Why is he so angry Veeky Forums?
Why is he so angry Veeky Forums?
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He really hams the anger for the american version.
He's like kirby.
They also edit in a ton of music stings n shit into the US version
I really wish they didn't do that, that and the fucking random zooms.
Ramsay's bants alone is enough to carry the show.
Because he knows Americans are children that love when Daddy has a tantrum. He infantilizes you pieces of shit like the rest of the world. We all treat you like screwed up children.
Why is the US version so bad. The U.K. Version is so much more comfy and calm
the majority of the US audience is too stupid to enjoy just his bants, they need the dramatic editing BS
Americans aren't adults. They need to be treated like children.
Because drama gets views on US television no matter how contrived it is.
because poverty creates stupid people and stupid people absorb 'drama' like a pre dickensian england, right? You're human garbage rooting for a human garbage state.
I know you're too stupid to get what I mean, but some day your worthlessness will matter to some historian.
Real reason: His daddy didn't love him.
Stop drunkposting.
It's a sales gimmick. People watch him to see idiots get yelled at.
The highlights of Boiling Point is genuine anger, he stated in an interview that a large amount of his money went into the restaurant and he absolutely did not want it to be dicked up in any way.
People say "oh Ramsay is mean!" and they're watching the hammed up American version, this is much worse.
Oh man, that is gold.
Because he's a working-class oik who is, at heart, jealous of the middle classes.
>act like a court jester
Do Europeans really do this
They do it for money and then complain when they look foolish.
Americans are babies that need their poo. He gives them their childish poo. Every other show he's a normal adult. Americans are worthless garbage.
What exactly should he be jealous of?
>Every other show he's a normal adult.
So in your opinion it's ok for "normal adults" to swear to the level he does in Kitchen Nightmares UK? Abuse his staff the way he does in Boiling Point?
>jealous of the middle classes.
How is that possible? His wealth, home, and social standing have already far exceeded "middle class"?
How many cosmetic surgeries has he had?
Because he decided to stay angry instead of become an alcoholic
in the uk class is more than just your economic standing
His daughter won't let him fuck her anymore
He will never be middle class. His kids are, but he will never be more than a working-class pleb, and he knows it.
I thought that was Marco Pierre White? Also, I thought he got over that when he started threatening everybody with violence.
he's playing up the "kitchens are super stressful and chefs yell at each other a lot" meme
Americans love drama
They do it for basically everything
Watch a typical american nature documentary then compare it to a british one
It will make you very sad
That is how he gets paid
Would you watch a show he wasn't angry in?
Most of those aren't documentaries but TV shows showing the 10 most deadliest snakes or shark attacks. There are plent of American documentaries that aren't like that. I would say for the worst one though is this show, I almost thought it was a parody, it's like someone from /tv/ made it as a joke.
hahaha what the fuck
Dipshit, watch Kitchen nightmares UK. It proves America is treated like children. Every episode. English people are normal. Americans are treated like toddlers. You've never watched tv outside of your continent?
Look at what you typed. Would any adult type like the child you are?
would an adult do that?
user, he's never watched television outside his town. He's a flyover.
lul I'd like to see him say half his shit to Nino.
Are you just going to call people this in every thread?
t. flyover
You're defending the dumbest piece of shit in this thread? I guess go with that. Good luck.
he's constantly fighting a battle he can't win. too many cold pans, not enough burners, too little time.
>anyone i dont like is a flyover.
Ive watch kitchen nightmares uk. Just not a fan of kitchen nightmares in general.
But why so obsessed euro?