make you so fucking gay
>there is no testosterone-increasing food
red meat and beer
Nice source
Meh, there are more legit sources later on but thats a crap one to open with.
Alcohol reduces test though
It doesn't.
There is zero evidence that isoflavin in soy metabolizes into estrogen in vivo in humans.
Welp, time to get me a lifetime supply of tofu
>tfw no Veeky Forums bf to feed spirolactine and estradiol without his knowledge and bully about his slow feminization
that's illegal
one of our uni's professors gave a presentation on how estrogene-derivatives are more concentrated in our water supply due to women taking birth controls, which are estrogene-based, and because estrogene is apparently hard to break down, the toilet water that gets filtered through to tap water/underground water now contains higher level of estrogenes in before. its been tested on frogs due to their permeable skin, and the ratio of hermaphroditic frogs has increased, as well as the number of male frogs that have grown ovarian tissue on their testes.
we're not frogs, but there might be something there.
Did someone say GAY FROGS
but his boobs would be so qt :3
>tfw no Veeky Forums gf to feed testosterone without her knowledge and bully about her overgrown clit
fucking sign me up, boys
>does not appear
We have no real long term evidence so yeah go ahead and suck it down
if eating soy everyday gives me softer skin and bitch tits it's just a small bonus
eat more beans, nuts, and pasture-raised hen eggs, faggot
Correlation is not Causation and I would expect a fucking professor to know that
I like her enthusiasm but I don't want to fuck her face, just make passionate love
what about egg white then
how does it taste on its own
or spaghetti, how do they taste without sauce
>hen eggs
have i been eating rooster eggs this whole fuckin time
I'll give you an egg white to taste
>For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels
>Research studies show that men consuming soy have less prostate cancer and better prostate cancer survival.
considering that prostate cancer is mediated by Dht (testosterone variant), these findings are contradictory
Pasture raised hen is one phrase, grade school reject. In your case, reject doesn't have to be attached to grade school, its optional.
>these findings are contradictory
How so?
Oral intake of normal hormones are ineffective due to first-pass liver metabolism. That explains why there is no effect on hormone levels.
The prostate cancer angle could be related to an entirely different factor that has nothing to do with hormones.
why are all of the cute boys straight
why are all of the cute girls gay
The solution is obvious, user.
Become a girl.
delet this
>>Inferior protein with the taste profile of a shitty blank canvas.
>Nobody eats chicken without dousing it in sauce, covering it in spices, frying it, or stewing it.
You can roast chicken with just salt, and it turns out well. Tofu and salt sucks. I don't care though. Eat your soy sponge.
The best way to eat tofu is make it into aburage. Prove me wrong.
the whole "Men can't be men anymore" meme is at least as old as the author of Conan and debatably goes back to ancient Rome and probably farther
anime website
only your loss when you fall prey to the successful propaganda of the dairy industry putting down soy.
damn yall are weak.
>You can roast chicken with just salt, and it turns out well.
Whitey detected
>muh soy estrogen
>meanwhile pork and chicken have a shit ton of it
stop falling for waterfilter propaganda
came here to post this
Tofu covered in corn starch and fried in vegetable oil is really good.
I like to put sriracha in the pan once it's done frying a bit. Pair that with some rice with sushi vinegar and you have a nice lunch or breakfast.
that sounds pretty good desu, and I don't even really like tofu.
>tap water
>plastic bottles in general
>processed sugar
you already have your system full of estrogen my boy.
that's not mapo tofu
you cant have prostate cancer if you no longer have a prostate
what's worse? Bro-science, Mom-science, or /pol/-science?
kek, find a better uni
i wonder if you secretly fed your GF small amounts of foods that supposedly increase testosterone like horny goat weed so that her sex drive goes up
>implying you'll turn into a woman from eating tofu
They're all hilarious.
You forgot the second half of the sentence :
>our food and water is feminizing our men, buy my overpriced pills to counter balance whatever makes frogs gay
How did this thread attract so many motherfucking degenerates?
You're right it isn't.
God no I'd only give my gf actual testosterone so I could make her into a qt femboy.
I've tried tofu on exactly two occasions and I could never get it right. Only time I was able to impart any flavor to it was when I fried it in bacon grease. Then it just kind of reminded me of Spam. I'd like to do something with tofu, but it's just such a blank slate that's hard to get any flavor into. The only dish with tofu I've enjoyed is miso soup.
>Veeky Forums
It was always the case, newfag.
>beta males are allowed to exist instead of being forcibly transitioned
for what purpose?