I'm on a low carb high fat diet

I'm on a low carb high fat diet,
and I can't get enough potassium.

Wich are some non sugary, low carb foods I can include that are rich in it? (bananas excluded)

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All mushrooms have basically the same nutritional value.

You can buy potassium chloride at the supermarket. It's sold as a sodium-free salt substitute for people who have to watch their sodium intake. Buy that, use it instead of normal salt.

It's often called just "salt substitute". Read the ingredients list; it should be potassium chloride. It will be zero carbs, zero sugar.

Anchovies and mackerel!
I was looking for them at the grociery store but couldn't find them.

Any mushroom dry, canned, cooked?

I'll look into it

This. There are countless brands. Morton "salt substitute", NoSalt, NuSalt, LikeSalt...

Technically potatoes have more potassium than bananas, and you can cook potatoes in fat or oil. It's a carb though, so that wouldn't work.

Figs is probably the best answer for your plight.

Why in the hell would you be on a low-carb, high-fat diet?

Retards think this is a way to lose weight.

Compared to figs potatoes have more potassium,
and basically the same content in carbs, but the figs are 100% sugars while the potatoes are strachy.

Problem is that at the moment I'm trying to stay under 25g of carbs per day, and potatoes have 17g per 100g.
I'll go for 50g-80g in a couple of weeks when my body gets used to using fats, but for now I need an alternative.

I could just eat ungodly amounts of mackarel.

Because I'm gay

It actually is a good way to lose lots of weight in a short amount of time, but what they don't realize is that you're mainly losing muscle mass. You can easily lose 2 pounds of muscle over night if you do the "right" exercises and eat the "right" foods.

>t.I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about

I've had days in my life where I starved myself of food for a day and stepped on a scale and saw a two pound difference, but it's impossible to lose that much in fat in a day so the only explanation is that you lose muscle.

If you ever watched Super-size Me the guy ends up losing two pounds on his first day of eating only McDonalds, and I doubt that's because McDonald's is secretly healthy.

Coconut milk.

Potassium is mainly concentrated in various plant foods, which tend also to be high in carbohydrates - almost all fruits and vegetables plus most tubers and legumes. Potassium is also found in good amounts in the protein-bound, water-based portion of most animal products, i.e. fish, milk and egg whites (not yolks), very learn red meats, as well as chicken and turkey breast meat.

Because potassium is a water-soluble electrolyte, potassium is not found in high quantities in any fatty foods or fatty portions of foods. Potassium is low in nuts, seeds and grains as well as refined or extracted animal and plant fat.

The basic need for potassium and the health benefits seen at high levels of potassium intake are indicators that humans did not evolve in the context of a high-fat diet and that high-fat diet run counter to human health. Achieving a sufficient potassium intake on a high-fat diet would likely require intake of unusually large amounts of certain vegetables.

>>he only explanation is that you lose muscle.
Dear lord you are an idiot. I am 100% serious.

It's also impossible to lose that much fat in a day. Want to know what you lost? The poop in your intestines and water weight.

>>the guy ends up losing two pounds on his first day of eating only McDonalds
Again, water weight. Drink a bunch of soda? Caffeine is a diuretic. It makes your body lose water.

Did you miss the posts earlier in the thread where you can just buy fucking potassium at the supermarket?

Idk man, it was a doctor (in Super-size Me) that told him that the weight he lost was just muscle. I mean maybe he pooped a giant turd and pissed a gallon of water before he weighed himself but I have to be honest when I say that I trust a doctor's words more than that of a guy who thinks a high-fat diet will help them lose fat.

Hi biochemist here you're both fucking wrong

>it's impossible to lose that much in fat in a day so the only explanation is that you lose muscle.

When you burn calories off your body it can come from fat OR muscle, always a combination of both but depending on how far you've restricted you can lose majority muscle or a majority of fat. Your body uses both for fuel. Even with a very reasonable diet and weight training you will still lose some muscle mass in the course of a cut, that's just the reality.

>It's also impossible to lose that much [Two pounds of] fat in a day. Want to know what you lost? The poop in your intestines and water weight.

