Webm thread

Requesting any and all jack webms

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Goddamnit mom i was gonna eat those

Let's get this party started, lads

Posting some less common Ja/ck/s


has he never encountered a non-twist bottle cap before


Yes he has

that looks like a twist off tho





Cut off before it starts foaming everywhere

Is he cooking pasta in luke warm water?


>that big plastic piece of shit just to open a fucking bottle cap

It's also a can opener and some other shit


he's afraid of anything hot, like cooking oil or boiling water...

Wish someone would add some triptych to this and make it a true Samurai Jack webm

>he's afraid of anything hot
He must be afraid of himself then too.

Looks like the ingredients went in before the water came up to boil. It's clearly boiling later in the video.

I don't think this is even his fault. He didn't come up with that retarded recipe.




And this guy has a cooking Channel?

Wow so much cringe

>tfw Jack disabled ratings on all his new videos

Say what you will about his general incompetence, he definitely does a good job of showing how utterly useless all those "as seen on tv" products are


>phone in the raw meat tray

and he wonders why he got pinkeye


how can a person be so incompetent? surely it's intentional

he literally does not cook except when filming

He thinks people enjoy watching him bite things


>whole thread on anonymous hawk training mini board devoted to him
>get real, user




clearly we do

there's no way the good bits are jack


Fucking retard

duh, idiot


Who /bigboybites/ here?


what is he doing?

Do you think people have died because they tried Jack's methods

Don't you mean pinked?

using the low setting on his electric griddle and complaining that it is a defective product when in fact it is his brain that is defective instead

possibly with the canning episode

Looks like an induction cooker, his pan probably isn't compatible.

god, the right way to chop bacon couldn't be any more clear and instinctual, yet this fat fucking retard finds a way to complicate and fuck it up

now i'm pissed

I would actually eat that...

fucking hell

Literally nothing wrong with that.


Jack's got the bite, the /bigboybites/

>that fucking limp grip on the bottle
This makes me more irrationally angry than it should

posting in case people need to learn from it

Is that chocolate? Why is it lumpy?

How do I become Jack?

Do we have Threadbanger webms? Rob is a riot. I don't know how that fucker hurts himself so easily.

>Wife pulls cake out of the oven
>He immediately touches it
>Wife harasses him over his dumbassery

hit yourself on the head with a hammer 10 times
if you survive, you'll become jack


Jack is a troll and you're all being bated into his trap

Probably heated it directly on the stove instead of using a double boiler

His master plan is to get people to post webms from his vids and laugh about them?





ok this is just fucking ridiculous. I understand this is probably from one of his as seen on tv videos where he reviews products but holy shit how does one not know how to hold a fucking bottle when opening it
a regular bottle opener would produce the same effect, any bottle opener for that matter
he can't be this retarded hes just memeing us I know it it has to be


The fuck is that?

>cutting the fucking pie tin

>perfect circles

This guy just can't win.

I doubt he rinsed this seeing as how he didn't peel the sticker off.


Nothing wrong with this. Mayonnaise cake is really good.

i like to think he cut it on accident at first then was too embarrassed to admit it so he just rolls with it

He says as a pro tip to cut the tin with scissors


what an incredibly professional tip, how silly of me to question chef jack


I think porkchops and rice a roni? It looks like roadkill and maggots.

Fucking kek! What an absolute re*ard

>someone else was holding the camera and laughing at Jack

what's wrong with this

Proportions are retarded. Way too much ham

>lick things


The yolk is cooked through and the white off to the side is totally raw

Egg is under, but its far from his worst.
Presentation is actually half decent

Are the egg whites supposed to melt?

That's personal preference desu


this makes me so fucking angry
what a fucking idiot