the traditional answer seems to be "beer" and yet that is actually the MOST likely to give me hangovers
Alcohol that is least likely to give hangovers?
You can drink anything if you just offset the alcohol with the occasional glass of water. I drink a lot and I haven't had a hangover in years following this.
Yeah most of the symptoms of hangovers are due to dehydration.
Alcohol's a diuretic. You drink a lot but you piss even more. The stronger the drink the more water you're going to lose. Alcohol is alcohol, so it doesn't matter what you're drinking, but obviously "weaker" drinks will have more water.
A vodka that has been distilled many times
I try drinking water but it doesn't seem to work. A part of me is thinking I might have a "sensitive" brain or something, I often start to get a headache immediately after drinking beer. It gets a little better when I get more drunk though...Maybe I just feel it a little too much? I don't really know what to do about it. But its like a headache right after having a beer
I get the same way. I like the taste of beer but it always makes me feel slightly off center after drinking one. The excessive CO2, and the hops. It always wants to fight with the food too. Fighting to be the center of attention.
I will buy a six pack about once a month but that's more than enough.
The comfiest drink for me is wine.
vodka thats charcoal filtered. all the impurities will be gone. some of those aid in causing hangovers. also drink water so you dont get dehydrated. thats another cause of hangovers.
Age is the cause of hangovers. Get used to it.
>been getting brutal hangovers since 16
How fucked am I?
This tbqh. You eventually stop getting hangovers. That's when you know you've achieved true lowlife status.
Yup, staying drunk also works.
Potato, not grain, vodkas. I swear my life on it.
>having hangover drinking beer
Unless you drink like 20 cans you can't get drunk on beer wtf.
I notice that I often feel the "pulse" in my head. I wonder if my brain is just sensitive to stimuli?
>t. american who thinks bud light is beer
I've always found that clear liquors (vodka, gin) give me less of a hangover. Probably because of fewer impurities. Even if I have a headache, definitely less bloated and sick in the morning than if I drank beer or dark liquors or rum.
Also, what everyone else said about water. Chug some of this before bed, and/or coconut water. It helps
just drink what you want and take an ibuprofen the morning after, you weak faggot
no such thing mr casual drinker.
water and b vitamins and some food in your stomach are the only thing that will help.
Water or some electrolyte drink will stop you from dehydrating, which is the cause of the hangovers.
Are you fucking retarded?
>everyone saying drinking water prevents hangovers
I'm convinced this does not work. Every time I drink alcohol I practically chug tons and tons of water. Doesn't do jack shit, still wake up with unbearable hangovers that last all day.
Erdinger or Paulaner. It's German beer, but never gave me a hangover. Just a dry mouth.
Not that user, but have you tried water and a moderately salty snack with your beers? I get a hangover I lose a lot of water through peeing. Extra salt can help to prevent you from peeing so much and thus get a hangover.
yeah, there is no hangover prevention is what i was getting at. a hangover is not an actual thing; it's just you feeling like shit because you poisoned your self. So the best thing you can do is ingest B vitamins and water. Are you still so young that you are falling for click bait? "hangover cures" and what not? man welcome to the internet, 99% of it is false facts.
Drink more beforehand when you know you're going to drink. Jusy chugging water after isn't going to help as much
Powerade cocktail.
Shit works wonders at the club.
Hydralite before bed. Works everytime
vodka, because it's the most pure alcohol out there
>blocks your path
alcohol causes hangovers, period. You can avoid making it worse with drinks that have a lot of sugar or eating shitty food, or try to stay hydrated. But in the end you're going to be hungover if you got very drunk, no matter what you do
light beer
I'm hungover right now.
What kind of watered down girlspiss are you drinking?
Because taking painkillers to cure hangovers is so manly. Face your hangover like a man you faggot pancy
For every 2 pints i drink a glass of water. The hangover will still be there, but not nearly as bad as IT could have been. also eating fatty foods and salty snacks helps.
Clear liquors. They tend to be the "purest".
Problems with other drinks,
>dark liquors: more "cogeners" aka impurities that may cause worse hangovers
>sweet cocktails: sugar will guarantee hangovers
>wine: see above + tannins
>beer: amounts of liquid imbibed will upset your internals
That being said just slamming a bunch of water won't solve all of your problems. Alcohol is not only a diuretic BUT ALSO tells the kidneys to bypass water retention. Basically if you drink water with every beer you'll just piss it right out again almost as pure as it went in. It's still worth drinking water though.
The best solution is to not get ripshit hammered and just to get drunk maxing out at around 6 drinks.
Some people are just built to get assfucked by alcohol. I'm one of those people. It doesn't matter what I drink, how I drink it, how much water or food I consume, every single time I will be hungover. Sometimes they're so bad I barely leave my bed all day due to the nausea.