Almost correct. It IS possible to burn 7,000 calories (two pounds) in a day, however most people don't have the endurance, stature, or muscle tone to achieve a net 2 pound actual weight loss in one day. You would have to be in HIT for hours and hours, the whole day and most people just can't do that. Even the most dedicated exercise addicts can realistically only lose a pound in a day, and that is really pushing it, we're talking constant HIT for at least 12 hours. Most of the initial weight loss people see is glycogen depletion and bowel movements.

> Caffeine is a diuretic. It makes your body lose water.

This is a myth. Caffeine is a diuretic but it does NOT cause a net loss in water. All it does is make you urinate sooner by stimulating the CNS to move faster, speeding up all metabolic processes. It does NOT leech water from your body or make you dehydrated. All a diuretic is, is something that makes you urinate. So technically water is a diuretic, but we all know it doesn't cause you to get dehydrated.

OP, why are you on a ketogenic diet? Unless you have diabetes or are severely obese there's no medical reason to do so, and in fact you'll just have an increased risk of colorectal cancer, cardiac events, stroke, aneurism, and and hypotension. Not to mention losing out on plant nutrients.

Can you lose two pounds of muscle in a day?

Depends. I have no idea how many calories the guy was eating and how much he exercised during the McDonalds deal. Could have been largely muscle, and I believe the doctor would emphasize that to discourage crash dieting. That doesn't mean it was all muscle (it wasn't, medically it can not be, you lose fat along with it).

>I trust a doctor's words more than that of a guy who thinks a high-fat diet will help them lose fat.
I haven't seen it lately but I'm guessing you misinterpreted what the doctor was saying, which is that because he was crash dieting, he lost a lot of muscle.


Curious if they did a before and after MRI. Though if you're crash dieting on McDick's salads it's pretty inferable that the guy lost a fair amount of muscle.

That's just not how the body works. If you're losing muscle you're losing fat as well. Generally you don't get into muscle loss until you're at a very low body fat percent (anorexics) or if you're eating an absurdly low number of calories and are sedentary. The body WANTS to use the fat first and preserve the muscle, muscle is a last resort. So no, that's not realistically possible within the bounds of thermodynamics.

Poor snek

Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Pine nuts

Brussels sprouts

A serving of vegetables and a handful of nuts every day and you're good. Been doing the keto shit for years.

Nuts and seeds are not a good source of potassium, providing only around 20% of the recommended intake per 1000 calories.

>Coconut milk

Intredasting, relatively low carb for the quantity of potassium.

>I'd rather listen to somebody on television rather than try to educate myself
>t. american

>OP, why are you on a ketogenic diet?
Wanna see how it affects me mentally mainly, I don't need to lose much weight, maybe 5kg, so I'm eating close to maintenance.

I'm on day 4, I've already noticed the difference physically, when I work out I don't feel the lactic build up as fast I did before and I feel like I can go for quite a long time doing cardio, I don't feel like I can increase the weight I'm lifting though.
Mentally I do feel different, but it's subtle so far and not very beneficial as far as I can tell.

Also I'm getting pretty much all my carbs from spinach, broccoli and lettuce at the moment,
I'd like to increase the amount of carbs in a week or two to 50-80g so I can include more foods.

Nuts are expensive man.

Take a multivitamin or just stop being a meme eat a banana

I already do,
225mg magnesium and 300mg potassium.

I need about 5000mg.

What most keto people do is drink a cup of chicken broth. Its the same concept as gatorade to replace electrolytes

That's why you eat things like vegetables and fish as well, dingleberry.

>Nuts are expensive man.
You're right. Don't eat them. They're bullshit. Varied sources of nutrition is stupid. I won't even mention that shitty hipster memefruit either

I'm already doing that for the sodium, no idea for the content of potassium though.

Ok let me break down my staple foods,
Meats and fish:
>Canned tuna
>Salmon smoked, grilled
>Canned makarel
>Chiken breast
>Milk (rarely)

And I'm using maily EVOO and hemp oil.
I'll include potatoes and coconut milk for the potassium.

When I increase the carbs I'll probably add fruits like aprocot and bananas.

They also have a lot of carbs, and they're too tempting.

There are some painfully fucking retarded people in this thread.

You can freakin starve yourself for a few days and not loss muscle. Protein loss is not the same as actual muscle loss.

Low carb diet, low not NO carb, is healthy. Fasting can help lose excess skin and reset mitochondria/glycolysis.

Wheb you lose weught very fast it is always water first.

