Other urls found in this thread:
>pumpkin spice syrup shot
>2% milk
>whipped cream
>brown sugar
That'll be $5.65!
This shit can fuck right off.
peppermint mocha frappuccino is better
this desu
frappuchinos are such a scam
it's almost entirely ice, water and a few shots of premixed syrup with some cream, even their coffee flavored ones have no coffee in them, since they're mostly water by weight, the sheer profit margins rival that of soda, slurpees and popcorn.
Do Americans really do this?
Yes unfortunately
You have no fucking idea.
Every dumbshit trendfag whore routinely gets their overpriced "coffee" and actively claims that it's the best drink ever.
"Pumpkin Spice" being the signature coffee for #whitegirls as they post a selfie holding their cup with their tongue out for all their equally degenerate friends to see and relate to.
I tried one. It was the most surprisingly flavorless and boring coffee I ever drank.
I used to get really triggered by this. I understand now
I love coffee!
u fuk rite off, u rite coont.
I'm kind of tired of shitting on pumpkin spice lattes. It just feels fucking overdone at this point. Basic bitches do a lot of basic shit besides drink pumpkin spice lates.
Apple and Starbucks should just die already
Stay mad.
pumpkin flavored stuff is the bomb dot com
I'm sorry but I have to vent this out. I live in Puerto Rico and one of the things we are known by is our good coffee. We have many different brands; and most of them are the shit.
Now, I used to work in the tourism area of the goverment, and one of the things that always pissed me off was that americans arrived (either from the cruise ports or the airport) and one of the first things they asked for was "where is the Starbucks?"
Inb4 "Nice blog"
Shitting on pumpkin spice is the pumpkin spice of shitting on things by now
Nice blog
If I remember right there's some sort of coffee "concentrate" that makes them the equivalent caffeine-wise as a coffee of the same size.
b2ur containment board fag
I unironically like these.
I drink instant coffee with like two teaspoons of sugar and lots of cream, so the sugary starbucks drinks definitely are up my alley . It goes well with a walk downtown on a crisp autumn night.
nice blog
Why do they call them Ug boots?
Because everyone who wears them makes you roll your eyes and groan
I had some pumpkin spice cream cheese a few years ago that I really enjoyed on my bagels desu
how does one get this fat? surely at some point they'd realise it's not normal
I think they realize this, come to a conclusion that they are a human being with poor willpower, unable to make a concious effort to stop. At this point, they continue fattening themselves up as a way to cope with the problem which is the same thing that got themselves into the mess in the first place. The fat guy from the Austin Power movies describes what I'm saying, forgot how it went.
I work at a restaurant and there's a landwhale regular we see from time to time, orders the same exact shit, +4 entrees and an assload of size orders. Not talking about +60lbs overweight, I'm talking ~400-500lb (not a planetologist so I cannot estimate), ass wobbles as she waddles around with everyone awkwardly staring her down as she moves with a slow pace.
Asks for all kinds of vegetables to be removed from every order. She sometimes comes in back to back. She's quite friendly but goddamn, I feel like a crack dealer giving a drug addict more rocks to smoke.
She probably has our restaurant in rotation with other restaurants. Jesus fucking christ.
Has that got coffee in it? Do I want to know the kcal?
How to make anything pumpkin spice:
>add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger
>there is no second step
No. Noooo no. No. I hate the "Pumpkin Spice" season. Its literally just cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and allspice. Maybe you can taste some ginger in there if you're lucky. I can add most of that shit in myself for free at the milk and sugar table!
And its going to be EVERYWHERE. Pumpkin spice bagels, coffee, tea, cookies, cheese, booze... I saw pumpkin spice burritos once.
>How to make anything pumpkin spice:
>>add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger
>>there is no second step
You are missing essentially 2 more ingredients. Most of the time there is pumpkin added as well as some kind of custardy vanillay eggy flavoring. Often there will be pumpkin seeds or caramel toppings.
Know your pumpkin spice season, dude.
I can't help but remember Mr Creosote.
Anyone who gets triggered by "pumpkin spice season" spends way too much time going to shitty chain restaurants
Or walking past them every day. I live smack dab in the middle of a big city within spitting distance of City Hall. Every time Fall rolls around, I see "Pumpkin Spice" signs in every window. Especially since there's an ungodly amount of Starbucks here, and all the competing coffee chain stores and then there's the all the bakeries and cafes... and then the restaurants and eateries get in on the "fun".
>some bitch said we should go for a pumpkin spice latte
Is this a redflag?
We have approximately two Starbucks per block where I live and I manage to avoid getting triggered, because I don't stop and stare inside every time I pass one. They're practically invisible to me. Like McDonalds.
>Not directing them to the nearest heap of dump
Missed opportunity my Puerto Rican m8
I don't stop and stare. Its just there. I wish I could ignore it but I can't help but be constantly aware of their presence.
There's an auto repair shop in my town that always put up a sign in the fall that says "Try our new pumpkin-spice oil change". Gets a chuckle out of me every time.
How do they have that much money to even buy all that?
t. broke college kid
Don't buy food at home. I'm willing to wager, at least for the lower class, that their cabinets are mostly empty save for a few very cheap items.
As funny as that would be, I was working for the goverment by that time. So I had to give the 'correct' information.
I'm not the guy you're replying to, but when I was in college I had a fuckload of disposable income.
-Easily available decently paying part time jobs
-Very low living expenses (roommates, cheap student apartment)
-No mortgage, family to support, property tax, home insurance, costs of upkeeping a home, etc.
is artisan coffee a meme?
> size orders
Appropriate typo
>how to make something a certain flavor
>add that flavoring
did you feel smart typing this out?
Any guy confident enough to order one of these not because it's pumpkin season but because "hey, I think I'll try one of those" deserves at least fellatio.
>some girl asks me out
>is this a red flag
What did he mean by this?
Shut the fuck up
It's best drink at Starbucks
Any girl asking for a pumpkin spice latte is undatable.
That's not saying much.
It's like talking about a kid who's "the smartest in the special ed classroom". He might be the smartest in that classroom, but he's still a tard.
Veeky Forums is very experienced in dating girls
The coffee in frappuccinos is pretty much instant coffee that's mixed in 2L quantities. Not sure of the actual caffeine content
This. Every year I see way more people complaining about pumpkin spice than I see actual pumpkin spice.
This has to be bait.
Currently working 70 hour weeks, at a job paying above min wage, and i literally have 50$ left after paying bills, food, and gas.
>Doing this when Halloween is almost 2 months away
Yanks please calm the fuck down & stop trying to accelerate into holidays already.
Have fun with your milk based drinks and carcinogens
>tfw I thought it tasted like pumpkin and got let down completely
i unironically like these and will order one this week as a comfy reward for being a good boy and getting up early to go to class
Someone that fat who almost surely doesn't work probably has an enabler in the picture. Usually a sadsack husband who has also given up and resigned himself to his money being used to feed a cow. Occasionally they live off an inheritance from a deceased parent they were completely dependent on, or own the house and receive disability and eat off that.
That's the midnight mint mocha, not the peppermint mocha you pleb fuck