The only thing that works is to minimize the hangover, and the absolute best way to do that is to smoke a tiny bit of weed to manage the nausea.
Question: does anyone else here feel a "brain pulse", that is, you can feel a pulse in your head, especially when lying down? I can and I get really bad hangovers, I wonder if there is a connection
Back in college I used to be able to take drinking like a fucking tank. I'd go to a party with a fifth of cheap ass vodka and down that shit like it was water. I started beer pretty poorly but I could easily finish 15 beers within an hour or two after a few months. Playing Edward 40Hands? I'd finish both in 20 minutes and managed to finish one 40ozer in 4 minutes flat (yes, it made me feel so full that the next 40ozer took an hour).
I never puked from any of this. Hangovers would happen, sure, but it was just one day of being miserable and a few beers would make me right again. If I knew I had shit to do the next day, OP, I would avoid hangovers by drinking vodka and getting plenty of red solo cups' worth of water from the household tap. If I get hungover I'd get Pedialite to sip on all day and take ibuprofen. There was one hangover though, the day after playing tap the bag with Franzia where I drank for a half minute, that all I could do was order a pizza and a soda and suffer through work. Avoid cheap booze and especially cheap wine.
Now I can't drink anything without feeling gassy and a six pack will make me feel like hell the next day. Getting older sucks.
/ramble, sorry folks
You need to have your blood pressure looked at. See a fucking doctor.
Don't chug it. You'll just turbo piss it all out in like 30 minutes. After every drink, slowly drink a glass of water. SLOWLY. The same rate you'd consume the alcohol.
I've never had a bad hangover from drinking alcohol alone. In my experience, throwing up makes you feel like a fucking champion the next day.
My advice is to drink and drink and drink until you throw up. Go home and FORCE yourself to chuck it all up before you go to bed. Drink more, and shove your fingers down your throat.The moment you throw up, it's safe to go to bed. Spend the night sleeping, while your body works that excess alcohol out of your system. Because there's nothing left in your stomach, you can't get worse. You can only get better.
Yop, pretty much this. Not getting hungover begins with knowing how much you can drink
Dont drink in the first place but if you do then have som benzo laying around. When you wake up, take 5-10 mg and you will be fine. ...dont drive though.
Gatorade and vodka
I never get hungover, just switch brands of alcohol.
No that's higher blood pressure from all the water in beer.
I never used to get hangovers until I hit about 27. Now if I drink anything more than a six pack or a bunch of shots to get a buzz I wake up feeling like death.
Why even bother drinking then.
Maybe its got something to do with a deteriorating live/kidneys
drink vodka waters
I also find if I get food after drinking all day/night my hangovers aren't as bad
>forcing yourself to puke
What are you, a woman?
>drink a glass of water before bed
>wake up with no hangover
I drink like 4-6 bud heavys on an empty stomach and then have a big greasy meal like McDonald's or BK and then I'll have a couple pale ales and other beer with 6%+ abv and then drink a ton of water
al/ck/ here.
Google "congeners"
Pace yourself, don't drink a whole bunch really fast. Don't shotgun three beers or pound a bunch of shots in a row.
Alternate one for one. One alcoholic drink, one glass of water.
Eat. Salty snacks, bananas (yay potassium!) Do not drink on an empty stomach.
Taper off, don't charge hard all the way to last call.
Avoid sugary drinks or sweet liquors, sugar speeds up dehydration.
Have a Gatorade before bed.
Take a cold shower in the morning.
You'll probably still have a hangover, but it'll be manageable. Hopefully. Some people just get worse hangovers than others.
Hangover free guide, designed by science
>Drink only vodka, soda water + lime
>If you're having a big session switch to orange juice every 3 drinks or so to keep sugar levels up
>Make sure you eat something whilst at it
>When you get home, make yourself a Hydrolyte / Gastrolite / any hydrolytic drink designed for gastro
>Have 2-3 charcoal tablets with it
You're welcome
You get hangovers b/c you're putting literal poison in your body and the next day your body is working hard to filter and get rid of that poison. There's nothing you can do to prevent hangovers except drink less, or drink better quality alcohol.
Water does help, but it's for the dehydration, it's not going to cure or prevent hangovers unless you're using it to dilute your alcohol I suppose.
The SMARTEST and more important drinking habit you can pick up is chasing with water.
If you are getting hung over by beer alone you're a fucking pussy light weight that should chug a bottle of water before passing out.
For all the adult drinking liquor chase every shot with a mouth full of water. It helps dilute the after taste and you will wake up feeling great. Well you're still hung over but not completely dehydrated and wishing you were dead.