If you are eating even a small amount of maintanence protein you body isnt going to eat its own muscle.
Why would your body start with eatung muscle before glycogen and fat???? Your body isnt retarded jesus.

Source : redox metabolism researcher.

Based trips of truth.

Tell me oh great oracle of Kek,
any idea what deficency could cause insomnia?
I'm gonna up the intake of thiamin and potassium,
reduce overall caffeine and maybe switch the magnesium integrator before bed instead of breakfast.
Or should I just go fetch some melatonin?

>There are some painfully fucking retarded people in this thread
Says the moron who post Reddit frogs.

Just be careful with the salt substitute you can od on potassium. I had some avocados every other day as they're loaded with potassium.

You should take fish oil supplement with every meal to have a healthy omega 3 omega 6 ratio.

shadilay fellow kekistani
is OP, dare I say it, /ourguy/
unironically kill yourself
what did I mean by this

Is there an unhealty ratio?
I'm pretty sure I'm getting a good amount with the amount of fatty fish I consume

Dare I say, somebody got triggered by a meme?

>used to induce heart attacks in lethal Injection recipients
Try it OP!

LOL just say "keto", we all know what it is.

And I totally understand what you mean about potassium. When I started, I became so low on potassium that I had tachycardia. Terrifying.

Avocados are the answer. Eat a fucking avocado and you'll get like 10X the potassium of a banana.

You can also take supplements. If you live in the U.S., you can very easily buy "salt substitute" which is potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride. Just look on the label and it'll tell you.

BTW, be warned, DO NOT OVERDOSE ON THIS SHIT. High potassium will absolutely kill you. The current "lethal injection" protocol in the U.S. uses that exact same salt substitute, dissolved in water, injected into the scumbag, to stop the scumbag's heart. It'll work just as well at killing you if you eat too much of that stuff at one sitting. A lower overdose will cause numbness in your extremities and can cause permanent neurological damage.

>When I started, I became so low on potassium that I had tachycardia

Dang, maybe that's what it is,
I didn't notice a difference in my heartbeat base rate, but I could feel it was "pumping harder" so to speak.
It's pretty annoying at night when I'm already having trouble sleeping.

The RDA is about 5000mg/ day and at the moment I'm only getting 2000, I think an avocado or two a day won't kill me.

7g carbs per can.

Wait, I read the nutritional info for the 5.5 oz cans. One of these normal-sized cans contains 15g carbs, 1180mg potassium.

Never seen anything like that here, I'm gonna keep an eye out.

And fucking soy sauce, I just tought about that.

>inb4 muh estrogen

Those smaller Hass avocados usually weigh in at 100g after removing the pit and skin. 100g has around 500mg of potassium, and what, like 250-ish calories? Large ones are usually just shy of 200g.

You just started doing this, right? Your sodium might be low, too. I usually just pop a bullion cube or two in 6 ounces of hot water and I'm good. This is really an induction phase issue when you're dropping water weight quickly. Pretty sure the recommended daily potassium is 4500 mg for men. Most people get 3000 mg or less and they're fine. Anyway, you're being awfully special here and pumpkin seeds are the shit. They're really not expensive for the nutritional profile.

>I usually just pop a bullion cube or two in 6 ounces of hot water and I'm good.

Yes, I'm doing that too, one cube has like 5300mg of sodium so I just use half and some, I get enough sodium with food after that.

>pumpkin seeds are the shit
50g of carbs for 100g of seeds, but that has to be like a hundred seeds.
And it's probably like 90mg of potassium for 10g, probably ok I'll grab those too.

But I think I'm better off just dousing everything in soy sauce.

Soy sauce barely has any potassium for the amounts people normally use. You're going to die of hypernatremia trying to consume the RDA for potassium.

Subtract the dietary fiber from daily net carbs. They're for happy shits. Pumpkin seeds have an awesome nutritional profile.

If the price is crazy to you, and you have any outdoor space at all, grow your own pumpkins next year. You can easily find hull-less seed pumpkin variety seeds online.

Don't really have the space to grow my own stuff.

BUT including 30g of pecans, walnuts and pumpkin seeds I get 470mg of potassium,
I can get 2300mg daily with spinach, salmon and eggs.

Even if I start eating avocados it's not gonna be enough :/

>average lethal dose is 1000+ mg per kilo of body weight and is injected directly into the bloodstream
Actually do try it, OP